Feb 10, 2025  
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Associate Deans of Graduate Studies


Naresh Agarwal
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research - Faculty of Business

Dr. Naresh Agarwal received his B.A. (Hons.) in Economics from Delhi University, M.A. in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics, and Ph.D. in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota. His academic and professional interests lie in compensation/reward systems, human resources planning and management, and employment and pay equity issues. He has taught graduate courses, supervised doctoral students, and published extensively in these areas.

Dr. Agarwal has served as Area Chair, Acting Director of Ph.D. Program, and Associate Dean (Academic) in the School of Business. He has also served as Chair of the University Faculty Grievance Panel, Chair of the Senate Board for Student Appeals, and the first University Commissioner for Disclosure of Information and Privacy Protection. Externally, Dr. Agarwal has served as Chair of the Ontario Public Service Grievance Board, Board of Inquiry under the Ontario Human Rights Code, and Vice President of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute. He has also served on a number of professional bodies, including the Board of Examiners of the Human Resources Professionals Association and the Discipline Committee, the Application Committee, and the Public Accounting Licensing Board of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario.

Dr. Agarwal has been appointed as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research for the DeGroote School of Business. He has the overall responsibility for the administration and development of graduate programs and furthering research activities in the Faculty of Business. As Acting Associate Dean, he chairs the Faculty’s Graduate Curriculum and Policy Committee, Graduate Admissions Committee, and Research and Awards Committee.


Catherine Hayward
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies - Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr. Catherine Hayward trained in Medical Laboratory Technology at Dawson College and received her B.Sc. and M.D. from the University of Western Ontario in 1980 and 1984. She trained in Internal Medicine and Hematology at the University of Toronto and in Transfusion Medicine at McMaster University. In 1995, she received her Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from McMaster University, and the Governor General of Canada Gold Medal for her doctoral thesis. She is the recipient of the Gold Medal in Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, a Premier’s Research Excellence Award, a Canada Research Chair in Molecular Haemostasis, a Heart and Stroke Career Investigator Award, among others. Dr. Hayward joined McMaster University Faculty in 1995 and is a Professor of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, and Medicine. She is a Hematologist at Hamilton Health Sciences and St. Joseph’s Healthcare. She runs a clinic focused on bleeding problems and serves as Head of Coagulation for the Hamilton Regional Laboratory Medicine Program.

Dr. Hayward has long standing interests in education and research in Health Sciences. She served on the Graduate Policy and Curriculum Committee (Health Sciences) and she was Program Director for the McMaster University Adult Hematology Program. She established the Clinician Investigator Training Program at McMaster University as the first Program Director. She served as Chair of the Clinician Investigator Program Advisory Committee for the Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada, leading initiatives to assess and improve clinician investigator training in Canada. She has served as Scientific Officer, Vice Chair and Member of numerous peer review panels for granting agencies. She is the Immediate Past President of the North American Specialized Coagulation Laboratory Association, Co-Chair of the Platelet Physiology Committee for the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis and Executive Secretary and President Elect of the International Society of Laboratory Hematology. She also serves on Editorial and Advisory boards for journals in her field.

Dr. Hayward’s research interests span bench to bedside investigations on bleeding disorders and the molecular mechanisms of hemostasis. Dr. Hayward has held continuous, peer reviewed grant funding and external career awards since her recruitment to Faculty, including operating grant support from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Her research team includes graduate students in Medical Sciences and postdoctoral fellows. 

Dr. Hayward has been appointed Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for the Faculty of Health Sciences for a five-year term. As Associate Dean, she has primary responsibility for furthering McMaster goals for graduate education and research in health sciences, and provides the leadership and coordination of all activities related to these goals. She is also a member of Graduate Council and its Executive.


Bonny Ibhawoh
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research - Faculty of Humanities

Bonny Ibhawoh received his M.A. from the University of Ibadan and Ph.D. from Dalhousie University. He teaches in the Department of History, the Institute on Globalization and the Centre for Peace Studies where he was previously the Director. He has taught in universities in Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. He also has extensive experience working with international research and policy think tanks. He was previously a Human Rights Fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, New York; a Research Fellow at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Copenhagen and Associate Member of the Centre for African Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

At McMaster, Dr. Ibhawoh has served on several university committees including Departmental and Faculty Executive and Tenure Committees, Scholarships Committee of Graduate Council, the Provost’s Taskforce on Interdisciplinary Studies and the Board-Senate Hearing Panel for Sexual Harassment and Anti-Discrimination. He has also served on Canadian and international grant review panels and as consultant on human rights to public, non-profit and corporate organizations.

As a believer in the value and utility of public scholarship, Dr. Ibhawoh strives to disseminate his research findings on human rights and peace/conflict studies beyond the academic community through monographs and journal publications but also through policy papers, project reports, documentary films and media commentaries.

Dr. Ibhawoh has been appointed Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research for the Faculty of Humanities for a five‐year term. As Associate Dean, his responsibilities include assisting with the development, maintenance, and improvement of graduate programs in the Faculty of Humanities and the University at large.


Doug Welch
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research - Faculty of Science

Doug Welch received his PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of Toronto in 1986. He was an NSERC Visiting Fellow and a Research Associate at the National Research Council of Canada’s Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria, British Columbia, from 1986 to 1988.

In September 1988, he came to McMaster as an Assistant Professor and NSERC University Research Fellow. At present, he is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Dr. Welch has served as an Associate Chair of the Department of Physics & Astronomy between 1992 and 1994 and as Chair between 1997 and 2000.

Beginning in 2004, he served as Acting Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for the faculties of Engineering and Science for one and a half years. Following that, he was appointed Associate Dean of Science (Graduate Studies) for the first of two five-year terms. During his second term, Dr. Welch served as Acting Associate Vice-President and Dean, Graduate Studies, from July 1 to December 31, 2014.

Dr. Welch is responsible for graduate student admissions and for the allocation of scholarships to the Faculty of Science. As Associate Dean, he chairs the Graduate Admissions and Study Committee and the Graduate Curriculum and Policy Committee for the Faculty. He also serves on Graduate Council.

Currently, Dr. Welch is the Vice-Chair of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation and is also a member of the Council of the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers). His research interests include supernovae, the extragalactic distance scale, dark matter studies using microlensing, and variable stars.



Tony Porter
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research - Faculty of Social Sciences

Dr. Tony Porter received his B.A. in Political Science from McGill University in 1976, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Carleton University in 1987 and 1992. He joined the Department of Political Science at McMaster in 1992. He served as Department Chair from 2002 to 2007. He has been a member of the Boards of Directors of the Canadian Political Science Association (2005-2007) and the Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences (2010-2012) and has served on the McMaster Research Ethics Board (2008-2011), McMaster’s Arts Research Board (2008-2011), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Ad-Hoc Committee on Research Ethics (2009-2010).

Dr. Porter has been appointed Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, for a five year term. In this position he has primary responsibility within the Faculty of Social Sciences for furthering McMaster’s goals regarding graduate education, research, and research training, and for providing leadership and coordination of all activities related to those goals.

Tony Porter conducts research on business regulation and global governance, including especially financial regulation, private and hybrid public/private rulemaking, the organizational effects in governance of technologies, and safety and environmental standards in the automobile industry. He is currently engaged in SSHRC-funded research on the transnational regulatory response to the global financial crisis that began in 2007.


Michael Thompson

Associate Dean of Graduate Studies - Faculty of Engineering

Michael Thompson received his B.Sc. in Chemistry (1990), B. Eng. (1992) and M. Eng. (1994) in Chemical Engineering from McMaster and his Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo in 1998. He worked as a Senior Process Engineer for the Davis-Standard Corporation from 1998-2001 in Pawcatuck, Connecticut before returning to the Department of Chemical Engineering at McMaster in 2001. He was the Director of the M.Eng in Manufacturing Engineering within the Walter G. Booth School of Engineering Practice from 2008-2015, is a member of the McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute and holds an Adjunct Appointment to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Western Ontario.

As Associate Dean, he is responsible for admissions and allocation of graduate scholarships as well as for working with the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Graduate Studies on graduate student issues including recruiting and the development of new programs. He chairs the Faculty’s Graduate Admissions and Study Committee and the Graduate Curriculum and Policy Committee and sits on Graduate Council and its Executive Committee.

Dr. Thompson is an active researcher in the field of extrusion working on applications for the pharmaceutical, food and polymer industries, with more than 100 publications and 3 patents from his work. He has 9 graduate students in his group currently, and has graduated 4 Ph.D. students, 17 M.A.Sc. students and 4 M.Eng. students to date. He works with numerous companies in Canada and the USA to develop novel processes and materials by understanding the linkages between material properties, end user demands and the manufacturing environment.