Jan 13, 2025  
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2020-2021 
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2020-2021 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Additional University Regulations Affecting Graduate Students



6.1 Academic and Research Integrity

The following brief statements are excerpted in part from the McMaster University Academic Integrity and Research Integrity Policies. For guidance on how to proceed in the case of suspected academic dishonesty or research misconduct, please consult the Office of Academic Integrity and the complete policies at https://www.mcmaster.ca/academicintegrity/. The Associate Deans of Graduate Studies are available for confidential consultations on matters related to academic and research integrity.

Academic Work

Academic work includes any academic paper, term test, proficiency test, essay, thesis, research report, evaluation, project, assignment or examination, whether oral, in writing, in other media or otherwise and/or registration and participation in any course, program, seminar, workshop, conference or symposium offered by the University.

For graduate students, comprehensive/qualifying exams, any research work, and thesis work (a thesis proposal, or thesis draft, or draft of one or more chapters) also constitute academic work and must adhere to standards of academic integrity.

Academic Dishonesty


Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage.

Wherever in this policy an offence is described as depending on “knowingly,” the offence is deemed to have been committed if the person ought reasonably to have known.


Students and applicants to graduate programs are responsible for being aware of and demonstrating behaviour that is honest and ethical in their academic work. Such behaviour includes:

  1. adhering to the principles of academic integrity when submitting application materials
  2. following the expectations articulated by instructors for referencing sources of information and for group work;
  3. asking for clarification of expectations as necessary;
  4. identifying testing situations that may allow copying;
  5. preventing their work from being used by others, e.g., protecting access to computer files; and
  6. adhering to the principles of academic integrity when conducting and reporting research.

Students are responsible for their behaviour and may face penalties under the Academic Integrity or Research Integrity policies if they commit academic dishonesty or research misconduct.

Graduate students, having been deemed admissible to higher studies, are expected to be competent in the acknowledgement of other people’s work, whether that work is in print or electronic media.

Graduate students are expected to understand the demands of ethical conduct of research and reporting research results and behave ethically and responsibly in conducting and reporting research. All graduate students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the definition of research misconduct in the University’s policy, namely, “a researcher must be honest in proposing, seeking support for, conducting, and reporting research; a researcher must respect the rights of others in these activities.”

Research Integrity

The University states unequivocally that it demands research integrity from all of its members.  Research misconduct, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive to the values of the University and society; furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to those who conduct their research with integrity.   This Policy applies to all institutional personnel. The Office of Academic Integrity is the administrative office responsible for the receipt and processing of allegations of misconduct at the investigation stage. A complete list of Policy violations can be found within the Research Integrity Policy.

6.2 Code of Conduct

McMaster University is a community dedicated to furthering learning, intellectual inquiry, and personal and professional development. Membership in the community implies acceptance of the principle of mutual respect for the rights, responsibilities, dignity and well-being of others and a readiness to support an environment conducive to the intellectual and personal growth of all who study, work and live within it.

The Code of Conduct outlines the limits of conduct considered to be consonant with the goals and the well-being of the University community, and defines the procedures to be followed when students fail to meet the accepted standards.

Copies of the Code of Conduct may be obtained from the website at http://studentconduct.mcmaster.ca/student_code_of_conduct.html.

For Health Sciences graduate students, a supplementary guideline, Professional Behaviour Code of Conduct for Learners, applies to learners in health care professions and research. This guideline outlines the professional behaviours in all academic and clinical settings that must be understood and followed.

Copies of the Professional Behaviour Code may be obtained from the website.


6.3 Appeal Procedures

The University has a responsibility to provide fair and equitable procedures for the lodging and hearing of student complaints arising out of University regulations, policies and actions that affect students directly. The procedures described in the Student Appeal Procedures are intended to provide a mechanism to fairly address alleged injustices.

Students who wish to raise questions or who have a concern are strongly encouraged to communication informally with their instructors, the Chair of their Supervisory Committee (or the Department Graduate Advisor where no committee exists), the Department Chair and/or the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, the University Ombuds, or the appropriate administrative officer before seeking a review under the formal procedures. Experience has shown that many complaints can be resolved satisfactorily through informal communication. Students are requested to speak with the University Secretary regarding a complaint before submitting an application.

Students should seek remedies for their grievances as promptly as possible and must do so within the time limitations set out in the Student Appeal Procedures.

A Master’s or Ph.D. thesis, and a Ph.D. comprehensive exam are specifically excluded from the re-read procedures identified in the Student Appeal Procedures. If a student does poorly in any of these examinations, the original examining committee is required to allow the student a second opportunity at the examination after at least a week. If the student fails on that second attempt, no additional examinations are permitted.

The Student Appeal Procedures may be found at:


6.4 Ownership of Student Work

In Canada, the author is the immediate owner of the copyright in an original work, except when the author is employed to create such material. ‘Copyright’ is an exclusive property right to publish, produce, reproduce, translate, broadcast, adapt or perform a work, as defined in the Copyright Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42, as amended). For work done by a graduate student, McMaster has the following policies related to the interpretation of copyright and other aspects of intellectual property rights. These policies distinguish in general between items done solely by the student and those undertaken as part of a joint research effort.

In the former case, the intellectual property is primarily the student’s, but the University reserves certain rights as detailed in the remainder of this section. In the latter case, the intellectual property rights involve the student, the research supervisor, (and possibly other individuals as well), the University, and on occasion the financial sponsor of the research. If the work is anticipated to have commercial possibilities, it is recommended that the parties involved agree in writing beforehand on the sharing of any financial returns. The Associate Deans of Graduate Studies are available for confidential consultations on matters of ownership of student work involving faculty and/or other individuals.

6.4.1 Examinations, Reports and Papers Done as Part of Course Requirements

When work that is eligible for copyright is submitted to meet a requirement of a course, the University acknowledges the student’s ownership of the copyright, but places the following conditions on the submission of the work to meet course requirements.

  1. The original physical document becomes the property of the University. This applies particularly to examination answer scripts, and may also be applied to term papers and other course work.
  2. Except for examination scripts, the University receives a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to make copies of the work for academic purposes within the University, and to circulate the work as part of the University library collection.

6.4.2 Theses and Master’s Project Reports

As with other papers, the University recognizes that the student holds copyright to the finished thesis. Copies of the thesis shall have on them in a prominent place on the title page the international copyright notice.

The student is required to sign a licence to the University library (and for Ph.D. students an additional licence to the National Library). (See Section 2.8.3 ) These licences grant the two libraries permission to reproduce the thesis and to circulate it, but do not affect ownership of the copyright.)

However, the University also recognizes that the ideas in the thesis will often arise from interaction with others. In some cases, this interaction will have been solely with the thesis supervisor; in other cases, a larger research team will have been involved. For this reason, it is understood that the copyright refers only to the written document of the thesis. The ideas, or commercial exploitation of the work may or may not be the exclusive property of the student. For the student who has worked closely with a supervisor, or as part of a research group, the rights to publish, the ownership of original and secondary research records, patent, or commercially exploit the results of the research are shared with the supervisor and/or the research group, and with the University. In those cases in which the work has been supported in part by research grants or contracts, there may be other conditions affecting any patent or commercial exploitation. (The student should be made aware of any such conditions before work begins.)

6.4.3 Computer Programs

Computer programs written as part of employment duties, as for example by a teaching assistant, are the property of the employer, as specified in the Copyright Act. Computer programs written as part of course work, a project or a thesis may also have value as a potentially marketable intellectual property. The University recognizes that such software may arise in two different ways, and accordingly has two policies. In setting forth these policies, it is understood that in those cases in which software development draws upon other software owned or licensed by the University, the terms and conditions of the licence or purchase must be followed.

  1. Where a student develops such software at the direct request of a supervisor, and under supervision, it is assumed that there is joint ownership of the intellectual property rights. In such cases, it is recommended that the individuals involved co-author a working paper documenting the software, rather than including it as an appendix to a thesis or report. Prior agreement between the student and supervisor that this is to be the case would be helpful, but is not mandatory.
  2. Where a student develops such software on their own, as for example for an independent project in a course, copyright remains with the student. As a condition of using University computing facilities, the student is required to grant the University a royalty-free licence to use the software. This includes the right of the University to distribute copies of the software to McMaster faculty, staff, and students for the University’s administration education and research activities. This licence does not include the right to use the software for commercial purposes or to distribute the software to non-McMaster people.

6.4.4 Research Data

As with computer software, the University recognizes that research is conducted and data are acquired in two different fashions. When the data are acquired as part of a joint or collaborative effort, such as one relying on the equipment within a laboratory, they are not solely the property of the student, although some of the data may ultimately appear in tables or appendices in a completed thesis. As a general rule, such data are the joint property of the student and the research supervisor, either of whom has the right to make them available to other individuals as well. Both student and supervisor are responsible for insuring that proper acknowledgement of the contributions of the student, supervisor, and other members of the research team is made when the data are released in any form. Students are responsible for ensuring that there is adequate documentation of their research work and findings and that their records meet granting agency, program and supervisor expectations. While original research records are normally the property of the faculty supervisor overseeing the work, students are expected to generate and properly secure adequate, original documentation, in addition to keeping personal copies, in order to ensure the integrity of their records.

When the data are acquired through the student’s individual effort, and without the use of University laboratories or funding, then they are usually the property of the student making that effort. However, exceptions may occur when the student collects data using research instruments, including interview schedules and questionnaires, developed wholly or in part by the research supervisor or by some other person or agency. In such instances the right to ownership and/or use of the data may be shared among the parties involved. Given the range of possible alternatives it is not possible to set absolute guidelines in advance covering all such situations. Consequently, it is recommended that students and supervisors make clear agreements in advance concerning the ownership and use of data collected in this fashion. Ownership of data may also be affected by the terms of a research contract that has supported the work.

6.4.5 Equipment

If University resources have been applied to the construction or design of equipment, it is not the property of the student, but of the University. Equipment constructed or designed as part of course or thesis work is the property of the student if the work, materials, and workroom space have been provided by the student or other non-University source. Ownership of newly constructed equipment may also be specified in a research contract that has supported the work.

6.5 McMaster University Policy for Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

Below are excerpts from the Academic Accommodation of Student with Disabilities policy.

McMaster University is committed to excellence in teaching and learning. The University strives to ensure every student is afforded an academic environment that is dedicated to the advancement of learning and is based on the principles of equitable access and individual dignity. At McMaster we nurture and support a culture of acceptance, inclusion and the celebration of diversity. Creating a learning environment that is accessible to all students is a value embedded within the University’s fabric as well as our policies, services and practices.

Students must meet University and program/degree requirements, including participation in classes, labs, clinical or practicum placements, tutorials, etc. Students seeking an Academic Accommodation are required to participate fully in the Academic Accommodations process. This participation includes: a) when the student is aware of their disability and the need for Academic Accommodation, contacting Student Accessibility Services before classes or academic work begins; b) providing the information required so that Student Accessibility Services can assess the duty to accommodate and develop Accommodation Plans; c) after the approval of the Accommodation Plan, should the student have any questions they may choose to speak with their instructor, SAS advisor or Faculty Office to review steps for the implementation of the Accommodation Plan; d) notifying Student Accessibility Services of any changes that may impact already established Accommodation Plans in a timely fashion.

Student Accessibility Services requires adequate time to review requests and coordinate needed arrangements. Some accommodations take longer to arrange than others (e.g. sign language interpreters and transcriptions), and students with these types of requests should be particularly cognizant of the timing of their requests. Failure to make a request or supply the required documentation in a timely manner may delay the approval and/or implementation of the requested accommodation.

New students and transfer students are encouraged to contact Student Accessibility Services and submit their accommodation request as soon as possible after they receive their offers of admission, or by August 1st of the academic year, whichever comes first.

The complete Academic Accommodation of Student with Disabilities Policy, which includes Roles & Responsibilities, Guidelines and Procedures, Appeals and related legislation can be found here.

Workplace Accommodations for graduate students who have Teaching Assistantships and other campus employment are processed through Human Resources. For the related policy, requests, and procedures, refer to Human Resources.

6.6 Student/Faculty Non-Disclosure Agreements

The School of Graduate Studies encourages the cooperation of faculty with the private sector. Often cooperation will permit the involvement of graduate students. When this happens, it is not unusual for a company to protect its interests by asking the faculty member and the student to sign a confidential Non-disclosure Agreement. Such agreements are signed by the McMaster Industrial Liasion Office (MILO) and apply to all members of the university including students involved in the work. These agreements can restrict conditions for a number of matters important to students, such as their wish to publish research results, the thesis defence, and the deposit of the thesis with libraries. In all cases, the restrictions are reasonable and do not clash with academic principles that require the presentation of research findings for peer assessment.

Students should be advised to discuss any non-disclosure waivers or comparable agreements with the department chair, graduate advisor, or the School of Graduate Studies, if they are concerned with the conditions.

It has been common practice, in cases where a corporation wishes to protect its interests in a discovery, to delay placing copies of a thesis in libraries for up to twelve months after the oral defence, but not for longer periods.

It has not been common practice in these same cases to limit attendance at oral defences to only examination committee members; nor has it been common practice to have examination committee members agree to non-disclosure agreements. The pertinent guiding principle is that oral defences are public events.

Students in doubt about how these norms of academic activity apply to their circumstances should approach the Vice-Provost & Dean of Graduate Studies.

6.7 Conflict of Interest Guidelines, School of Graduate Studies

6.7.1 General

There shall be no prohibition on the grounds of family relationship against the admission of persons as full- or part-time graduate students or against the eligibility for financial awards of such persons. Faculty members normally shall not take part in any proceedings at any level which affect the graduate standing of a spouse or other relative (including admission, financial assistance, promotion, courses of instruction, supervisory, thesis and examining committees). It is understood that the merits of each individual shall be the overriding consideration in all such cases.

6.7.2 Conflict of Interest in the Evaluation of Graduate Students

All faculty members responsible for the evaluation of graduate students have a general responsibility to the University to ensure that they are not in a position of conflict of interest (or the appearance of a conflict of interest) in their obligations to the University with regard to the nature of their relationships with graduate students. Specifically, a faculty member may not be involved in the evaluation of a graduate student if the faculty member has a close family relationship with the student (including spouse, parent, child, sibling, niece/nephew or spouses of the foregoing), if the faculty member is, or has been engaged to be married to the student, or if the faculty member has (or has had) an intimate personal relationship with the student. Evaluation includes grading course work or examinations (including the defence of a thesis) and supervision, whether as the principal supervisor or as a member of a supervisory committee.

A faculty member should question the propriety of evaluating a graduate student if there exists a distant family relationship with the student, or if the faculty member and the student maintain or have had a business relationship or any other relationship which should reasonably give cause for concern.

Questionable cases should be referred to the Vice-Provost & Dean of Graduate Studies for a decision.

6.8 Student Academic Records

Student academic records are the property of the University. The University has developed procedures designed to protect the confidentiality of student records. A student may have access to her or his file, but documents received from a third party in confidence will not be disclosed.

Transcripts are issued only with the consent of the student.

6.9 McMaster University Workplace and Environmental Health and Safety Policy

McMaster University is committed to provide and maintain healthy and safe working and learning environments for all employees, students, volunteers and visitors. This is achieved by observing best practices which meet or exceed the standards to comply with legislative requirements as contained in the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, Environmental Protection Act, Nuclear Safety and Control Act and other statutes, their regulations, and the policy and procedures established by the University. To support this commitment both McMaster University and its employees are responsible jointly to implement and maintain an Internal Responsibility System directed at promoting health and safety, preventing incidents involving occupational injuries and illnesses or adverse effects upon the natural environment.

The University is responsible for the provision of information, training, equipment and resources to support the Internal Responsibility System and ensure compliance with all relevant statutes, this policy and internal health and safety programs. Managers and Supervisors are accountable for the safety of workers within their area, for compliance with statutory and University requirements, and are required to support Joint Health and Safety Committees. Employees are required to work in compliance with statutory and University requirements, and to report unsafe conditions to their supervisors.

Contractors and subcontractors undertaking to perform work for McMaster University must, as part of their contract, comply with all relevant workplace and environmental health and safety statutes and to meet or exceed the University’s Workplace and Environmental Health and Safety Program requirements.

In addition to the above stated managerial responsibilities, Deans, Directors, Chairs, Research Supervisors and other Managers are also accountable for the safety of students, volunteers and visitors who work and/or study within their area of jurisdiction. Students are required by University policy to comply with all University health, safety and environmental programs.


The authority and responsibility for the administration of procedures and programs to provide for the implementation of this policy is assigned to the Office of the Vice President, Administration.

The Risk Management Support Group is responsible for facilitating the development, implementation and auditing of the Health and Safety Programs effective under this policy. This is achieved through the implementation of a risk management system that is directed at supporting the Internal Responsibility System through the application of best practices for the management of occupational, environmental, public health and safety related risks.

The Office of the Vice President, Administration will provide reports to the University Board of Governors concerning the status and effectiveness of the Workplace and Environmental Health and Safety System and any notices of violation issued to the University regarding breaches of workplace health and safety or environmental protection statutes.

6.10 Inter-University Cooperation - Ontario Visiting Graduate Student

It is possible for a graduate student registered at McMaster University to take a graduate course at another Ontario university for credit toward the McMaster degree. To do so, the student must review the Information Booklet, complete the form for an Ontario Visiting Graduate Student (both available on the Council of Ontario Universities website http://cou.on.ca/key-issues/education/graduate-education/ontario-visiting-grad-students) and describe the course to be taken, the term in which it will be taken, and the reasons for taking the course. Approval of the student’s Department Chair and Supervisor are required before the form is submitted for approval to the School of Graduate Studies, which will send it to the host university. The course selected must be required for the student’s program, must be a graduate level course, and must not be available at McMaster University. Auditing of courses or registration for “extra” courses is not permitted.The student is subject to any regulations of their Home University with respect to the maximum number of courses which may be taken at another Ontario university. At McMaster, there is a two course maximum over the duration of the student’s program.