Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Course Listings

The courses listed in this section include all courses approved for the undergraduate curriculum for the 2019-2020 academic year. Not all courses in the approved curriculum will be offered during the year. Students are advised to refer to the course timetables available annually in Mosaic in March and June to determine which specific courses will be offered in the upcoming sessions.
Note: An A/B suffix appearing in a course number indicates that the course may be delivered across more than one term (see Multi-Term Course in the Glossary  of this calendar). The A/B S suffix indicates that the course may be delivered as either a multi-term course or within a single term. 

See also:

Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character to return mass results. For example, a “Code or Number” search of ” 2* ” can be entered returning all level II courses.


Health, Aging and Society

Courses in Health, Aging and Society are administered by the Department of Health, Aging and Society.
Kenneth Taylor Hall, Room 226, ext. 27227


  1. Not all Health, Aging and Society courses may be offered every year. Students are advised to consult the Master Timetable published by the Office of the Registrar or contact the Department of Health, Aging and Society after May 1 to determine which courses will be offered in the following academic year.
  2. Former Gerontology (GERONTOL) and Health Studies (HEALTHST) courses are now listed as Health, Aging and Society (HLTH AGE) courses. Students having credit in these courses may not take the corresponding Health, Aging and Society (HLTH AGE) course.

  • HLTHAGE 2L03 - Drugs, Sex and Alcohol: Society and its Addictions

    3 unit(s)

    This course analyzes the place of addictions in modern society. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective, it examines both the social factors that help shape addictive behaviours, as well as those that construct our notions of addiction and dependency.
    Lectures and discussion/tutorials (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above
  • HLTHAGE 2M03 - Aging in Modern (and Post-Modern) Families

    3 unit(s)

    This course examines how aging and gender combine to affect a range of relationships across different types of family. The relationships considered include relations with ones partner, marital transitions, the relationship between adult children and their parents, sibling ties, grandparent/grandchild relationships, and fictive kin.
    Three hours (lecture, discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above
  • HLTHAGE 3AA3 - State, Civil Society and Health

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly HEALTHST 3AA3
    This course explores how states, citizens, and civil society act and interact in the definition and pursuit of health.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of a Health, Aging and Society program
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 3A03, 3AA3
  • HLTHAGE 3B03 - Advanced Research Inquiry

    3 unit(s)

    This course provides hands-on learning where students develop skills in planning and conducting research: research question identification, tool development and pilot testing, data analysis, and reporting for both quantitative and qualitative approaches.
    Three hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of GERONTOL 2C03, HEALTHST 2B03 or HLTHAGE 2A03 , and registration in Level III or above of a Health, Aging and Society program
    Antirequisite(s): HLTHAGE 2A06, 3A03, 3G03 , 3Z06, SOCIOL 3O03 
  • HLTHAGE 3BB3 - Field Experience

    3 unit(s)

    Directed observation of 40 hours in an approved field setting and a weekly seminar focusing on integration of theoretical knowledge and field experience.
    Approximately four hours field observation per week, and two hours weekly seminar; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of any Health, Aging and Society program
    Antirequisite(s): GERONTOL 3B03, HLTHAGE 3EE3 
  • HLTHAGE 3CC3 - Health and Environment: Anthropological Approaches

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly HEALTHST 3CC3
    Examination of the ways in which humans alter and cope with their environment. Topics include: health inequalities, nutrition, population, urbanization, resource utilization, and industrial pollution.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Three units of Level I Anthropology or HLTHAGE 1AA3  (HEALTHST 1A03), and registration in Level III or IV of any program. ANTHROP 2E03  is strongly recommended.
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 3CC3
    Cross-list(s): ANTHROP 3C03 
    This course is administered by the Department of Anthropology .
  • HLTHAGE 3D03 - Perspectives on Disability, Chronic Illness and Aging

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly HEALTHST 3D03
    Designed to provide a critical examination of the interdisciplinary aspects of disability, chronic illness and aging and to gain deeper insights into the complex nature of living with a disability and/or chronic illness. Issues and challenges related to definitions, concepts, models, research, policy, program and practice implications will be discussed.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of HLTHAGE 1AA3  (HEALTHST 1A03) or HLTHAGE 1BB3  (GERONTOL 1A03) and Registration in Level III or above
    Antirequisite(s): GERONTOL 4J03, HEALTHST 3D03
  • HLTHAGE 3DD3 - Work: Dangerous to your Health?

    3 unit(s)

    An analysis of issues and problems associated with occupational health and safety in Canada and other industrialized countries. Topics will be examined from social, political, economic, legal and medical perspectives.
    Lectures and discussion; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of a Health, Aging and Society or Labour Studies program.
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 3C03
    Cross-list(s): LABRST 3D03 
    This course is administered by School of Labour Studies . Generally offered in alternate years.
  • HLTHAGE 3E03 - Ethical Issues in Health and Aging

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly HEALTHST 3E03
    Ethical issues of current relevance to debates in aging, health and health care. Topics will vary from year to year.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of any program
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 3L03 , HEALTHST 3E03
  • HLTHAGE 3EE3 - The Practice of Everyday Life: Observations and Inquiry

    3 unit(s)

    This course explores how health and wellbeing are practiced by people ‘out there’ in their everyday lives across public spaces. Based on a range of theoretical and methodological approaches, students will undertake naturalistic field observations and reflections in the community which form the basis of the course assignments.
    Approximately four hours field observation per week and two hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of a program in Health, Aging and Society
    Antirequisite(s): HLTHAGE 3BB3 
  • HLTHAGE 3G03 - Community Based Research

    3 unit(s)

    This course will introduce students to the theories and practice of community based research. Community based research is committed to social change and strives to enhance the synergy between researchers and the community. Students will have the opportunity to apply their theoretical learning by actual engagement with community based organizations in research.
    Three hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): HLTHAGE 2A03  and registration in Level III or above of a program in Health, Aging and Society
    Antirequisite(s): HLTHAGE 2A06, 3A03, 3B03 , 3Z06, SOCIOL 3O03 
  • HLTHAGE 3HP3 - Population Growth and Aging

    3 unit(s)

    Differential growth of human populations and their changing age and sex structures with an emphasis on birth and death processes. The connections between population structures and processes and various aspects of environments and societies including aging, are emphasized.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of GEOG 2HI3 , HEALTHST 2HI3, HLTHAGE 2HI3 
    Antirequisite(s): GEO 2HG3, GERONTOL 2HG3, HEALTHST 2HG3
    Cross-list(s): GEOG 3HP3
    This course is administered by the School of Geography and Earth Sciences.
  • HLTHAGE 3I03 - Independent Study in Health, Aging and Society

    3 unit(s)

    The student will select a topic relevant to Health, Aging and Society for an in-depth investigation under the supervision of a faculty member and write an independent research paper.
    One term
    Prerequisite(s): HLTHAGE 2A03 , registration in Level III or above of any Health, Aging and Society program and permission of the Department Chair
    Antirequisite(s): GERONTOL 3E03, HEALTHST 3I03
  • HLTHAGE 3K03 - Social Determinants of Population Health in Canada

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly HEALTHST 3K03
    This course introduces students to the social determinants of population health framework. It is used to analyse a number of social and economic determinants of health, including housing, neighbourhoods and early child development within the Canadian context.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): HLTHAGE 1AA3  (HEALTHST 1A03) and registration in Level III or above of any program
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 3K03
    This course may be taken as elective credit by undergraduate students registered in a non-Health, Aging and Society program, however, enrolment for such students is limited.
  • HLTHAGE 3L03 - Embodied Aging

    3 unit(s)

    Formerly GERONTOL 3N03
    This course explores the centrality of the body in social gerontological knowledge, policies and practices related to aging, and the experiences of late life. Examples of the topics addressed include the classification of the old body, bodily change and impairment, technological advancements for the body/prosthetic devices, and the relationship between the body/identity/self over the life course.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of a program in Health, Aging and Society
  • HLTHAGE 3M03 - Approaches to Mental Health and Resilience

    3 unit(s)

    Resiliency is a key concept in the field of social sciences and mental health. This course explores approaches to resilience among a range of populations and social contexts. Students will examine topics such as academic resilience, community resilience, and resilience in cultural context as they related to the broad determinants of mental health.
    Three hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of HLTHAGE 1CC3 or HLTHAGE 2GG3 or HLTHAGE 2L03; and registration in Level III or above
  • HLTHAGE 3N03 - Aging and Mental Health

    3 unit(s)

    This course will examine the mental health of older adults from a variety of perspectives. Key topics include changes in cognitive functioning, dementia, assessment protocols, treatment methods, and older adults’ sources of resilience.
    Three hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of HLTHAGE 1AA3  (HEALTHST 1A03); HLTHAGE 1BB3  (GERONTOL 1A03); and registration in Level III or above of any program
  • HLTHAGE 3Q03 - Selected Topics in Health and Aging

    3 unit(s)

    Topics may vary from year to year.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of HLTHAGE 1AA3  (HEALTHST 1A03), HLTHAGE 1BB3  (GERONTOL 1A03) and registration in Level III or above
    HLTHAGE 3Q03 may be repeated, if on a different topic, to a total of six units.
    Priority will be given to students registered in a Health and Aging program.

  • HLTHAGE 3R03 - Health Inequalities

    3 unit(s)

    This course will introduce students to the key concepts, theories and measures of health inequalities. Using common examples of health inequalities within Canada and internationally such as gender, race, social class, we will critically analyse mechanisms through which health inequalities arise, are sustained and can be addressed within societies.
    Lectures and discussion (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above
    Antirequisite(s): HLTHAGE 4F03 if topic was Health Inequalities
    Priority will be given to students registered in a Health and Aging program.
  • HLTHAGE 3S03 - Global Health and Environment Policy

    3 unit(s)

    This course explores the challenges in tackling the health impacts from environmental pollution (chemicals, waste, climate change), and will address the issues on how scientific knowledge about adverse health effects from exposure to environmental factors are converted into policies.
    Three hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of any program
  • HLTHAGE 3YY3 - Indigenous Community Health and Well-Being

    3 unit(s)

    A critical examination of the determinants of health in Aboriginal communities, processes of community revitalization, and recent government policy initiatives.
    Three hours (lectures and discussion); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration on Level II or above
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 3YY3
    Cross-list(s): ANTHROP 3Y03
    This course is administered by the Department of Anthropology.
  • HLTHAGE 4B03 - Death and Dying in Later Life

    3 unit(s)

    This course addresses quality of life at the end of life. Examines issues related to death, dying and bereavement from interdisciplinary perspectives by highlighting cultural, ethical, and spiritual aspects, as well as end of life care.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4C03 - Representations of Health and Illness Across the Lifecourse

    3 unit(s)

    An exploration of representations of health and illness across the life course and aging in the humanities. The focus may vary from year to year, but will examine how health and illness and aging have been represented in literature, poetry, visual arts, drama or music. Consideration is also given to how art can inform social science research.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society program
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 4C03
  • HLTHAGE 4D03 - Health, Culture and Diversity

    3 unit(s)

    Examination of contemporary issues in health and illness from cross cultural and international perspectives.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Health and Society program
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 4D03
  • HLTHAGE 4F03 - Selected Issues in Health and Society

    3 unit(s)

    An advanced exploration of the social aspects of health. Topics may vary from year to year.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Health and Society program
  • HLTHAGE 4G03 - Global Health

    3 unit(s)

    This course introduces students to priority problems in health in a global context. Examines health problems faced by people globally but especially in low income countries and the determinants and strategies to address these problems.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Health and Society program
    Antirequisite(s): HLTHAGE 3C03, 3F03 if topic was Global Health
  • HLTHAGE 4H03 - History and Culture of Aging

    3 unit(s)

    This course explores the diverse trends in aging, leading to a greater understanding of aging in past and present societies. We will explore how aging has been regarded, dealt with and represented throughout history and between cultures, including the recent developments in the ‘cultures of aging’ that surround the lifestyle choices and consumption habits of older people.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Aging and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4I03 - Aging and Health

    3 unit(s)

    Addresses the biological, psychological and socio-political factors influencing the health of elderly persons from a broad national and international perspective.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
    Antirequisite(s): GERONTOL 4I03
    Not open to students with credit in GERONTOL 4D03, if the topic was Aging and Health.
  • HLTHAGE 4J03 - Narratives of Illness

    3 unit(s)

    This seminar explores the role that narratives of illness play in describing, shaping and interrogating the experiences of those who are ‘unwell’.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Health and Society program
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 4J03
  • HLTHAGE 4L03 - Social Policy and Aging

    3 unit(s)

    An advanced exploration of social aspects of aging including gender and health, family relationships and retirement.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Aging and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4M03 - Environment and Health

    3 unit(s)

    An exploration of environmental health issues research. Emphasis is placed on the distribution and effects of environmental toxins and disease-causing micro-organisms. Topics include cancer clusters, food safety, and water-borne diseases.
    Two lectures, one seminar (one hour); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2EI3 , ENVIRSC 2EI3 , GEOG 2EI3 , 2HI3 ; and registration in Level IV or above. GEOG 3HH3  is strongly recommended.
    Cross-list(s): ENVIRSC 4HH3 , GEOG 4HH3 
    This course is administered by the School of Geography and Earth Sciences.
  • HLTHAGE 4N03 - Aging and Well-Being

    3 unit(s)

    This course explores the diverse meanings of health and wellness to older adults and analyzes the different mechanisms through which health and well-being can be maximized such as providing for physical, emotional, economic and political needs of older people.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society program
  • HLTHAGE 4O03 - Soundscapes of Wellbeing in Popular Music

    3 unit(s)

    This course examines the dynamics between music, health and wellbeing, considering the use of music by health sectors, and the places of music in cultural life.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4P03 - Leisure and Recreation in Later Life

    3 unit(s)

    This course focuses upon characteristics of the aging population and the theoretical aspects of aging as related to recreation, leisure and lifestyle explores the diverse meanings of health and wellness to older adults and analyzes the different mechanisms through which health and well-being can be maximized such as providing for physical, emotional, economic and political needs of older people.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Aging and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4Q03 - Representations of Mental Illness

    3 unit(s)

    An examination of first-hand accounts and self-representations of mental illness through literature, film, music and art.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4R03 - Beyond the Social: Determinants of Indigenous Peoples Health

    3 unit(s)

    This course examines the different ways in which health determinants coincide to impact the health status of Indigenous Peoples.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Health and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4S03 - Health and the Unfairly Structured City

    3 unit(s)

    Examines patterns, process and policies related to how the structure of cities produce health inequalities and what has been done to address them, with a focus on the northern hemisphere.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Health and Society program
  • HLTHAGE 4T03 - Gender, Sex and Health

    3 unit(s)

    This course will focus on how gender contributes to the differential structuring of the experiences of men, women and gender minorities.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Health and Society or Honours Social Psychology program
  • HLTHAGE 4U03 - Professions and Occupations in Health and Aging

    3 unit(s)

    This course introduces students to critical theories and empirical studies on health and aging professions and occupations. Such groups include physicians, nurses, social workers and other occupational alliances whose career focus is on health and/or aging.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society program
  • HLTHAGE 4V03 - Aging and Humour: The Good, the Bad and the Funny

    3 unit(s)

    This course examines the role of humour in the lives of older people and how humour affects the aging experience. Topics include gender and ageist humour, laughter as medicine, humour as a coping strategy, and the role and value of humour and laughter for happiness and wellbeing in later life.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Aging and Society program
  • HLTHAGE 4W03 - Selected Issues in Aging and Society

    3 unit(s)

    An advanced exploration of the social aspects of Aging. Topics may vary from year to year.
    Three hours (seminar); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of an Honours Aging and Society program
  • HLTHAGE 4Z06 A/B - Health, Aging and Society Thesis

    6 unit(s)

    This course provides an opportunity for students to integrate knowledge, practice, and research in a project related to their area of interest. Students may work with individual faculty members or community-based supervisors.
    Two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Health, Aging and Society program; and six units of research methods (GERONTOL 2C03 and either GERONTOL 3R03 or HLTHAGE 3A03; or HEALTHST 2B03 and either HEALTHST 3G03 or HLTHAGE 3A03) or HLTHAGE 2A03  and HLTHAGE 3B03  or 3G03 ; (or 2A06, 3Z06); and SOCSCI 2J03  or another approved statistics course and permission of the Department. Enrolment in this course is limited (please consult departmental notes).
    Antirequisite(s): GERONTOL 4A06

Health Sciences

Faculty Note

This course listing is divided into two parts:
1. Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) program, Biomedical Sciences Specialization, Child Health Specialization and Global Health Specialization.
2. Health Sciences courses normally available only to students registered in Engineering (Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering or Electrical and Biomedical Engineering), Midwifery, or Nursing (A), (B), (E) or (F) Streams, as applicable.

Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)

Courses in Health Sciences are administered by the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) Program.
Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery, Room 3308, ext. 22815

  • HTHSCI 1A00 - Competencies in Animal Care and Research: Orientation

    0 unit(s)

    This course outlines the Regulations and Guidelines for the use of animals in biomedical research, the McMaster University process for conducting animal research, as well as personnel, basic animal care, (including containment techniques), services offered, and training. There is an on-line lecture and quiz, as well as a site-specific tour and in-class lecture. A pass/fail will be assigned based on completion of an on-line quiz, with a minimum grade of 70%, and completion of the site specific tour and in-class lecture.
    On-line lecture, quiz and in-class tour/lecture (three and a half hours); one tour/lecture
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHSCI 700
  • HTHSCI 1B00 - Competencies in Animal Care and Research: Methodologies

    0 unit(s)

    This course provides housing options and the importance of using proper research techniques for biocontainment/bioexclusion. It offers basic animal handling skills, as well as injection techniques. It allows students the opportunity to gain confidence handling animals. There is an on-line lecture and quiz, as well as an in-class wet-lab. A pass/fail is assigned based on completion of the quiz, with a minimum grade of 70%, and demonstration of competency in the in-class wet-lab by accurate completion of assigned tasks.
    On-line lecture, quiz and in-class wet-lab (three and a half hours); one wetlab
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHSCI 701
    May be repeated to a maximum of two times if on a different topic. Topic: Mouse or Rat
  • HTHSCI 1C00 - Competencies in Animal Care and Research: Completion of Ethical Research

    0 unit(s)

    This course outlines the McMaster University process for conducting animal research, and the process for understanding both the humane and experimental endpoints of a research study. Emphasis is placed on the 3 R’s: replace, reduce and refine. There is an on-line lecture and quiz, as well as a physical lecture. A pass/fail is assigned based on completion of the quiz, with a minimum grade of 70%, and attendance to the formal in-class lecture.
    On-line and in-class lecture (three hours); on lecture
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 1A00 , 1B00 ; or HEALTHSCI 700, 701
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHSCI 702
  • HTHSCI 1DT3 - Discover Immunology Today

    3 unit(s)

    This course is intended to inspire curiosity in questions generated by concepts in immunology that drive current research directions. Students will explore a spectrum of topics in immunology with research faculty.
    Two hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level 1 B.H.Sc. (Honours) or Level 1 Science or Level 1 Arts & Science
  • HTHSCI 1E06 A/B - Inquiry I: Introduction

    6 unit(s)

    This course will initiate the development of a skill set required for life-long learning, in the context of the study of one or two health care issues. A problem based course applying principles of scientific inquiry to selected health issues.
    Three hours; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 1E03, 1EE3, HTHSCI 2D06 A/B , INQUIRY 1SC3
    Note: Students entering the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program after completion of Level I in another program may be required to complete HTHSCI 2D06 A/B  at the discretion of the Assistant Dean of the program.
  • HTHSCI 1G02 - Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving in Health

    2 unit(s)

    Recognizing that health is not simply a biological phenomenon, this course examines health issues from multiple perspectives, emphasizes the links between them, and builds a conceptual tool-box for problem solving across the domains of population and public health, biomedical and clinical issues, social and cultural aspects of health, and health systems and policy.
    Two lectures, one tutorial
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level I of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program or Level II as a B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program transfer student
  • HTHSCI 1I06 A/B - Cellular and Molecular Biology

    6 unit(s)

    Students will explore the molecular basis of cellular communication (gene expression, cellular signaling) underlying disease processes. A hybrid approach blending didactic and inquiry-based approaches will be used.
    Two sessions per week (three hours each); two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Grade 12 U Biology and registration in Health Sciences I, or Grade 12 U Biology and registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program.
    Co-requisite(s): WHMIS 1A00  . Students registering in HTHSCI 1I06 A/B must also register in WHMIS 1A00 when completing their registration.
    Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 1A03  
  • HTHSCI 1K03 - Health Sciences in the Media

    3 unit(s)

    An inquiry-based model will be used to allow students of all backgrounds to explore the relationship between popular media representations of discoveries in the health sciences and the original research behind them. Students will acquire transferrable information literacy skills to find, critically evaluate, and summarize evidence and will gain an understanding of the context for communication of modern scientific discoveries.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in any Level 1 Program
  • HTHSCI 1PA3 - Current Research in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences

    3 unit(s)

    This course will introduce students to concepts and areas of research excitement in biomedical sciences.
    This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis.
    Two lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in any Level I program. Grade 12 U Biology is recommended, but not required.
  • HTHSCI 1X01 A/B - Praxis Pathways 1

    1 unit(s)

    This is part 1 of the longitudinal Praxis Pathways Curriculum, in which students begin to actively develop capacities for: collaboration in community; group process; leadership; lifelong learning; perspective-taking; reflection and reflexivity; and self-care and wellness. The development of information literacy and critical analysis skills supports and informs these goals.
    Two hours; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level I of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program or Level II as a B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program transfer student.
  • HTHSCI 2AE3 - Artistic Explorations of Community Issues

    3 unit(s)

    Students will research and explore topics relevant to the B.H.Sc. and Arts & Science communities through engaging with and investigating arts-based research methodologies.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above in the B.H.Sc. (Honours) or Arts & Science Program, or permission of instructor
  • HTHSCI 2CH3 A/B - CHS Learning Modules

    3 unit(s)

    Modules will provide a foundation of knowledge in multiple areas of child health and development. Topics will include the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and behavioural perspectives of child development.
    On-line modules; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II of the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) - Child Health Specialization (B.H.Sc.) 
  • HTHSCI 2CH6 A/B - CHS Inquiry Fundamentals

    6 unit(s)

    The inquiry-based model will be used to facilitate student’s learning within the dynamic context of child health and development. The integration of knowledge, research and experiential opportunities will be discussed during weekly classes. The learning environment will also include dialogues with experts, tutorials and field placements. Four hours; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Child Health Specialization
  • HTHSCI 2D06 A/B - Inquiry II: Introduction and Biochemistry

    6 unit(s)

    This course will use an inquiry-based approach. First semester will initiate the development of a skill set required for life-long learning by studying healthcare issues. Second semester will introduce key concepts in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to understand genetic, infectious and metabolic diseases.
    Three hours; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Assistant Dean, B.H.Sc. (Honours) program
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 1E06 A/B  , HTHSCI 2E03  
    Note: This course is restricted to Level II B.H.Sc. (Honours) transfer students only.
  • HTHSCI 2DS3 - Global Health and the Complexities of Disease

    3 unit(s)

    This course will introduce students to the disease states that define the burden of morbidity and mortality in a global setting. Students will examine the relationships that define the static and dynamic patterns of health and illness by drawing on diverse fields of academic thought and research, including the biological, geographical, anthropological and political sciences.
    Three hour lecture, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program or registration in Level II or above in any Honours program
  • HTHSCI 2E03 - Inquiry II: Biochemistry

    3 unit(s)

    This course will use an inquiry based format to introduce key concepts in biochemistry, molecular biology and biomedical sciences to understand illnesses such as infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, genetic diseases and cancer.
    One term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 1I06 A/B  
  • HTHSCI 2F03 - Human Physiology and Anatomy I

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to the principal organ systems including the endocrine, skin, CNS and locomotion.
    Two lectures, one lab; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program or registration in Level II of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program.
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 1D06 A/B, 1H03, HTHSCI 1H06 A/B, HTHSCI 2L03, KINESIOL 1A03, 1A06, KINESIOL 1AA3, 1X06, KINESIOL 1Y03, KINESIOL 1YY3, MED PHYS 4XX3, SCIENCE 4XX3
  • HTHSCI 2FF3 - Human Physiology and Anatomy II

    3 unit(s)

    A continuation of HTH SCI 2F03 with an examination of the Immune, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal and Uro-Genital Systems.
    Two lectures, one lab; one term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 2F03
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 1D06 A/B, HTHSCI 1H06 A/B, 1HH3, HTHSCI 2LL3, KINESIOL 1A03, 1A06, KINESIOL 1AA3, 1X06, KINESIOL 1Y03, KINESIOL 1YY3, MED PHYS 4XX3, SCIENCE 4XX3
  • HTHSCI 2G03 - Statistics & Epidemiology 1

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to measure of health, the design and analysis of epidemiological studies, the statistical approaches used to analyze data and interpret measures of association, and understanding confounding and bias.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program, or registration in Level II of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Specialization; or registration in Level III of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences program
    Antirequisite(s): LIFESCI 3G03
  • HTHSCI 2GG3 - Statistics & Epidemiology 2

    3 unit(s)

    Building on HTHSCI 2G03, this course will introduce more advanced concepts and methods in biostatistics, while examining crucial issues in the design and analysis of epidemiologic studies, and exploring specialized topics.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 2G03
    Antirequisite(s): COMMERCE 2QA3, HTHSCI 2A03, NURSING 2R03, STATS 1CC3, 2B03
  • HTHSCI 2J03 - Health, Attitude and Behaviour

    3 unit(s)

    This course will explore the knowledge and application of specific principles in daily living, applied drama and physical activity as a way of achieving wellness and dealing with stress.
    This course is evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis.
    One lecture, two tutorials; one term
    Last offered 2019-2020
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 1E06 A/B or HTHSCI 2D06 A/B
    Antirequisite(s): KINESIOL 2G03
  • HTHSCI 2K03 - Cell Biology

    3 unit(s)

    An inquiry based examination of the relationship between cell structure and function. Students will be required to apply key concepts of cell biology to facilitate their understanding of timely problems in biomedicine.
    Tutorials (three hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 1I06 A/B or HTHSCI 2D06 A/B; or registration in Level II or above of the Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering Program or Electrical and Biomedical Engineering; or registration in Level III of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences program (HESE stream)
    Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 2B03, ISCI 2A18 A/B
  • HTHSCI 2T03 - Sex, Gender, & Health

    3 unit(s)

    This course will explore the concepts of sex and gender, and take a critical perspective on how sex, gender, and social norms of masculinity and femininity affect health, healthcare, and health research.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in any Level II or above program.
  • HTHSCI 2X03 A/B - Praxis Pathways 2

    3 unit(s)

    This is part two of the longitudinal Praxis Pathways Curriculum, in which students further develop and refine capacities for: collaboration in community; group process; leadership; lifelong learning; perspective-taking; reflection and reflexivity; and self-care and wellness. The development of information literacy and critical analysis skills supports and informs these goals.
    Six hours per month; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program
    First offered in 2020-21
  • HTHSCI 3AH3 - Indigenous Health

    3 unit(s)

    The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge and skills related to health care practice and policy from within Indigenous contexts. Enabling students to acquire and put into practice concepts and information required to understand and manage health for Indigenous peoples; to engage in culturally competent and safe practice through knowledge development; and the ability to identify areas of need specific to Indigenous health.
    Two lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above in the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program or B.H.Sc. (Honours) specializations, or permission of instructor.
  • HTHSCI 3BA3 - Symptomatology

    3 unit(s)

    This unique course will examine the science of the symptoms of various diseases. Both the physiological and molecular mechanism(s) of various symptoms will be explored pertaining to a disease state. Signals to various organs will be explored in the context of symptoms. The molecular basis of symptoms such as pain induced by cancer or cardiovascular disease will be elucidated. The course is an inquiry-based examination of symptoms. The course will be organized into small groups.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program, or B.H.Sc. (Honours) specializations, or registration in Level III or above of the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) - Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization (B.H.Sc.) 
  • HTHSCI 3BM3 - Inquiry Project in Biomedical Sciences

    3 unit(s)

    An opportunity to explore a specialized area of biomedical sciences in preparation for Level IV Thesis in Biomedical Sciences.
    One term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III of the BHSc (Honours) Biomedical Sciences Specialization.
  • HTHSCI 3BM6 A/B S - Research Project in Biomedical Sciences

    6 unit(s)

    A research project exploring a specialized area of biomedical sciences under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Biomedical Sciences Specialization or permission of BHSc (Honours) Program.
    Antirequisite(s): BIOCHEM 3R06 A/B
  • HTHSCI 3CC3 - Theatre for Development

    3 unit(s)

    This course, rooted in Applied Drama, will enable students to actively participate and explore their creativity, enhancing transferable skills like communication and active listening through drama games and exercises.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program or registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Specializations
  • HTHSCI 3CH3 - CHS Inquiry Intermediate

    3 unit(s)

    Building upon Level II, students will continue to learn in an Inquiry based environment and be expected to deepen their knowledge, integrate new material and experiences in order to understand and explore the complexities of child health and development within the community.
    Four hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of Department. This course is available only to Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) - Child Health Specialization (B.H.Sc.)  students studying in the MacAbroad Exchange Program.
  • HTHSCI 3CH6 A/B S - CHS Research Practicum

    6 unit(s)

    Students will continue to develop and apply their statistical knowledge, information literacy and research skills by developing and implementing an independent project in collaboration with a community partner and Child Health Specialization facilitators. Emphasis will be placed on communication and collaboration, skill development and the complexities, potential, and limitations of applied research.
    Sessions arranged individually or in small groups; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III of the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) - Child Health Specialization (B.H.Sc.) 
  • HTHSCI 3CH9 A/B - CHS Inquiry Intermediate

    9 unit(s)

    Building upon Level II, students will continue to learn in an Inquiry based environment and be expected to deepen their knowledge, integrate new material and experiences in order to understand and explore the complexities of child health and development within the community.
    Four hours; two terms.
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Child Health Specialization
  • HTHSCI 3DD6 A/B - Engaging the City: An Introduction to Community-Based Research in Hamilton

    6 unit(s)

    An introduction to the city of Hamilton and community-based research. This course will place experiential emphasis on citizenship, community health, economics, geography, environment, and education.
    Three hours; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above and permission of instructor
    This course is evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis.
  • HTHSCI 3E03 - Inquiry III: Advanced Inquiry in Health Sciences

    3 unit(s)

    This course will cover health issues that are prevalent at certain times in the developmental cycle. Topics will include reproduction, global health, health of children and adolescents, adulthood, and health care issues in the elderly.
    One term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 2D06 A/B   or HTHSCI 2E03   and registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program; or registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Specializations
  • HTHSCI 3EE3 - Biomedical Graphics

    3 unit(s)

    An art course for science students, participants will learn the basics of visual literacy, design and the software used to create effective illustrations or figures in support of scientific communication.
    One lecture; one lab; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours), or Honours Studio Art programs
    Students must be artistically inclined.
  • HTHSCI 3FC3 - Science of Fictional Characters

    3 unit(s)

    In this interdisciplinary inquiry course, students will use fictional characters as a model to apply and understand key concepts in various scientific disciplines (e.g. biology, psychology). Additional emphasis will be placed on science communication and the development of scientific inquiry skills.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above in B.H.Sc. (Honours); or Level III or above in any Honours program
  • HTHSCI 3G03 - Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature

    3 unit(s)

    Students will learn quantitative research design and how to evaluate the internal validity of published research to determine the effectiveness of an intervention, diagnostic test, screening program, prognostic or risk factor and systemic review.
    Two lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 2G03
  • HTHSCI 3GG3 - Health Systems and Health Policy

    3 unit(s)

    This course reviews how health care is different from other goods and services, how governments have responded to these differences, and how governments make decisions about health care.
    Two lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 3G03  or registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program
  • HTHSCI 3H03 A/B - Inquiry Project

    3 unit(s)

    An opportunity to explore one or more specialized areas of Health Sciences in preparation for Level IV Senior Project/Thesis.
    One term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III B.H.Sc. (Honours) program or registration in Level III of the B.H. Sc. (Honours) Specializations.
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 3H06 A/B
  • HTHSCI 3H06 A/B S - Inquiry Project

    6 unit(s)

    An opportunity to explore one or more specialized areas of Health Sciences in preparation for Level IV Senior Project/Thesis.
    One term or two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III B.H.Sc. (Honours) program or registration in Level III of the B.H. Sc. (Honours) Specializations and permission of B.H.Sc. (Honours) program.
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 3H03 A/B  
  • HTHSCI 3HH3 - Deceptions in Decision Making

    3 unit(s)

    Students will explore and examine how hidden strategies/factors are deployed to create popular mindsets, beliefs, propagandas and perceptions. By using examples from education, health care, psychology & behavior economics, students will have an exciting platform to deconstruct some of the popular mindsets/stereotypes/beliefs and then use that knowledge to become an effective advocate.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program
  • HTHSCI 3I03 - Introductory Immunology

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to humoral and cellular immunity. The molecular and cellular basis of immunity, and an introduction to immunological techniques.
    Two lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of BIOLOGY 1A03 , HTHSCI 1I06, or ISCI 1A24 A/B , and registration in Level II or above
  • HTHSCI 3K03 - Introductory Virology

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to the basics of virology. Topics include the structure and composition of viruses, virus replication strategies, virus-host interactions and uses of viruses for medical research.
    Two lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of BIOLOGY 2B03  , HTHSCI 2K03  , or ISCI 2A18 A/B  ; and registration in Level III or above
  • HTHSCI 3L03 - Introduction to Bioethics

    3 unit(s)

    This course will cover ethical issues that are relevant to biological sciences. Topics will include genetic engineering and cloning, genetic screening, reproductive technology and the use of behavioural strategies to alter societal behaviours.
    Two lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above
    Antirequisite(s): HEALTHST 3E03, PHILOS 2D03 
  • HTHSCI 3MH3 - Critical Examination of Mental Health

    3 unit(s)

    An examination of mental health and illness from different social, cultural and historical perspectives. In this course, students will consider a range of mental health issues and compare how these issues are commonly understood in a critical examination of mental health research and theory.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the BHSc (Honours) Program, or registration in Level III or above of the BHSc (Honours) Specializations, or permission of instructor.
  • HTHSCI 3MU3 - Music, Health, & the Community

    3 unit(s)

    This experiential interdisciplinary course will develop community experience and leadership in the Hamilton Intergenerational Music Program. In-class discussions will focus on the function and role of music in health and healthcare, intergenerational issues, leadership skills, and music education.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the BHSc (Honours) Program, or registration in Level III or above of the BHSc (Honours) Specializations, or registration in Level III or above of a Music program, or registration in Level III or above of a Health, Aging & Society program, or permission of instructor.
  • HTHSCI 3N03 - Written Communication in Health Sciences I

    3 unit(s)

    This course will explore various genres of written communication. Students will develop their editing and writing skills in a small group.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program or registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Specializations
  • HTHSCI 3QA3 - Qualitative Research Methods in Health

    3 unit(s)

    An inquiry-based course examining a wide range of qualitative methods used in health research, including ethnography, narrative, phenomenology, and arts-and science-based approaches. We explore qualitative methods in the clinical, public, and biomedical health sciences.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level 3 or above of an Honours program
  • HTHSCI 3S03 - Communication Skills

    3 unit(s)

    This course offers students a variety of learning experiences that will enable them to better understand the relationship between effective communication and desired health care outcomes. Students will be exposed to evidence based research, role playing, standardized simulations and audio-visual reviews.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program; or registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Specializations; or registration in
    Level III or above in any Honours program
  • HTHSCI 3SB3 - Superbugs: Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance

    3 unit(s)

    This course will examine the biochemistry of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Prominent ‘superbugs’ plaguing patients will be covered, as well as potential novel interventions to move antimicrobial chemotherapy forward.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 2K03 
  • HTHSCI 3T03 - Inquiry into Work, Self and Purpose

    3 unit(s)

    This course will explore ideas of work, career/life design and personal purpose. Students will undertake self-assessment activities, group projects and personal reflection with a view to integrating a critical appreciation of course content into their personal decision making.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above
  • HTHSCI 3U03 - Medical Genetics

    3 unit(s)

    This course will cover a broad spectrum of genetic disorders; with particular emphasis on inheritance patterns, molecular mechanisms, treatment and prevention.
    Two lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): HTHSCI 2K03   or BIOLOGY 2B03   and registration in Level III or above
  • HTHSCI 3V03 - Research and Experimental Design

    3 unit(s)

    Analytical review of fundamental experiments with a focus on experimental design, employing data sets to solve experimental problems with an emphasis on how to approach the problem. This course will serve as an accompaniment to HTHSCI 3R06 A/B or as a precursor to the BIOCHEM 4F09 A/B or HTHSCI 4R12 A/B senior thesis courses.
    Two lectures, one tutorial (two hours); one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program; or registration in Level III or above of the Honours Integrated Science Program, Arts & Science Program, or any Honours program in the Faculty of Science
  • HTHSCI 3X00 A/B - Praxis Pathways 3

    0 unit(s)

    This is part 3 of the longitudinal Praxis Pathways Curriculum, in which students develop greater facility in their capacities for: collaboration in community; group process; leadership; lifelong learning; perspective-taking; reflection and reflexivity; and self-care and wellness. The development of information literacy and critical analysis skills supports and informs these goals.
    One hour per month; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III of the B.H.S.c. (Honours) Program
    This course is evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis.
    First offered in 2021-22.
  • HTHSCI 3X03 - Pain: Perceptions, Mechanisms and Management

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to perceptions, mechanisms and management of pain with a holistic interdisciplinary approach.
    One lecture, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program, or registration in Level III or above of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Specializations, or permission of the instructor
  • HTHSCI 4A09 A/B S - Thesis

    9 unit(s)

    A thesis-based research project conducted under the direction and supervision of a member of the Faculty. Arrangements to register in HTHSCI 4A09 A/B, including agreement of the supervisor, must be made before the end of March in Level III.
    Two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in B.H.Sc. (Honours) program and permission of B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program
    Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 4F06 A/B, 4C12 A/B, HTHSCI 4B06 A/B, 4A12 A/B, 4A15 A/B, MOLBIOL 4G12 A/B, PHARMAC 4F09, PSYCH 4E09
    Not open to students with credit or registration in BIOCHEM 4P03.
  • HTHSCI 4A12 A/B S - Thesis

    12 unit(s)

    A thesis-based research project conducted under the direction and supervision of a member of the Faculty. Arrangements to register in HTH SCI 4A12, including agreement of the supervisor, must be made before the end of March in Level III.
    Two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in B.H.Sc. (Honours) program and permission of B.H.Sc. (Honour) Program
    Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 4F06 A/B, 4C12 A/B, HTHSCI 4B06 A/B S, 4A09 A/B, 4A15 A/B, MOLBIOL 4G12 A/B, PHARMAC 4F09, PSYCH 4E09
    Not open to students with credit or registration in BIOCHEM 4P03.
  • HTHSCI 4A15 A/B S - Thesis

    15 unit(s)

    A thesis-based research project conducted under the direction and supervision of a member of the Faculty. Arrangements to register in HTH SCI 4A15, including agreement of supervisor must be made before the end of March in Level III.
    Two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program and permission of B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program
    Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 4F06 A/B, 4C12 A/B, HTHSCI 4B06 A/B, 4A09 A/B, 4A12 A/B, MOLBIOL 4G12 A/B, PHARMAC 4F09, PSYCH 4D06, 4D09, 4E09
    Not open to students with a credit or registration in BIOCHEM 4P03.

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