Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Course Listings

The courses listed in this section include all courses approved for the undergraduate curriculum for the 2019-2020 academic year. Not all courses in the approved curriculum will be offered during the year. Students are advised to refer to the course timetables available annually in Mosaic in March and June to determine which specific courses will be offered in the upcoming sessions.
Note: An A/B suffix appearing in a course number indicates that the course may be delivered across more than one term (see Multi-Term Course in the Glossary  of this calendar). The A/B S suffix indicates that the course may be delivered as either a multi-term course or within a single term. 

See also:

Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character to return mass results. For example, a “Code or Number” search of ” 2* ” can be entered returning all level II courses.


Computer Science

Courses in Computer Science are administered by the Department of Computing and Software.

Department Notes

  1. Students wishing to pursue a Minor in Computer Science should see the Honours Computer Science program in the Faculty of Engineering section of this Calendar.
  2. Please note that not all elective courses will be offered in each academic year.


If no prerequisite is listed, the course is open.

  • COMPSCI 3SH3 - Computer Science Practice and Experience: Operating Systems

    3 unit(s)

    Processes and threads, synchronization and communication; scheduling, memory management; file systems; resource protection; structure of operating systems.
    Two lectures, one tutorial, two labs (one hour each); second term
    Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 3SD3, COMPSCI 2C03, and COMPSCI 2GA3
    Antirequisite(s): COMPSCI 3MH3, 4SH3, SFWRENG 3SH3
  • COMPSCI 4AD3 - Advanced Databases

    3 unit(s)

    Advanced topics in database systems technology and design. Topics include: query processing; query optimization; data storage; indexing; crash recovery; physical database design; introductory data mining techniques.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; second term
    Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 3DB3  
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4AD3  
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4AD3 
    Offered on an irregular basis.
  • COMPSCI 4AR3 - Software Architecture

    3 unit(s)

    Software architecture concepts; architectural styles; design patterns, components, libraries, configurations; modelling languages; software re-engineering.
    Three lectures; first term
    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in COMPSCI 3RA3  or 3SR3
    Offered on an irregular basis.
  • COMPSCI 4C03 - Computer Networks and Security

    3 unit(s)

    Physical networks, TCP/IP protocols, switching methods, network layering and components, network services. Information security, computer and network security threats, defence mechanisms, encryption.
    Three lectures, one lab (three hours every other week); second term
    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in COMP SCI 3MH3 or COMPSCI 3SH3  
    Antirequisite(s): COMP SCI 3CN3, 3C03, SFWRENG 4C03 , COMPENG 4DN4  
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4C03  
  • COMPSCI 4DC3 - Distributed Computing

    3 unit(s)

    Models of distributed computation, formal reasoning about distributed systems, time and message complexity, distributed agreement under adversarial attacks, distributed coordination and symmetry breaking, peer-to-peer computing, simulation as a tool for building more advanced functionality, actor-model programming.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; second term
    Prerequisite(s): One of COMPSCI 2C03  or SFWRENG 2C03  or SFWRENG 2MD3 , and one of COMPSCI 3SD3  or SFWRENG 3BB4  or SFWRENG 3SH3  
    Offered on an irregular basis.
  • COMPSCI 4E03 - Performance Analysis of Computer Systems

    3 unit(s)

    Use of queuing models and simulation to predict computer system performance and find bottlenecks in a system. Types of models, distributions. Markov models. Modelling storage and network behaviour, locks, critical sections, concurrency. Introduction to analytical system reliability.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); first term
    Prerequisite(s): One of STATS 2D03 , 2MA3, 3N03 or 3Y03 
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4E03 
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4E03 
  • COMPSCI 4EN3 A/B - Software Entrepreneurship

    3 unit(s)

    Issues in starting up a new software enterprise, with the focus on independent startups. This course will cover the technical, financial, legal and operational issues encountered by software startups. Small groups of students will take an idea and turn it into a prototype, a business plan, and a sales pitch. Lectures will cover issues from team formation to appropriate software development processes to patent protection to venture capital.
    Three lectures; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or IV of any Computer Science program
  • COMPSCI 4F03 - Parallel Computing

    3 unit(s)

    Parallel architectures, design and analysis of parallel algorithms; distributed-memory, shared-memory and GPU computing; communication cost, scalability; MPI, OpenMP and OpenACC; tuning parallel programs for performance.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); second term
    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in COMPSCI 3SD3 . Completion of COMPSCI 4C03  is recommended.
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4F03 
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4F03  
  • COMPSCI 4HC3 - Human Computer Interaction

    3 unit(s)

    Design of user interfaces. Principles of good interface design. Human input. Displaying complex data using graphics and virtual reality. Modes and mode awareness problem. Health issues, information overload. Special purpose graphics hardware. Interface design tools; on-line help systems.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); first term
    Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 3MH3 or 3SH3  
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4D03, 4HC3  
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4HC3  
  • COMPSCI 4ML3 - Introduction to Machine Learning

    3 unit(s)

    Regression, Classification and Decision Theory, Bias-Variance Trade-off, Linear Models, Kernel Methods, Probabilistic Models, Neural Networks, Model Aggregation, Unsupervised Learning.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of COMPSCI 2C03  or SFWRENG 2C03  or SFWRENG 2MD3 . One of STATS 1L03 , STATS 2D03 ,
    STATS 3Y03  is recommended. One of COMPSCI 4O03  or 4X03  or SFWRENG 3O03  or 4X03  is recommended.
    Offered on an irregular basis.
  • COMPSCI 4O03 - Linear Optimization

    3 unit(s)

    Modelling and solutions for engineering and science problems using linear optimization, including networks, transportation, assignment, and scheduling problems. Solution methods include combinatorial algorithms such as simplex methods, primal-dual formulations, branch and bound formulations for mixed integer programming, and heuristics.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); first term
    Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 2C03  
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 3O03 , 4O03
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 3O03  
  • COMPSCI 4TB3 - Syntax-Based Tools and Compilers

    3 unit(s)

    Lexical analysis, syntax analysis, type checking; syntax-directed translation, attribute grammars; compiler structure; implications of computer architecture; mapping of programming language concepts; code generation and optimization.
    Two lectures, one tutorial, two labs (one hour each); second term
    Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 2C03  or SFWRENG 2C03 , and COMPSCI 2GA3  or SFWRENG 2GA3  or 3GA3 
  • COMPSCI 4TE3 - Continuous Optimization

    3 unit(s)

    Fundamental algorithms and duality concepts of continuous optimization. Motivation, applicability, information requirements and computational cost of the algorithms is discussed. Practical problems will illustrate the power of continuous optimization techniques.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); first term
    Prerequisite(s): One of MATH 2A03 , 2M06 (or 2M03 and 2MM3), 2Q04, or 2ZZ3 
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4TE3 
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4TE3  
  • COMPSCI 4TH3 - Theory of Computation

    3 unit(s)

    Formal languages, models of computation, decidability, reduction techniques, time and space complexity classes.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); one term
    Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 2FA3 , 2C03  
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 4TH3  
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4TH3 
    Offered on an irregular basis.
  • COMPSCI 4TI3 - Fundamentals of Image Processing

    3 unit(s)

    Discrete-time signals and systems, digital filter design, photons to pixels, linear filtering, edge-detection, non-linear filtering, multi-scale transforms, motion estimation.
    Three lectures; first term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of a program offered by the Department of Computing and Software
    Offered on an irregular basis.
  • COMPSCI 4WW3 - Web Systems and Web Computing

    3 unit(s)

    Network protocols underlying the world wide web; client-side programming: markup, styles, scripts, design, mobile/desktop; server-side programming: databases, dynamic languages; web services; cloud technologies; security.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): COMPSCI 2ME3  or SFWRENG 2AA4 ; completion of COMPSCI 3DB3 , 3IS3 , or 4C03  is recommended.
    Offered on an irregular basis.
  • COMPSCI 4X03 - Scientific Computation

    3 unit(s)

    Computer arithmetic, stability, sensitivity. Numerical methods for polynomial manipulation, interpolation, data fitting, integration, differentiation, solving linear and non-linear systems, ordinary differential equations and eigenvalue problems.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); second term
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1ZZ5; or both MATH 1AA3  and MATH 1B03 ; or both MATH 1H03 and 1NN3; or both MATH 1ZB3  and MATH 1ZC3  
    Antirequisite(s): COMPENG 3SK3  , 3SK4, COMPSCI 3X03, 4MN3, SFWRENG 3X03, 4X03  
    Cross-list(s): SFWRENG 4X03  
  • COMPSCI 4Z03 - Directed Readings

    3 unit(s)

    Directed readings in an area of computer science of interest to the student and the instructor.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Chair of the Department and registration in Level IV of an Honours program in Computer Science
  • COMPSCI 4ZP6 A/B - Capstone Project

    6 unit(s)

    Students, in teams of two to four students, undertake a substantial project in an area of computer science by performing each step of the software life cycle. The lecture component presents an introduction to software management and project management.
    Lecture component in term one, weekly tutorials; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Computer Science program, Honours Business Informatics or Honours Computer Science as a Second Degree (B.A.Sc.)  

Earth Sciences

Courses in Earth Sciences are offered by the School of Geography and Earth Sciences.
General Science Building, Room 206, ext. 24535

School Notes

  1. Students aiming to fulfill the academic requirements for professional registration of Geoscientists in Ontario should seek academic advice from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences during March counselling in Level II to ensure that their program and course choices are appropriate.
  2. Students are advised that not all courses will be offered in every year.


If no prerequisite is listed, the course is open.

See also courses in Geography and Environmental Science.

  • EARTHSC 1G03 - Earth and the Environment

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to Earth’s composition and processes including topics such as rocks, fossils, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, and glaciers. We will consider the interactions between people and Earth’s environments and the implications for sustainable development. Two field trips will be held during regular lab periods.
    Three lectures, one lab (two hours); one term
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 1G03
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ISCI 1A24 A/B .
  • EARTHSC 2E03 - Earth History

    3 unit(s)

    Geological evolution of the Earth and paleontological evidence for the evolution of marine life, with emphasis on the geological history of North America.
    Students enrolling in this course must purchase a field kit available through the School of Geography and Earth Sciences.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): EARTHSC 1G03 , ENVIRSC 1G03 or ISCI 1A24 A/B  
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 2E03
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ISCI 2A18 A/B  
  • EARTHSC 2FE3 - Introduction to Field Methods in Earth Sciences

    3 unit(s)

    A field camp to introduce students to field equipment and methodologies used by earth and environmental scientists focusing on recognition and description of rock types, construction of geological maps and cross-sections. Most of this course occurs outside the regular academic term, usually the first two weeks of May; details and applications are available in January.
    Students enrolling in this course must pay both the incidental fees as prescribed by the School of Geography and Earth Sciences and the regular tuition fees. Students intending to enrol in this course must submit an application by February 15 of the academic year prior to registration. Application forms are available from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences main office after January 15. Students will be informed of acceptance of their application by March 1 subject to fulfillment of the requirements.
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 1G03 , ENVIRSC 1G03, ISCI 1A24 A/B ; and permission of the instructor
  • EARTHSC 2GG3 - Natural Disasters

    3 unit(s)

    A study of natural processes including plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, river erosion and climate change and their impacts on human populations.
    Lectures, web modules (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above
  • EARTHSC 2K03 - Optical Crystallography and Mineralogy

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to crystallography, optical theory, and the polarizing microscope. Identification of minerals in igneous and sedimentary rocks and discussion of their structure and chemistry.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): ENVIRSC 1G03  or ISCI 1A24 A/B 
  • EARTHSC 2T03 - Geology of Canada

    3 unit(s)

    Description and understanding of the tectonic processes involved in the development and evolution of the Precambrian rocks of Canada.
    Students enrolling in this course must purchase a field kit available through the School of Geography and Earth Sciences.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 1G03 , ENVIRSC 1G03, ISCI 1A24 A/B  
  • EARTHSC 3CC3 - Earth’s Changing Climate

    3 unit(s)

    The earth’s climatic history including natural causes of past climate change and human influences on climate will be explored.
    Lectures (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2C03, 2E03 , 2Q03, ENVIRSC 2C03 , 2E03, 2Q03 , ISCI 2A18 A/B , LIFESCI 2H03; and registration in Level III or above
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 3CC3
  • EARTHSC 3E03 - Clastic Sedimentary Environments

    3 unit(s)

    Sedimentary processes, stratigraphy and depositional environments of clastic systems. A mandatory local field trip will be included.
    Two lectures, one lab (two hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2E03 , ENVIRSC 2E03, ISCI 2A18 A/B  
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 3E03
  • EARTHSC 3FE3 - Field Camp

    3 unit(s)

    A field camp to introduce students to field equipment and methodologies used by earth and environmental scientists. Most of this course occurs outside the regular academic term, usually the two weeks preceding the start of term in September; details and applications are available in March.
    Students enrolling in this course must pay both the incidental fees as prescribed by the School of Geography and Earth Sciences and the regular tuition fees. Students intending to enrol in this course must submit an application by April 1 of the academic year prior to registration. Application forms are available from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences main office after March 1. Students will be informed of acceptance of their application by April 15 subject to fulfillment of the requirements.
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2E03 , ENVIRSC 2E03, ISCI 2A18 A/B ; and EARTHSC 2T03 ; and registration in Level III or above of Honours Earth and Environmental Sciences; and permission of the instructor
  • EARTHSC 3K03 - Petrology

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to igneous and metamorphic petrology, including thin section examination of rock suites, use of phase diagrams in petrology, and discussion of petrogenesis.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): EARTHSC 2K03 
  • EARTHSC 3RD3 - Research Design and Dissemination in Earth and Environmental Sciences

    3 unit(s)

    Review of approaches to the formulation of research questions, and to the gathering and interpretation of evidence, using a variety of environmental and earth sciences-based topics. The course includes the formulation of a research proposal, and develops skills in the communication of research results.
    Two lectures, one lab (two hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of an Honours B.Sc. program in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences (Faculty of Science) 
  • EARTHSC 3W03 - Physical Hydrogeology

    3 unit(s)

    Mechanisms and processes of water movement in the subsurface including the saturated zone (groundwater) and the unsaturated zone (soil water).
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of CIVENG 2J04 , EARTHSC 2B03, 2W03, ENVIRSC 2B03 , 2W03 ; and one of ISCI 1A24 A/B , MATH 1A03 , 1B03 , 1K03 , 1LS3 , 1M03  , 1N03, 1ZA3   
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 3W03
  • EARTHSC 3Z03 - Structural Geology

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to mapping and geometric description of geologic structures and analysis of stress and strain in the subsurface.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2E03 , 2T03 , ENVIRSC 2E03, ISCI 2A18 A/B . Completion of PHYSICS 1A03  (or 1C03 ) is strongly recommended.
  • EARTHSC 4CC3 - Stable Isotopes in Earth and Environmental Systems

    3 unit(s)

    Stable isotopes are widely used in modern earth and environmental sciences because of their unique chemical properties that enable us to trace past and current environmental processes. This course will discuss the basic principles of stable isotope geochemistry and their applications to paleo and modern climate and environmental reconstruction.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2Q03, EARTHSC 3CC3 , ENVIRSC 2Q03 , 3CC3. One of EARTHSC 2E03 , ENVIRSC 2E03, ISCI 2A18 A/B  is strongly recommended.
    Co-requisite(s): WHMIS 1A00  if not already completed. Must be completed prior to the first lab.
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 4CC3
  • EARTHSC 4FF3 - Topics of Field Research

    3 unit(s)

    Selected topics in field research in the environmental and earth sciences. Topics may vary from year to year, and the timing of the course will depend on the offerings. Details will be posted in the School.
    Students enrolling in this course must pay the incidental fees, as prescribed by the School of Geography and Earth Sciences , and the regular tuition fees. Students intending to enrol in this course must submit an application by April 1 of the academic year prior to registration. Application forms are available from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences main office after March 1. Students will be informed of acceptance of their application by April 15 subject to fulfillment of the requirements.
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of an Honours B.Sc. program and permission of the instructor
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 4FF3
    EARTH SC 4FF3 may be repeated, if on a different topic, with the permission of the School of Geography and Earth Sciences.
  • EARTHSC 4G03 - Glacial Sediments and Environments

    3 unit(s)

    The development and movement of glaciers, glacial depositional processes and sedimentary successions in terrestrial, lacustrine and marine environments. A mandatory one day, local field trip will be included.
    Students enrolling in this course must pay both the incidental fees as prescribed by the School of Geography and Earth Sciences and the regular tuition fees.
    Two lectures, one lab (two hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 3E03 , ENVIRSC 3E03
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 4G03
  • EARTHSC 4J03 - Basin Analysis

    3 unit(s)

    Focus on the evolution of sedimentary basins in a global context, based upon their structural and stratigraphic styles. Factors that affect basin evolution such as sea-level change, sediment supply and climate will be discussed. A review of the principles of sequence stratigraphy and its application to geologists, mining and petroleum exploration will be explored.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 3E03 , ENVIRSC 3E03 ; and EARTHSC 3Z03 
  • EARTHSC 4MT6 A/B - Senior Thesis

    6 unit(s)

    Students will select research topics and prepare a thesis either individually or in teams.
    Students intending to enrol in this course must submit an application to the course coordinator by April 1 of the academic year prior to registration. Application forms are available from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences main office after March 1. Students will be informed of acceptance of their application on April 15 subject to fulfillment of the GPA requirement.
    Two terms
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 3RD3 , GEOG 3MA3 ; and registration in Level IV of an Honours program in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences; and a GPA of at least 7.5; and permission of the course coordinator
    Cross-list(s): ENVIRSC 4MT6 A/B , GEOG 4MT6 A/B  
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ISCI 4A12 A/B .
  • EARTHSC 4P03 - Coral Reef Environments

    3 unit(s)

    Modern and ancient reef environments and their geological evolution. Students are encouraged to take concurrently Topics in Field Research (EARTHSC 4FF3 ) which studies coral reef systems in the Bahamas during the Winter mid-session break.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2E03 , ENVIRSC 2E03 , ISCI 2A18 A/B 
    Antirequisite(s): EARTHSC 3P03 , ENVIRSC 3P03 
  • EARTHSC 4T03 - Plate Tectonics and Ore Deposits

    3 unit(s)

    Synthesis of plate tectonics, with application to crustal evolution and genesis of ore deposits.
    Two lectures, one lab (two hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2E03 , ENVIRSC 2E03, ISCI 2A18 A/B . EARTHSC 2K03  and EARTHSC 2T03  are strongly recommended.
  • EARTHSC 4VV3 - Environmental Geophysics

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to principles and applications of geophysics in groundwater and environmental investigations. Practical demonstrations in magnetics, gravity, shallow seismic, radar, borehole logging, surface EM and electrical methods.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): EARTHSC 2E03  or ENVIRSC 2E03; and one of PHYSICS 1A03 , 1C03 ; or ISCI 2A18 A/B  
    Antirequisite(s): EARTHSC 3V03, ENVIRSC 3V03
  • EARTHSC 4WB3 - Contaminant Hydrogeology

    3 unit(s)

    Physical and chemical aspects of the fate and transport of contaminants in soils and groundwater, including fundamental processes, multiphase flow and groundwater remediation.
    One lecture (two hours), one lab (two hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in EARTHSC 3W03  or ENVIRSC 3W03
    Antirequisite(s): ENVIRSC 4WB3


Courses in Economics are administered by the Department of Economics.
Kenneth Taylor Hall, Room 426, ext. 22765

Department Notes

  1. Not all the Economics courses listed in this Calendar are taught every year. Students are advised to consult the timetable published by the Office of the Registrar, or the Department website for information on current offerings.
  2. Students with credit in  who transfer into Economics from other programs may substitute  for .
  3. Students who complete ECON 2I03  are well placed to enrol in the Canadian Securities Course (a correspondence course operated by the Canadian Securities Institute which represents the licensing requirement for individuals training to become investment advisors).
  4. Students interested in an M.A. in Economics should consider the Honours Economics (Specialist Option). Also note that some, but not all, graduate programs in Economics require ECON 3G03 , 4T03  and 4TT3 .  For this reason, students interested in an M.A. in Economics are advised to consult a departmental advisor for more detailed information.
  5. MATH 1M03  is required for any student planning to transfer into Commerce and strongly recommended for any student with a minor in Business or Finance. MATH 1M03  is required for ECON 3G03  and is strongly recommended for students planning any graduate study in economics.


If no prerequisite is listed, the course is open.

  • ECON 1B03 - Introductory Microeconomics

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to the method and theory of microeconomics, and their application to the analysis of contemporary economic problems.
    In-class and online; one term
    Antirequisite(s): ARTSSCI 2E03 
    ECON 1B03 and ECON 1BB3  can be taken in either order or concurrently.
  • ECON 1BB3 - Introductory Macroeconomics

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to the method and theory of macroeconomics, and their application to the analysis of contemporary economic problems.
    In-class and online; one tutorial; one term
    Antirequisite(s): ARTSSCI 2E03 
    ECON 1B03  and 1BB3 can be taken in either order or concurrently.
  • ECON 2A03 - Economics of Labour-Market Issues

    3 unit(s)

    This course applies economic analysis to issues of importance in the labour market. Topics vary and may include: women in the Canadian labour market; discrimination in hiring and promotion; unemployment; job loss and workplace closing; work sharing.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  and 1BB3 ; or ARTSSCI 2E03 
    Cross-list(s): LABRST 3A03 
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ECON 3D03 .
  • ECON 2B03 - Analysis of Economic Data

    3 unit(s)

    Application of statistical concepts to the analysis of economic data, with attention to Canadian sources. Regression analysis and the use of spreadsheets are included. Topics may also include index numbers.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03 , 1BB3  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 ); and one of MATH 1F03 , 1K03 , Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors U (or Grade 12 Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus U); and STATS 1L03 or Grade 12 Mathematics of Data Management U
    Antirequisite(s): COMMERCE 2QA3 , GEOG 3MB3  
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ARTSSCI 2R03 , CHEMENG 4C03, ELECENG 3TQ4, HTHSCI 2A03 , MATLS 3J03 , POLSCI 3N06 A/B, 3NN3 , PNB 2XE3 , 3XE3 , SOCIOL 3H06 A/B, STATS 2B03 , 2D03 , 2MB3 , 3Y03 . Not open to students enrolled in any Business 1 or Bachelor of Commerce program.
  • ECON 2CC3 - Health Economics and its Application to Health Policy

    3 unit(s)

    Economic analysis of health and health care, with a special emphasis on policy issues in the Canadian health care system.
    Three hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 2C03
    Cross-list(s): HLTHAGE 2C03 
    Not open to students registered in an Economics program or with credit or registration in ECON 2G03, 2X03 or 3Z03 . Students excluded from ECON 2CC3 or those wishing to do further work in Health Economics are referred to ECON 3Z03 . May not be used to satisfy Economics unit requirements by students in Economics programs or a minor in Economics.
  • ECON 2D03 - Economic Issues

    3 unit(s)

    Applications of economics to important public issues, from a general interest perspective. Since topics vary from year to year, interested students should consult the Economics Department for further details.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  and ECON 1BB3  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 )
  • ECON 2GG3 - Intermediate Microeconomics II

    3 unit(s)

    Theory of consumer choice and applications to intertemporal choice and labour supply decisions; theory of exchange, welfare economics and general equilibrium analysis.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03 or ECON 2X03; and one of MATH 1F03 , MATH 1M03 , Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors U (or Grade 12 Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus U) or equivalent
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ECON 2Z03  or 2ZZ3 .
  • ECON 2H03 - Intermediate Macroeconomics I

    3 unit(s)

    Determinants of national income, employment, the rate of interest and the price level; introduction to the open economy.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1BB3  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 ); and one of MATH 1K03  or Grade 12 Advanced Functions U. Students without credit in one of MATH 1F03 , 1M03 , Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors U (or Grade 12 Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus U) or equivalent are strongly advised to register in MATH 1F03  or MATH 1M03 , concurrently with ECON 2H03.
  • ECON 2HH3 - Intermediate Macroeconomics II

    3 unit(s)

    This course uses macroeconomic theory based on microeconomic underpinnings to study common topics including business cycles, growth and financial crises.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2H03 ; and one of MATH 1F03 , 1M03 , Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors U (or Grade 12 Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus U) or equivalent
  • ECON 2I03 - Financial Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Detailed investigation of the financial sector. Topics include the role of capital markets in facilitating investment and growth, bond markets, stock markets, financial statements and taxation.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  and 1BB3  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 )
    Not open to students with credit or registration in COMMERCE 2FA3 . Not open to students enrolled in any Business 1 or Bachelor of Commerce program.
  • ECON 2J03 - Environmental Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Allocation of environmental services: efficiency and market failure; measuring environmental benefits; environmental regulation in Canada and elsewhere: taxes, tradable permits and other instruments; further topics.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 )
  • ECON 2K03 - Economic History of Canada

    3 unit(s)

    A survey of the changing structure of the Canadian economy from the colonial period to the present; early significance of primary production for export markets; emerging domestic markets and industrialization; government’s role in promoting the development of the national economy.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  and 1BB3  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 )
  • ECON 2N03 - Public Policy Toward Business

    3 unit(s)

    The economic effects of federal competition policy and the regulation of business by all levels of government.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 )
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3N03
  • ECON 2P03 - Economics of Professional Sports

    3 unit(s)

    The application of economic principles to team and individual professional sports. Theory of sports leagues, demand for sports, the market for athletes, broadcasting rights, competition policy issues, the public finance aspects of stadium financing.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 )
  • ECON 2Q03 - Economics of Bad Behaviour

    3 unit(s)

    This course will apply economic principles to analyze human behaviour. Topics include criminal behaviours, legal but risky behaviour, and the behaviour of corporate and public sector organizations.
    Fully on-line; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  and 1BB3 ; or ARTSSCI 2E03  
  • ECON 2T03 - Economics of Trade Unionism and Labour

    3 unit(s)

    Topics include the economics of the labour market, of trade unionism, of work, the impact of trade unions on the labour market, economic theories of strikes and trade unions and the state.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  and 1BB3  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 )
    Cross-list(s): LABRST 3B03 
  • ECON 2Z03 - Intermediate Microeconomics I

    3 unit(s)

    Theory of consumer choice; elements of production and cost; price and output determination in perfectly competitive markets.
    Three lectures; one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 ); and credit or registration in one of MATH 1A03 , 1LS3 , or MATH 1M03  
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03
  • ECON 2ZZ3 - Intermediate Microeconomics II

    3 unit(s)

    Firm and consumer behaviour in imperfectly competitive markets and the markets for factors of production; the role of taxes and subsidies; theory of exchange, welfare economics and general equilibrium analysis. May include other special topics.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2Z03 ; and one of MATH 1A03 , 1LS3 , or 1M03  
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 2GG3  
  • ECON 3B03 - Public Sector Economics: Expenditures

    3 unit(s)

    Theory and practice of public finance. Topics are selected from growth of the public sector, market failure, theory of public goods, incentive mechanisms, logic of group decisions and the political process, theory of benefit-cost analysis, intergovernmental fiscal relations, government budgeting.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03
  • ECON 3BE3 - Behavioural Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Economic theory rests upon the assumptions that all economic actors (consumers, firms, governments) are fully rational and narrowly self-interested. Behavioural economics examines the consequences and realism of these assumptions by designing laboratory and field experiments and conducting empirical analyses that test economic theory and its core assumptions and by incorporating psychologically plausible assumptions and motivations into economic theory. This course provides a survey of some of the central and current topics in behavioural economics.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or 2X03
  • ECON 3C03 - Public Sector Economics: Taxation

    3 unit(s)

    Theory and practice of public finance: analysis and comparison of the efficiency, equity and distribution effects of the taxation of income, wealth and expenditure, analysis of social insurance, intergovernmental fiscal relations.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03
  • ECON 3D03 - Labour Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to the economics of the labour market; demand for labour by the firm and industry; supply of labour by the individual; investment in human capital.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ECON 2A03 .
  • ECON 3E03 - Applied Econometrics

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly ECON 3WW3
    Students acquire hands-on experience, using statistical software, in the application of econometric methods to empirically analyze economic issues. This course emphasizes understanding economic data, economic model estimation, hypothesis testing, and interpretation of results.
    Three hours; one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or 2X03; and 2H03 ; and 2B03  and enrolment in an Honours Economics program
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3U03 [Inactive], ECON 3WW3, ECON 3EE3  
    ECON 2B03  may be substituted with one of CHEMENG 4C03, COMMERCE 2QA3 , POLSCI 3N06 A/B, 3NN3 , PNB 2XE3 , 3XE3 , SOCIOL 3H06 A/B, STATS 2D03  or another course that is approved by a departmental counselor as equivalent to ECON 2B03 .
    Not open to students with credit in STATS 2MB3 , 3D03  or credit or registration in ECON 4G03 .

  • ECON 3EE3 - Econometrics I

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly ECON 3U03
    Elaboration of regression techniques developed in ECON 2B03 and their applications. Problems of inference and interpretation in the analysis of economic data. Introduction to forecasting in economics.
    Three lectures; one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or 2X03; and 2H03 ; and 2B03  with a grade of at least B-; and registration in an Honours Economics program with a GPA of at least 6. The ECON 2B03  prerequisite can be met by getting a grade of at least B+ in one of the following alternative statistics courses: CHEMENG 4C03, COMMERCE 2QA3 , POLSCI 3N06 A/B, POLSCI 3NN3 , PNB 2XE3 , 3XE3 , SOCIOL 3H06 A/B, STATS 2D03  or another course that is approved by a departmental counselor as equivalent to ECON 2B03 .
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3WW3, ECON 3U03, ECON 3E03 
  • ECON 3G03 - Introduction to Advanced Economic Theory

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to the application of mathematics in economic theory.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of MATH 1B03  or STATS 1L03 ; and MATH 1M03 or equivalent; and a grade of at least B- in each of ECON 2GG3  (or 2ZZ3   and ECON 2HH3  and registration in an Economics program. Subject to approval by the Department of Economics, MATH 1B03 or STATS 1L03 can be replaced by another course covering the topic of matrix algebra
  • ECON 3H03 - International Monetary Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Macroeconomic problems of an open economy with special reference to Canada; the international financial system and proposals for its reform.
    Lectures and seminars (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2H03 
  • ECON 3HH3 - International Trade

    3 unit(s)

    Real theory of international trade; interregional and international specialization; effect of commercial and industrial policies.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03
  • ECON 3K03 - Monetary Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to a modern treatment of monetary theory. Topics include why does money exist; links between monetary policy, inflation and business cycles; how might inflation and economic growth be connected?
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03; and ECON 2H03 
  • ECON 3M03 - Introduction to Game Theory

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to the theory of games, including strategic, extensive and coalitional games. Applications in economics, political science and evolutionary biology are discussed.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 1B03  (or ARTSSCI 2E03 ); and MATH 1K03  (or equivalent)
    Not open to students with credit in ECON 3Y03  if the topic was Introduction to Game Theory.
  • ECON 3Q03 - The Economics of Aging

    3 unit(s)

    Topics include the macroeconomics of population aging and its impact on national pension and health plans and the microeconomics of retirement and income security.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03; and ECON 2H03 
  • ECON 3S03 - Industrial Organization

    3 unit(s)

    A study of the structure, conduct and performance of industrial markets.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3N06
  • ECON 3T03 - Economic Development

    3 unit(s)

    Topics may include the measurement of structural change, dual economies, agriculture and production, technical and institutional change, and health and nutrition.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3J06
  • ECON 3W03 - Natural Resources

    3 unit(s)

    Competitive and socially optimal management of nonrenewable resources; market failure as illustrated by mineral cartels, fisheries and forestry, including analysis of bioeconomic models.
    Three hours (lectures and seminars); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of ECON 2G03, 2Z03 , ECON 2J03, or ECON 2X03
  • ECON 3Y03 - Selected Topics

    3 unit(s)

    Topics will vary from year to year depending on student interests and faculty availability. Students should consult the Department on topics to be offered.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03; and ECON 2H03 
  • ECON 3Z03 - Health Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Analysis of allocation of resources in health care. Topics include markets for health care, insurance, biomedical research, technology assessment, organization and public policy.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or ECON 2X03. ECON 2B03  or another course in statistics is recommended.
  • ECON 4A03 - Honours Economic Analysis

    3 unit(s)

    Students discuss papers on a theme that is specific to each section and write short paper reviews and policy briefs on current economics issues.
    Three hours (seminars); one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 4F03  (or 3F03) or ECON 4FF3  (or 3FF3); and ECON 3E03  (or 3WW3) or ECON 3EE3   (or 3U03); and ECON 2GG3  (or 2ZZ3 ), and ECON 2HH3 ; and enrolment in level IV of an Honours Economics Program
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 4AA3  
  • ECON 4AA3 - Economic Specialist Seminar

    3 unit(s)

    Under the supervision of a faculty member students present and discuss papers and write a paper presenting original research.
    3 hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 4FF3  (or 3FF3) with a grade of at least B-, and ECON 3EE3  (or 3U03) with a grade of at least B-; or ECON 3E03  (or 3WW3) with a grade of at least A-, and an average of at least 6 in ECON 2G03 (or 2Z03 ), 2GG3  (or 2ZZ3 ), 2H03 , and 2HH3 , and enrolment in Level III or Level IV Honours Economics (Specialist Option) with a GPA of at least 6.
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 4A03 
  • ECON 4B03 - Selected Topics

    3 unit(s)

    Topics will vary from year to year depending on student interests and faculty availability. Students should consult the Department on topics to be offered.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department
  • ECON 4F03 - Methods of Inquiry in Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly ECON 3F03
    This course develops skills for investigating a research question in economics, through workshops (eg. writing, library, internet, data), and the subsequent application of the skills to an economic issue.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or 2X03; and 2H03 ; Credit or registration in ECON 3E03  (or 3WW3) or ECON 3EE3  (or 3U03), registration in Level III or Level IV of an Honours Economics program
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3FF3, ECON 3F03, ECON 4FF3 
    This course is only offered in the Fall term.
  • ECON 4FF3 - Research Methods in Economics

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly ECON 3FF3
    Students discuss and present papers, learn research methods and write a critical review of the literature on an economic topic of their choice.
    3 hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03 (or 2Z03 ) with a grade of at least C+; and ECON 2H03  with a grade of at least C+; and Credit or enrolment in ECON 3EE3  (or 3U03); or a grade of at
    least A- in ECON 3E03  (or 3WW3); and registration in Level III or Level IV of an Honours Economics program with a GPA of at least 6.
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3F03, ECON 3FF3, ECON 4F03 
    This course is only offered in the Fall term.
  • ECON 4G03 - Econometrics II

    3 unit(s)

    Development of regression models appropriate to economics. Illustrations from applied micro- and macroeconomics.
    Three lectures; one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 2G03, 2Z03  or 2X03; and ECON 2H03 ; and at least B- in ECON ECON 3EE3  (or 3U03) or at least A- in ECON 3E03  (or 3WW3) or another course that is approved by a departmental counselor
  • ECON 4M06 A/B S - Directed Research I

    6 unit(s)

    A reading and/or research program supervised by a Department member. A major paper is required. Interested students should consult the Department concerning admission.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department
  • ECON 4N03 - Directed Research II

    3 unit(s)

    As per ECON 4M06 A/B.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department
  • ECON 4T03 - Advanced Economic Theory I

    3 unit(s)

    Mathematically oriented approaches to the analysis of the behaviour of individual consumers, workers and firms.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): A grade of at least C in one of ECON 3G03 , MATH 2Q04, MATH 2X03  (or MATH 2A03); and a grade of at least B- in ECON 2GG3  (or 2ZZ3 ) and ECON 2HH3  and registration in an Economics program.
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3A03
  • ECON 4TT3 - Advanced Economic Theory II

    3 unit(s)

    Analysis of dynamic macroeconomic models including models of endogenous growth and other selected topics.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): A grade of at least C in one of ECON 3G03 , MATH 2Q04, MATH 2X03  (or MATH 2A03 ); and a grade of at least B- in ECON 2GG3  (or 2ZZ3 ) and ECON 2HH3  and registration in an Economics program.
    Antirequisite(s): ECON 3AA3

Electrical Engineering

Courses in Electrical Engineering are administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Information Technology Building, Room A111, ext. 24347 

Department Notes

  1. All students in the Electrical Engineering program initially follow a common curriculum consisting of a combination of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering courses. In their senior year, students are given the opportunity to customize their program by selecting from a wide range of technical electives.
  2. All Electrical and Computer Engineering courses are open to students registered in any Electrical or Computer Engineering program or the Electrical and Biomedical Engineering program, subject to prerequisite requirements. Prior permission of the Department is necessary for students from other Engineering departments or faculties. 

  • ELECENG 2CI5 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering

    5 unit(s)

    Current, potential difference; Kirchhoff’s laws; Ohm’s Law; circuit elements; mesh/nodal analysis of electrical circuits; first and second order circuits; complex arithmetic; phasors, impedance and admittance; AC power.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every week; first term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in a Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering program
  • ELECENG 2CJ4 - Circuits and Systems

    4 unit(s)

    Advanced circuit analysis including dependent sources; second order circuits; Laplace transforms with applications; frequency response; 2-port networks; coupled circuits; power relationships.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, and one lab every other week; second term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CI5 
  • ELECENG 2EI5 - Electronic Devices and Circuits I

    5 unit(s)

    Semiconductor devices and electronic circuits; electrical characteristics, principles of operation, circuit models of diodes, field-effect and bipolar transistors, and operational amplifiers; analysis and design of basic application circuits.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every week; second term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CI5 
  • ELECENG 2FH4 - Electromagnetics I

    4 unit(s)

    Mathematical foundations of electromagnetics (selected topics of vector calculus); electrostatics, magnetostatics and conduction; introduction to time-varying fields through Faraday’s law.
    Three lectures, two tutorials; second term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CI5  and PHYSICS PHYSICS 1E03 , registration in Electrical Engineering or the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program
  • ELECENG 2FL3 - Applied Electromagnetics

    3 unit(s)

    Fundamental electrostatic and magnetostatic forces, fundamentals of wave motion; sinusoids and complex numbers; transmission lines and impedance match; electrostatics; conduction; magnetostatics; superconductors; Faraday’s law; plane waves and polarization; radiation and antennas.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; second term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CI5  and PHYSICS PHYSICS 1E03 ; registration in Computer Engineering or Electrical and Biomedical
    Antirequisite(s): ELECENG 2FH3 or ELECENG ELECENG 2FH4 
    This course is not open to students enrolled in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program.
  • ELECENG 3CL4 - Introduction to Control Systems

    4 unit(s)

    Modelling of control systems in the continuous-time domain; state space representations; model linearization; performance of control systems in time and frequency; stability; control design.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; second term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 3TP4 or 3TP3  
    Antirequisite(s): IBEHS 4A03 , MECHENG 4R03 , MECHTRON 3DX4 , SFWRENG 3DX4  
  • ELECENG 3EJ4 - Electronic Devices and Circuits II

    4 unit(s)

    Analog and digital electronics; operational amplifier circuits; multistage amplifiers; oscillators; analog and digital integrated circuits; data converters; amplifier frequency response; feedback and stability; computer aids to analysis and design.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; first term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CJ4 and ELECENG 2EI5; and ELECENG 2CI5
  • ELECENG 3FK4 - Electromagnetics II

    4 unit(s)

    Time-varying fields, uniform plane waves, reflection and transmission, dispersion, transmission lines and impedance matching, waveguides, elements of theory of radiation and antennas.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; first term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2FH3 or 2FH4  or ENGPHYS 2A04 
  • ELECENG 3PI4 - Energy Conversion

    4 unit(s)

    Analyze, model, and predict the performance of energy conversion devices and systems including single-phase and balanced three-phase systems, transformers, DC and AC generators and motors.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week, second term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CJ4 , 2FH3 or 2FH4  and 2CI5  
  • ELECENG 3TP3 - Signal & Systems

    3 unit(s)

    Complex variables and integration in the complex plain; Fourier transforms, properties; Laplace transforms and inversion; input-output relations of linear systems; discrete time systems.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; first term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CJ4  and 2CI5 
    Antirequisite(s): ELECENG 3TP4, MECHENG 4R03 , SFWRENG 3MX3 
  • ELECENG 3TQ3 - Advanced Probability and Random Processes

    3 unit(s)

    Probability theory; random variables; expectations; random processes; autocorrelation; power spectral densities.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; first term
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2Z03 
    Antirequisite(s): COMMERCE 2QA3 , ELECENG 3TQ4
  • ELECENG 3TR4 - Communication Systems

    4 unit(s)

    Review of continuous-time signals and systems; amplitude modulation, phase and frequency modulation schemes; digital modulation; stochastic processes; noise performance.
    Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; second term
    Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 3TP3 ; One of ELECENG 3TQ4, 3TQ3  or STATS 3Y03 ; or ENGPHYS 3W04 
  • ELECENG 4BB3 - Cellular Bioelectricity

    3 unit(s)

    Generation and transmission of bioelectricity in excitable cells; ionic transport in cellular membranes; propagation of electricity within and between cells; cardiac and neural physiology; measurement of extracellular fields; electrical stimulation of excitable cells.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; second term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III Electrical and Biomedical Engineering or level IV or V of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program or level IV of Electrical Engineering
    Antirequisite(s): ELECENG 3BB3

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