Feb 15, 2025  
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Contact Us

Do you have an admissions question? 

Please use the email form at http://ask.mcmaster.ca

Mailing Address

McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L8
Telephone: +1 (905) 525-9140
Web Address: http://www.mcmaster.ca/

The following is a list of University offices (with the appropriate postal code) and administrative staff members that are most frequently contacted. Other offices and services, with their addresses, telephone numbers, and email or web addresses (where available) are described throughout the Calendar.

In addition, individual departmental, university staff and faculty member contact information is available at http://telecom.mcmaster.ca.

Office of the Registrar

University Registrar: Melissa Pool

Transcripts and Records
Gilmour Hall, Room 108, L8S 4L8, ext. 24796; Fax: (905) 527-1105

Examinations, Schedules and Classroom Reservations
Associate Registrar (Scheduling and Examinations): Bernadette Belan
Gilmour Hall, Room 114, L8S 4L8, ext. 24453; Fax: (905) 527-1105

Admissions (Undergraduate Studies)
Senior Associate Registrar, Admissions: Rebecca Hamilton
Gilmour Hall, Room 108, L8S 4L8, ext. 24796; Fax: (905) 527-1105

Student Recruitment
Assistant Registrar, Student Recruitment: Paula Johnson
Gilmour Hall, Room 102, L8S 4L8, ext. 24786; Fax: (905) 524-3550

Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
Senior Associate Registrar, Student Financial Aid & Scholarships: Tracie Long
Gilmour Hall, Room 120, L8S 4L8, ext. 24528

Academic Advising

A list of Academic Advising offices  is available should you require assistance from your Faculty office.

Office of Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity Officers: Kimberly Mason
McMaster University Student Centre, Room 211, ext. 24303

McMaster Alumni Association

Director of Alumni Advancement: Karen McQuigge
Alumni House, L8S 4K1, ext. 23900

Office of the Associate Vice-President (Students & Learning) and Dean of Students

Associate Vice-President (Students & Learning) and Dean of Students: Sean Van Koughnett
Gilmour Hall, Room 207, L8S 4L8, ext. 27455

Centre for Continuing Education

Director: Lorraine Carter
One James North, Third Floor, ext. 23325

School of Graduate Studies

Associate Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies: Doug Welch
Gilmour Hall, Room 212, L8S 4L8, ext. 23679

Housing and Conference Services

Director of Housing and Conference Services: Kevin Beatty
Commons Building, Room 101, L8S 4K1, ext. 24036

Conference & Event Services

McKay Hall, Room 124, L8S 4M6, ext. 26898

Residence Admissions

Commons Building, Room 101, L8S 4K1, ext. 20855

Off-Campus Resource Centre

McMaster University Student Centre, Room B112, L8S 4S4, ext. 24086

Hospitality Services

Director: Chris Roberts
Commons Building, Room 116, L8S 4K1, ext. 23836
Mac Express Inquiries: ext. 27448

Equity and Inclusion Office (EIO)

Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion: Arig al Shaibah
McMaster University Student Centre, Room 212, ext. 27581

Services for Students with Disabilities (Student Accessibility Services)

Manager, Disability Services and University Advisor on Disability Issues: Tim Nolan
McMaster University Student Centre, Room B107, L8S 4S4, ext. 28652

Student Success Centre

Director: Gina Robinson
Gilmour Hall, Room 110, L8S 4L8, ext. 24254

Student Wellness Centre

MUSC B101; Student Wellness Education Lower Lounge MUSC B118; L8S 4S4, Ext. 27700
Director of Student Wellness Centre: Rosanne Kent
Associate Director of Medical: Dr. Janice Young
Associate Director of Counselling: Dr. Debbie Nifakis

Advice for Overseas and Exchange Students

Student Success Centre, Gilmour Hall Room 110, L8S 4L8, ext. 24254


University Secretary and Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy (FIPPA) Officer: Christi Garneau
Gilmour Hall, Room 210, L8S 4L8, ext. 24337

Other Publications for McMaster Students

Undergraduate Studies

  • Many academic departments offer information booklets about their undergraduate programs. These may be requested directly from the departments.

Graduate Studies

  • Calendar of the School of Graduate Studies (Available online from the School of Graduate Studies.)
  • McMaster Divinity College Calendar (Available from Divinity College.)
  • Graduate Studies in Business (MBA and Ph.D programs) (Available from the DeGroote School of Business.)
  • Teaching departments that offer graduate studies also provide information booklets about their programs. These may be requested directly from the departments.

Certificate and Diploma Programs

The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) Course Catalogue which describes certificate and diploma programs and affiliated professional associations is available at http://www.mcmastercce.com/

Professional Development and Non-Credit Studies

Brochures about non-credit programs, such as computer training, professional development workshops, managerial and leadership training, and corporate and custom training as well as the CCE Course Catalogue are available at http://www.mcmastercce.com/

Ombuds Office

Ombuds: Carolyn Brendon
McMaster University Student Centre, Room 210, L8S 4S4, ext. 24151; Fax: (905) 529-3208; Email: ombuds@mcmaster.ca

The Ombuds provides information and advice relating to problems, complaints and appeals involving members of the McMaster community. The Ombuds Office is a service provided by the MSU and the University.