Feb 12, 2025  
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Entrance Awards

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Entrance Awards Regulations

Entrance Awards are monetary awards allocated on the basis of academic merit and, in some cases, other forms of earned merit.

  1. Entrance Awards are available to students admitted full-time on the basis of high school admission requirements. 
  2. Entrance Awards are available to students entering Level I of their first baccalaureate degree program.
  3. Students who have enrolled at any post-secondary institution after graduation from high school are not eligible for Entrance Awards unless:
    1. They are completing a certificate or diploma at McMaster University as a requirement of admission (e.g. the McMaster English Language Diploma),
    2. They have withdrawn from post-secondary studies before attending or before the deadline to drop and add courses in their first term of study.
  4. Entrance Awards are available to students (including WUSC sponsored students) who are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada regardless of where they completed their high school education. 
  5. Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents of Canada may receive a maximum of one Entrance Award granted solely on the basis of academic merit (e.g. a McMaster Honour Award) and one Entrance Award granted on the basis of an application or other earned merit.
  6. Students who are not Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada who complete their final year and graduate from a high school in Canada are eligible for Entrance Awards open to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents.
  7. Students who are not Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada who complete their final year and/or graduate from a high school outside of Canada are limited to one award from a limited number of International Student Entrance Awards. See International Student Entrance Awards section.
  8. Entrance Awards first consider one or more McMaster University calculated admission and scholarship averages (e.g. final admission average).
  9. Students must achieve a minimum 80% in the average(s) used to determine Entrance Award eligibility.  An admission audition or portfolio score, or equivalent, may be included in the calculation of an average.
  10. Averages for Entrance Awards are calculated using the course grades that form the basis for admission to the Level I program.  Final grades for courses completed after June 30th in the year of admission application will not be considered in assessing eligibility for Entrance Awards.
  11. Entrance Awards may also consider other forms of earned merit.  In order to evaluate earned merit, students may need to complete one or more additional requirements, including, but not limited to, submitting an application, participating in an interview, performing an audition or developing a portfolio.
  12. In order to be considered for an Entrance Award by application, students must submit a complete application by the specified deadline date.
  13. Entrance Award applications which meet eligibility criteria are forwarded to a selection committee for review and ranking.
  14. Students must enrol in the fall term to have an Entrance Award payment processed. 
  15. All Entrance Award payments are disbursed through the McMaster Student Account and are applied to outstanding charges.  A few exceptions to this regulation may be approved by the Office of the Registrar, Student Financial Aid & Scholarships.
  16. Entrance Awards are typically disbursed no later than the end of September.
  17. Entrance Award recipients will have their awards noted on their University transcript.
  18. Registration in, or transfer to, another program of study and/or a change in course load may result in forfeiture or adjustment in the value of the award.  Students are advised to consult with the Office of the Registrar, Student Financial Aid & Scholarships, prior to making any changes to their program of study or course load.
  19. Students who withdraw before November 1 will forfeit their Entrance Award. 
  20. Students who forfeit their Entrance Award will have their award cancelled and their transcript notation removed.  Students must return the Entrance Award funding to their McMaster Student Account.
  21. Some Entrance Awards are renewable (see In-Course Award and Renewals Regulations).
  22. Students wishing to defer the benefits of an Entrance Award to the following academic year should apply to the Office of the Registrar, Admissions, for deferral of both admission and stated scholarship value.  Approval of applications for deferral is not automatic, and deferrals are not normally granted for more than one academic year.
  23. The University may choose not to grant an Entrance Award in the absence of a suitable candidate; may choose to limit the number of recipients selected where funding is limited; may choose to limit the number of recipients selected where too few suitable candidates exist; and/or may choose to generate applicant pools for awards by application, where complete applications have not been received.
  24. The University may remove specific Entrance Awards from the University Calendar, may revise the terms and stated value, and/or suspend the granting of Entrance Awards (e.g. donor funds).
  25. Entrance Awards supported by donor funds may have additional eligibility requirements.

President’s Awards and Honour Awards Program

An unlimited number of President’s Awards and Honour Awards are automatically assessed on the basis of final admission averages.  No application is required.  The value awarded corresponds to the final admission average range in which the Level I entering student’s average falls:

President’s Award   95.0 - 100.00%      $2500
Honour Award 90.0 -  94.99%      $1000
Honour Award 85.0 -  89.99%      $  750
Honour Award 80.0 -  84.99%      $  500

The President’s Awards and the Honour Awards program are generously supported by the following funds:

Entrance Awards

Automatically Assessed

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Open to Two or More Faculties

The Class of 1956 50th Anniversary Entrance Scholarships

Established in 2006 by the Class of 1956 in honour of its 50th anniversary.

Requirements: Two scholarships to be awarded to students entering any Level I program.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,000

The Helen M. Currey Scholarship

Established in 1941 by bequest of Helen Maud Currey of Drumbo, Ontario.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study. To be awarded every four years.

Typically Available: 1 x $750

The De Villiers - Mahaffy Merit Awards

Established in 1991 in memory of Nina De Villiers and Leslie Mahaffy of Burlington, by contributions from the local community and the employees of several area companies including Searle Canada, Boehringer Ingelheim, Smithkline Beecham, Monsanto and the Royal Bank.

Requirements: Two scholarships to be awarded to outstanding students graduating from a secondary school in the Halton Region; (a) one to a student entering any program of study; and (b) one to a student entering Science I or Music I.  Preference will be given to female students.

Typically Available: 2 x $750

The H.P. Frid Scholarship

Established in 1982 by the family of H.P. Frid in her memory.

Requirements: To be awarded to a promising student entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 1 x $1,000

The Cathryn E. Kaake Merit Award

Established in 1988 in memory of Cathryn E. Kaake (Class of ‘78) by family and friends.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 2 x $750

The Raymond C. Labarge Merit Awards

Established in 1990 in memory of Raymond C. Labarge (Class of ‘36) of Ottawa.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 4 x $1,000

The Lloyd Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1956 in memory of Henry Hoyes and Lizzie Lloyd by their children.

Requirements: Grade 12 U or M subjects to be included are: Physics, Chemistry, two credits of Mathematics, and either Biology or a third credit of Mathematics.

Typically Available: 1 x $500

The Josephine Magee Scholarship

Established in 1959 by bequest of Josephine Magee of Hamilton.

Requirements: To be awarded on the basis of general proficiency in the subjects required for admission to students from any province or territory of Canada.

Typically Available: 4 x $750

The Albert Matthews Scholarship

Established in 1920.

Requirements: Grade 12 U or M subjects to be included are Latin and a language other than English.

Typically Available: 1 x $750

The Harold Matthews Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1917.

Requirements: Grade 12 U or M subjects to be included are French and either German or Spanish.

Typically Available: 1 x $750

The McMaster Honour Awards

Established by McMaster University to reward students who have completed their final year of high school with high academic standing.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering Level I of an undergraduate degree program.  Students must achieve a final admission average to their program of study between 80.0% and 89.99%.

Typically Available:  Unlimited x Variable Amounts

The McMaster President’s Awards

Established by McMaster University to reward students who have completed their final year of high school with the highest academic standing.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering Level I of an undergraduate degree program.  Students must achieve a final admission average of 95% or higher to their program of study.

Typically Available: Unlimited x $2,500

The Isabella Campbell McNee Scholarship

Established in 1915 and augmented in 1926.

Requirements: Grade 12 U or M subjects to be included are three credits of Mathematics and Physics.

Typically Available: 1 x $750

The Alvin I. Ogilvie Scholarships

Established in 1984 by bequest of Alvin I. Ogilvie of Hamilton.

Requirements: Five scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 5 x $1,000

The Leslie A. Prince Merit Awards

Established in 1979 in honour of Leslie A. Prince, Dean of Students, by his friends and colleagues upon the occasion of his retirement and in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the University community.

Requirements: Two to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 2 x $750

The D.E. Thomson Scholarship

Established in 1909 and augmented in 1915.

Requirements: Grade 12 U or M subjects to be included are English and either Latin or French.

Typically Available: 1 x $750

The Tynowski Scholarship

Established in 1989 by the University, friends and colleagues of Olga Tynowski, for her outstanding contributions to McMaster University during 46 years of service.

Requirements: To be awarded to an outstanding student entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 1 x $1,000

The Wallingford Hall Entrance Scholarship

Established in 1993.

Requirements: To be awarded to a student entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 3 x $750

The Wheeler Scholarship

Established in 1915.

Requirements: Grade 12 U or M subjects to be included are: History, English and a language other than English.

Typically Available: 1 x $500

Open to the Faculty of Business

The Fortinos Scholarship

Established in 1990 by John Fortino. 

Requirements: To be awarded to an outstanding student entering the School of Business.

Typically Available: 1 x $1,400

Open to the Faculty of Engineering

The A.H. Atkinson Education Fund Scholarship

Established in 2001 by the A.H. Atkinson Education Fund.

Requirements: To be awarded to a student entering the Faculty of Engineering.

Typically Available: 5 x $750

The General Motors Entrance Scholarships

Established in 1999 by General Motors of Canada Limited.

Requirements: A variable number to be awarded to female students entering the Faculty of Engineering.

Typically Available: 11 x $750

The John Hodgins Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1985 by his wife, Jean, in memory of Dr. John W. Hodgins in recognition of his extraordinary contributions in founding the Faculty of Engineering which he served with distinction as the first Dean.

Requirements: To be awarded to an outstanding student entering the Faculty of Engineering.

Typically Available: 1 x $1,000

The Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Entrance Scholarship

Established in 1961 by the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education.

Requirements: Two scholarships to be awarded, one to a female student and one to a male student, enrolled in a CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board) accredited program in the Faculty of Engineering who have demonstrated a combination of high academic achievement and exhibit characteristics of leadership. Recipients must have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma with overall final admission average of at least 90 percent.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,500 each

Open to the Faculty of Humanities

The Marion Laing-Knox Entrance Scholarship

Established in 2000 by bequest of Marion Laing-Knox.

Requirements: To be awarded to a student entering the Faculty of Humanities in a program of study who presents an outstanding final admission average.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,000

Open to the Faculty of Science

The Lillian and Leroy Page Scholarship

Established in 1982 by donation of the Lillian and Leroy Page Foundation.

Requirements: For a student from the Hamilton area entering the Faculty of Science.

Typically Available: 5 x $1,000

Entrance Awards by Application

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Open to Two or More Faculties

The Ashbaugh Scholarships

Established in 1989 by bequest of Frederick K. Ashbaugh of St. Petersburg, Florida, in memory of Mary Eliza Kingston.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 5 x $5,000 by award application through Faculty

The Class of 1952 Mel Hawkrigg Honour Awards

Established in 2001 by the Class of 1952 in honour of its 50th reunion.

Requirements: A maximum number of four entrance scholarships to be awarded each year to students entering any Level I program.

Typically Available: 1 x $4,500 by award application through Faculty

The Coca-Cola Scholarships

Established in 1998 by Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 1 x $4,500 by award application through Faculty

The Dundas Scholarships

Established in 1984 from funds donated by The H.G Bertram Foundation.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students from Dundas and surrounding area entering any program of study. The recipient of this award is eligible to receive the corresponding donor bursary if financial need is demonstrated.

Typically Available: 4 x $5,000 by award application through Faculty

The George and Nora Elwin Scholarships

Established in 1979 by bequest of George and Nora Elwin of Hamilton.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 10 x $5,000 by award application through Faculty

The Eileen Gray Farley Scholarship

Established in 1998 by Eileen Gray Farley (Class of ‘43 and winner of the D.E. Thomson Scholarship) in memory of Mr. D. E. Thomson who exemplified a generous spirit of giving throughout his life and established the D.E. Thomson Scholarship in 1909.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering the Faculty of Humanities.

Typically Available: 2 x $3,000 and 1 x $6,000

The Nellie P. Hogg Scholarship

Established in 1965 by bequest of Nellie P. Hogg of Hamilton.

Requirements: One scholarship to be awarded to a female student entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 1 x $8,000 by award application through Faculty

The Moulton College Entrance Scholarship

Established in 1980 from funds originally subscribed by the Alumnae of Moulton College during the years 1946 to 1949.

Requirements: To be awarded to a female student entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 1x $5,000 by award application through Faculty

The A.G. Reilly Scholarships

Established in 1991 by bequest of Lois E. Reilly of Toronto.

Requirements: A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students entering any program of study.

Typically Available: 9 x $5,000 by award application through Faculty

The Schulich Leader Scholarships

Established in 2012 by The United Jewish Welfare Fund of Toronto through funding from Seymour Schulich.

Requirements: To be awarded to students entering the Faculty of Engineering or the Faculty of Science in the areas of science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) who, in the judgment of the Faculties, have demonstrated academic excellence and/or leadership in school life or community life, or have provided evidence of entrepreneurial talent. The scholarship is renewable for three years at the same value provided the recipient remains enrolled full-time and demonstrates notable academic achievement.

Typically Available:

  • 1 x $100,000 ($25,000 per year) Faculty of Engineering
  • 1 x $  80,000 ($20,000 per year)  Faculty of Science


Note: See www.schulichleaders.com for application information.


Open to the DeGroote School of Business

The David Feather Family Scholarship

Established in 2016 by David Feather, B.A. (Class of ‘85) and MBA (Class of ‘89).

Requirements: To be awarded to a student entering the Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Integrated Business and Humanities program and, who in the judgment of the DeGroote School of Business, has demonstrated community engagement and high academic achievement.

Typically Available: 2 x $5,000 by admission application

The Kevin A. Lockhart Family Scholarship

Established in 2017 by Kevin A. Lockhart, BA ‘87 and Past Vice-President of the McMaster Students Union.

Requirements: To be awarded to a student entering the Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Integrated Business and Humanities program and, who in the judgment of the DeGroote School of Business, has demonstrated community engagement and high academic achievement.

Typically Available: 2 x $5,000 by admission application

Open to the Faculty of Engineering

The ArcelorMittal Dofasco FIRST Robotics Engineering Entrance Scholarship

Established in 2018 by ArcelorMittal Dofasco.

Requirements: To be awarded to students who permanently reside or attended high school in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, City of Brantford or Region of Niagara, who enroll in a first year program in the Faculty of Engineering, achieve a minimum final admission average of 90% and demonstrate leadership experience and involvement in extracurricular activities through FIRST Robotics.

Typically Available: 2 x $15,000


The Hatch Scholarships

Established in 2008 by HATCH Ltd.

Requirements: Four scholarships to be awarded annually to students entering the Faculty of Engineering. These awards are renewable for three years at the same value provided the students remain in 24 units or more, and achieve a Fall-Winter Average of 9.5 with no failures.

Value: 4 x $32,000 each ($8,000 per year) by award application through the Faculty of Engineering

The Joseph Ip Entrance Scholarship

Established in 2014 by Joe Ip, B.Eng. (Class of ‘79), M.Eng (Class of ‘81). 

Requirements: To be awarded to students entering the Faculty of Engineering who achieve a minimum final admission average of 95%, and who demonstrate leadership experience and involvement in extracurricular activities.

Typically Available: 4 x $10,000 by award application through the Faculty of Engineering

Open to the Faculty of Humanities

The Joan Frances Bowling Entrance Scholarships

Established in 1997 from the estate of Marie Bowling in memory of her daughter, Joan Frances Bowling.

Requirements: Two scholarships to be awarded to students entering Music I, who in the judgment of the School of the Arts, have demonstrated excellence in classical music.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,800 by admission audition

The Merrill Francis Gage Entrance Scholarship

Established in 1982 from the estate of Merrill Francis Gage of Hamilton.

Requirements: To be awarded to a keyboard student entering Music I who, in the judgment of the School of the Arts, has attained outstanding musical proficiency.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,000 by admission audition

The Frank Thorolfson Memorial Scholarships

Established in 1978 in memory of Professor Frank Thorolfson, first Chair of the Department of Music.

Requirements: Two scholarships to be awarded to students entering Music I who, in the judgment of the School of the Arts, have attained high scholastic achievement and musical proficiency.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,500 by admission audition

The Graham Todd Memorial Entrance Scholarship 

Established in 2015 to honour the legacy of Professor Graham Todd of the School of the Arts.

Requirements: To be awarded to students entering Studio Art I who, in the judgement of the School of the Arts, have demonstrated artistic excellence and high academic achievement.

Typically Available: 1 x $1,000 by admission portfolio

The Victor Wilson Scholarship

Established in 2009 in memory of his father, Victor Wilson, by Steve Wilson (Class of ‘85) and his wife Tina (Class of ‘86) and their family.

Requirements: Two scholarships to be awarded to students entering Music I who, in the judgment of the School of the Arts, demonstrates excellence in Music and strength of character; one to a piano student and one to an orchestral student.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,500 by admission audition

International Student Entrance Awards

Automatically Assessed

Open to Two or More Faculties

The Nicholas and Janice Brathwaite Scholarship

Established in 2012 by Mr. Nicholas Brathwaite B.Sc. (Hon.) (Class of ‘82) and his wife Janice to support students from Grenada in pursuing an undergraduate degree.

Requirements: To be awarded to students entering any Level I program. The award is tenable for up to four years with special consideration for students undertaking a five-year undergraduate program. Recipients must remain enrolled full-time, meet the minimum course load requirement as outlined in the Undergraduate Calendar, and obtain a Grade Point Average of 8.0 or greater to retain the award.

Typically Available: 1 x (Up to $120,000)

The Caribbean Alumni Entrance Scholarship

Established in 2012 through the generous support of the McMaster University’s Caribbean alumni.

Requirements: To be awarded to a visa student from a Caribbean nation belonging to the CARICOM Community entering Level I of any program with the highest admission average.

Typically Available: 2 x $1,800


The McMaster Chinese Alumni - Peter George International Entrance Scholarships

Established in 1999 by Chinese Alumni (Toronto Chapter) of McMaster University.

Requirements: A variable number to be awarded to visa students entering Level I of any program.

Typically Available: 1 x $3,000

The Provost Entrance Scholarship for International Students

Established in 2018 by McMaster University to recognize the academic achievements of international students. 

Requirements: A variable number to be awarded to visa students entering Level I. 

Typically Available: 10 x $7,500

The Taylor’s Education Group Entrance Scholarship

Established in 2010 by Dato’ Loy Teik Ngan (Class of ‘84).

Requirements: To be awarded to a graduate or transfer student from Taylor’s Education Group in Malaysia who has been accepted as a visa student to any undergraduate program of study on the recommendation of the College.

Typically Available: 1 x $20,000 ($5,000 per year)

The Woo Family International Entrance Scholarships

Established in 1999 by Mr. Chung How Woo in honour of his late wife, Mrs. Ching Yung Chiu-Woo, mother and mother-in-law of four McMaster graduates.

Requirements: A variable number to be awarded to visa students entering Level I of any program.

Typically Available: 1 x $3,000


International Student Entrance Awards

By Application

Open to Two or More Faculties

The Columbia International College Community Leader Award

Established in 2018 by McMaster University to recognize students who demonstrate leadership qualities and a commitment to community involvement. 

Requirements: A variable number to be awarded to students entering Level I from Columbia International College. 

Typically Available: 4 x $5,000



Indigenous Student Entrance Award Regulations

  1. Indigenous Student Entrance Awards are monetary awards allocated on the basis of academic merit and, in some cases, other forms of earned merit.
  2. Indigenous Student Entrance Awards are available to students entering Level I of their first baccalaureate degree program, whether direct from high school or an alternate pathway, including, but not limited to college, an Indigenous post-secondary institution or other University.
  3. Indigenous Student Entrance Awards are available to students who are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada, and those who self-identify as First Nations, Metis, or Inuit, regardless of status under the Indian Act or where they completed their high school education. 
  4. Indigenous students may receive a maximum of one Entrance Award granted solely on the basis of academic merit (e.g. a McMaster Honour Award), and either one Entrance Award granted on the basis of earned merit that requires an additional assessment process, including, but not limited to, application, interview and/or audition, or one Indigenous Student Entrance Award.
  5. Indigenous Student Entrance Awards may consider one or more McMaster University calculated admission and scholarship averages (e.g. final admission average).
  6. Students must achieve the minimum final admission average required for their program to be eligible for an Indigenous Student Entrance Award.
  7. Averages for Indigenous Student Entrance Awards are calculated using the course grades that form the basis for admission to the Level I program.  Final grades for courses completed after June 30th in the year of admission application will not be considered in assessing eligibility for Indigenous Student Entrance Awards.
  8. Indigenous Student Entrance Awards may also consider other forms of earned merit.  In order to evaluate earned merit, students may need to complete one or more additional requirements, including, but not limited to, submitting an application, participating in an interview, performing an audition or developing a portfolio.
  9. In order to be considered for an Indigenous Student Entrance Award by application, students must submit a complete application by the specified deadline date.
  10. Indigenous Student Entrance Award applications which meet eligibility criteria are forwarded to a selection committee for review and ranking.
  11. Indigenous Students must enrol in the fall term to have an Indigenous Student Entrance Award payment processed.
  12. All Indigenous Student Entrance Award payments are disbursed through the McMaster Student Account and are applied to outstanding charges. A few exceptions to this regulation may be approved by the Office of the Registrar, Student Financial Aid & Scholarships.
  13. Indigenous Student Entrance Awards are typically disbursed no later than the end of September.
  14. Indigenous Student Entrance Award recipients will have their awards noted on their University transcript.
  15. Registration in, or transfer to, another program of study and/or a change in course load may result in forfeiture or adjustment in the value of the award.  Students are advised to consult with the Office of the Registrar, Student Financial Aid & Scholarships, prior to making any changes to their program of study or course load.
  16. Students who withdraw before November 1 will forfeit their Indigenous Student Entrance Award.
  17. Students who forfeit their Indigenous Student Entrance Award will have their award cancelled and their transcript notation removed.  Students must return the Indigenous Student Entrance Award funding to their McMaster Student Account.
  18. Some Indigenous Student Entrance Awards are renewable (see In-Course Award and Renewals Regulations).
  19. Students wishing to defer the benefits of an Indigenous Student Entrance Award to the following academic year should apply to the Office of the Registrar, Admissions, for deferral of both admission and stated scholarship value.  Approval of applications for deferral is not automatic, and deferrals are not normally granted for more than one academic year.
  20. The University may choose not to grant an Indigenous Student Entrance Award in the absence of a suitable candidate; may choose to limit the number of recipients selected where funding is limited; may choose to limit the number of recipients selected where too few suitable candidates exist; and/or may choose to generate applicant pools for awards by application, where complete applications have not been received.
  21. The University may remove specific Indigenous Student Entrance Awards from the University Calendar, may revise the terms and stated value, and/or suspend the granting of Indigenous Student Entrance Awards (e.g. donor funds).
  22. Indigenous Student Entrance Awards supported by donor funds may have additional eligibility requirements.


Indigenous Student Entrance Awards

By Application

Open to Two or More Faculties

The Adella Margaret Bragg Scholarship

Established in 2010 by bequest of Adella Margaret Bragg.

Requirements: To be awarded to a female student from the Six Nations of the Grand River territory entering McMaster University in any undergraduate program. The award is tenable up to four years.

Typically Available: 1 x $12,000 ($3,000 per year) by award application through the Office of the Registrar, Student Financial Aid & Scholarships

The Hatch Scholarship for Indigenous Students

Established in 2012 by HATCH.

Requirements: To be awarded to an Indigenous (status or non-status First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) student entering at McMaster University in any undergraduate program. Preference is to be given to a student enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering. These awards are renewable for three years at the same value provided the students remain enrolled full-time, and achieve a Grade Point Average of 8.0 with no failures.

Typically Available: 1 x $32,000 ($8,000 per year) by award application through the Office of the Registrar, Student Financial Aid & Scholarships