Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Course Listings

The courses listed in this section include all courses approved for the undergraduate curriculum for the 2019-2020 academic year. Not all courses in the approved curriculum will be offered during the year. Students are advised to refer to the course timetables available annually in Mosaic in March and June to determine which specific courses will be offered in the upcoming sessions.
Note: An A/B suffix appearing in a course number indicates that the course may be delivered across more than one term (see Multi-Term Course in the Glossary  of this calendar). The A/B S suffix indicates that the course may be delivered as either a multi-term course or within a single term. 

See also:

Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character to return mass results. For example, a “Code or Number” search of ” 2* ” can be entered returning all level II courses.



Courses in Spanish are administered within the Department of Linguistics and Languages.
Togo Salmon Hall, Room 629, ext. 24388

Former Hispanic Studies (HISPANIC) courses are now listed as Spanish (SPANISH) courses. Students having credit in Hispanic Studies courses may not take the corresponding course under the Spanish designation.


  1. Students should note that the Department has classified its Spanish language courses under the following categories:
    Introductory Level Language Course: SPANISH 1Z06 A/B 
    Intermediate Level Language Courses: SPANISH 1A03 , 1AA3 , 2Z03 , 2ZZ3  
  2. Not all courses are offered on an annual basis. Students should consult the timetable for available courses.
  3. Students may be required to take a placement test in the Department of Linguistics and Languages to assess their proficiency in the language.


If no prerequisite is listed, the course is open.

  • SPANISH 1A03 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3 unit(s)

    The first part of an intensive review of grammatical structures in Spanish. Emphasis will be on composition, expansion of vocabulary and oral practice. Written works in the original will be studied. The sequel to this course is SPANISH 1AA3 .
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Grade 12 Spanish U or equivalent
    Antirequisite(s): SPANISH 2Z03 
    Not open to students with credit or registration in SPANISH 1AA3 .
    Not open to native speakers of Spanish.
    The Department reserves the right to place students in the course most appropriate to their abilities.

  • SPANISH 1AA3 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3 unit(s)

    The second part of an intensive review of grammatical structures in Spanish. Emphasis will be on composition, expansion of vocabulary and oral practice. Written works in the original will be studied.
    Three hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): SPANISH 1A03  
    Antirequisite(s): SPANISH 2ZZ3  
    Not open to native speakers of Spanish. The Department reserves the right to place students in the course most appropriate to their abilities.
  • SPANISH 1Z06 A/B - Beginner’s Intensive Spanish

    6 unit(s)

    This course gives students the ability to express themselves reasonably well in Spanish and acquire the basics of Spanish grammar and gain considerable reading skill. This course is enhanced by a Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) module. The sequel to this course is SPANISH 2Z03 .
    Three hours; two terms
    Antirequisite(s): Grade 12 Spanish U or equivalent
    Not open to native speakers of Spanish.
    The Department reserves the right to place students in the course most appropriate to their abilities.

  • SPANISH 2Z03 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3 unit(s)

    First part of an intensive review of the grammatical structures of Spanish. Emphasis will be on composition, expansion of vocabulary and oral practice. Written works in the original will be studied. The sequel to this course is SPANISH 2ZZ3 .
    Four hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): SPANISH 1Z06 A/B 
    Antirequisite(s): SPANISH 1A03 
    Not open to native speakers of Spanish.
    The Department reserves the right to place students in the course most appropriate to their abilities.

  • SPANISH 2ZZ3 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3 unit(s)

    Second part of an intensive review of grammatical structures of Spanish. Emphasis will be on composition, expansion of vocabulary and oral practice. Written works in the original will be studied.
    Four hours; one term
    Prerequisite(s): SPANISH 2Z03  
    Antirequisite(s): SPANISH 1AA3  


Courses in Statistics are administered by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics.
Hamilton Hall, Room 218, ext. 27034

Department Notes
1. Course codes ending with * indicate that course is not necessarily offered every session; consult the Chair of the Department or the Associate Dean of Science (Academic).
2. Courses in Mathematics and Statistics are not open to students registered in the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) program.


If no prerequisite is listed, the course is open.

See also courses in Mathematics.

  • STATS 1L03 - Probability and Linear Algebra

    3 unit(s)

    The algebra of probability, conditional probability and independence, discrete and continuous random variables, mean and variance, matrices, determinants, Cramer’s rule, solution of linear equations.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): OSS Grade 11 Mathematics
    Not open to students with credit in Grade 12 Mathematics of Data Management U or STATS 1CC3, 2B03 , 2D03 , 2MA3, 2MB3 .
    Not open to students registered in the Faculty of Science  or Faculty of Engineering .

  • STATS 2B03 - Statistical Methods for Science

    3 unit(s)

    Applied statistics, with emphasis on inferential methods relevant to the environmental and life sciences. Use of a computer statistics package.
    Three lectures, one lab; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of Grade 12 Data Management U, STATS 1A03, 1L03  or registration in Level II or above of a program in the Faculty of Science 
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ARTSSCI 2R03 , COMMERCE 2QA3 , EARTHSC 2MB3, ECON 2B03 , ENVIRSC 2MB3, GEOG 2MB3, HTHSCI 1F03, 2A03 , KINESIOL 3C03, PNB 2XE3 , STATS 2D03 , 2MA3, 2MB3 .
  • STATS 2D03 - Introduction to Probability

    3 unit(s)

    Combinatorics, independence, conditioning; Poisson-process; discrete and continuous distributions with statistical applications; expectation, transformations moment-generating functions joint, marginal and conditional distributions; covariance and correlation; central limit theorem.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of ARTSSCI 1D06 A/B , MATH 1AA3 , 1LT3 , 1NN3, 1XX3 , 1ZB3 , 1ZZ5 or ISCI 1A24 A/B 
    Not open to students with credit or registration in PSYCH 2RA3.
  • STATS 2MB3 - Statistical Methods and Applications

    3 unit(s)

    Estimation; sampling distributions; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing, power; linear regression; graphical and computational methods.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 2D03 
    Not open to students with credit or registration in ARTSSCI 2R03  or PNB 3XE3 .
  • STATS 3A03 - Applied Regression Analysis with SAS

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to SAS; linear regression model; least squares method; model fitting and diagnostics; influential analysis; model building; one-way and two-way ANOVA; applications. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    Three lectures, one lab; one term
    Prerequisite(s): ARTSSCI 2R03 or STATS 2MB3
  • STATS 3D03 - Mathematical Statistics

    3 unit(s)

    Multivariate distributions; distributions related to normal inference; point estimation; sampling distributions; consistency and limiting distributions; interval estimation; hypothesis testing; single parameter maximum likelihood methods; Rao-Cramer Lower Bound and Efficiency.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 2D03  and one of ISCI 2A18 A/B , MATH 2A03 , 2L03 , 2Q04, 2X03 , 2ZZ3
  • STATS 3DS3 - Introduction to Data Science Theory

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to data science theory is provided with some focus on analytics. Topics covered include an introduction to R and other appropriate computational platforms, data types, data manipulation, data frames, data visualization, data reporting, statistical/machine learning, classification, clustering, cross-validation, classification and regression trees, gradient boosting, ridge regression, LASSO, and generalized additive models. Familiarity with some computer package, e.g. SAS, Python or MatLab is required. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    Two lectures, one lab (one hour); one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of ECON 3EE3, PNB 3XE3, SFWRTECH 4DA3, STATS 3A03
  • STATS 3G03 - Actuarial Mathematics I

    3 unit(s)

    Survival distributions, life tables, life insurance, life annuities, net premiums and reserves.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 2D03 ; and one of MATH 2FM3 , 2K03
  • STATS 3H03 - Actuarial Mathematics II

    3 unit(s)

    Multiple life functions, multiple decrement models, valuation theory for pension plans.
    Three lectures, one tutorial; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 3G03 
  • STATS 3J04 - Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineering

    4 unit(s)

    Introduction to probability, data analysis, statistical inference, regression, correlation and analysis of variance, applications to civil and environmental engineering.
    Four lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above of any program in Engineering
    Antirequisite(s): ENGINEER 3JR4, STATS 3N03, 3Y03 
  • STATS 3PG3 - Probability and Games of Chance

    3 unit(s)

    Probabilistic treatment of games of chance. Selected topics from: conditional expectation, discrete martingales, Markov chains, game theory, house advantage, craps, video poker, gambler’s ruin, slots, betting systems. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of ISCI 2A18 A/B, MATH 2A03, 2X03; and STATS 2D03
  • STATS 3S03* - Survey Sampling

    3 unit(s)

    Survey design; simple random sampling; stratified sampling; proportional allocation; ratio estimation; cluster sampling; systematic sampling and sample size determination. Exposure to real surveys.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 2D03 ; and one of ARTSSCI 2R03 , STATS 2MB3 
  • STATS 3U03* - Stochastic Processes

    3 unit(s)

    Random walk, Markov chains, discrete and continuous parameter Markov processes, branching processes, birth and death processes, queuing processes.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): One of ISCI 2A18 A/B , MATH 2A03, 2X03 ; and STATS 2D03  
  • STATS 3Y03 - Probability and Statistics for Engineering

    3 unit(s)

    Introduction to probability, data analysis, statistical inference, regression, correlation and analysis of variance.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in a program in Engineering above Level I
    Antirequisite(s): ENGINEER 3JR4, STATS 3J04 , 3N03
  • STATS 4A03 - Time Series

    3 unit(s)

    Stationary, auto-regressive and moving-average series, Box-Jenkins methods, trend and seasonal effects, tests for white noise, estimation and forecasting methods, introduction to time series in the frequency domain. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 3A03, 3D03
  • STATS 4C03 - Generalized Linear Models

    3 unit(s)

    Normal linear model, exponential family, iteratively-reweighted least squares, logistic regression, Poisson regression and log-linear models, other families of GLM’s, analysis of deviance and model checking, residual analysis.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s):STATS 3A03  and STATS 3D03  
  • STATS 4CI3* - Computational Methods for Inference

    3 unit(s)

    Monte Carlo methods; bootstrap and jackknife methods; multi-parameter maximum likelihood; computation in nonlinear likelihood inference; The EM Algorithm; sufficiency and its applications; optimal hypothesis tests; Bayesian inference; Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 3D03 
    Antirequisite(s): STATS 3CI3
  • STATS 4D03* - Intermediate Probability Theory

    3 unit(s)

    Construction of probability spaces and random variables, integration, conditional expectation, law of large numbers, convergence of series, weak convergence, characteristic functions and central limit theorems, martingales.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 3A03 , STATS 2D03 
  • STATS 4I03 - Inference

    3 unit(s)

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Cramer-Rao bound, Likelihood Ratio tests, Multi-parameter likelihood methods, Sufficient Statistics, Completeness and MVUE, Exponential Family, Functions of parameters, Uniformly Most Powerful Tests, Generalized likelihood ratio tests, Quadratic forms, Analysis of variance, Introduction to Bayesian Inference.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): STATS 3D03 
  • STATS 4M03 - Multivariate Analysis

    3 unit(s)

    Multivariate distributions: Normal, Wishart, T2 and others; regression; correlation; principal components; general linear hypothesis. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2R03; and STATS 3D03 (or 3D06)
  • STATS 4P03 - Advanced Applied Statistics

    3 unit(s)

    Statistical computing; statistical software packages; working with large data sets; exploratory data analysis; graphical methods; statistical consulting practice. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Credit or registration in STATS 3A03 or 3D03
  • STATS 4T06 A/B - Senior Research Project

    6 unit(s)

    A project in statistics to be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. A written report and oral presentation will be required. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    One occasional tutorial; two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of any Honours Mathematics and Statistics program; and a GPA of at least 9.0; and permission of the Chair of the Department
    Not open to students with credit or registration in MATH 4P06 A/B or ISCI 4A12 A/B.
  • STATS 4W03 - Reading in Statistics

    3 unit(s)

    Directed reading in areas of statistics of interest to the student and the instructor. This course includes a scientific communication component.
    Prerequisite(s): GPA of at least 7.0 and permission of the Chair of the Department
    STATS 4W03 may be repeated, if on a different topic.


Courses with the SUSTAIN designation are administered by the Faculty of Engineering.

  • SUSTAIN 1S03 - Introduction to Sustainability

    3 unit(s)

    An introduction to sustainability from an interdisciplinary perspective which examines the historical and societal lenses through which sustainability is viewed. Students will learn terminology, theories and concepts to effectively communicate across disciplines and on various topics of sustainability.
    One three hour lecture; one one-hour tutorial; one term
    Antirequisite(s): SUSTAIN 2A03
  • SUSTAIN 2S03 - Evaluating Problems & Sustainable Solutions

    3 unit(s)

    Students will learn how to identify problems and evaluate sustainable solutions to societal problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. The course will involve active experiential learning which emphasizes actions on local projects.
    One three-hour lecture, one one-hour tutorial; second term
  • SUSTAIN 3S03 - Implementing Sustainable Change

    3 unit(s)

    Exploring agency, leadership, and strategy effectiveness within the context of sustainability. The course will include interdisciplinary perspectives, experiential learning and community engagement projects.
    One three-hour lecture, one one-hour tutorial; first term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above or permission of the Academic Sustainability Programs Office
    Antirequisite(s): SUSTAIN 3A03
  • SUSTAIN 4S06 A/B - Leadership in Sustainability

    6 unit(s)

    Final-year course where students gain leadership skills and apply them by working in interdisciplinary teams to develop and implement a sustainability-focused project within the community.
    One three-hour lecture; both terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV or above or permission of the Academic Sustainability Programs Office


  • WHMIS 1A00 - Introduction to Health and Safety

    0 unit(s)

    Introduction to safety guidelines at McMaster University, acceptable safety conduct and positive safety attitudes and practices in laboratories and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).
    This course is evaluated on a Complete/Fail basis.
    Web modules
    Antirequisite(s): ART 1HS0, ENGINEER 1A00, ENGTECH 1A00, NURSING 1A00, SCIENCE 1A00
    This requirement must be completed prior to the start of the first lab. Students who fail the quiz must reattempt it and will not be permitted in any course with a lab component or any Level II ART course until the requirement has been successfully completed.

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