Sep 07, 2024  
Undergraduate Calendar 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Calendar 2022-2023 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Application Procedures


  1. Determine the appropriate application form and/or procedures. (See Categories of Admission below.)
  2. Determine application deadline. (See Application and Documentation Deadlines in this section.)
  3. Refer to the Admission Requirements  and specific Faculty sections of this Calendar for further information.
  4. Complete and submit your application as directed.
  5. Submit all required documentation to McMaster. (See Documents in this section.)
  6. Once an application has been received, McMaster’s Office of the Registrar, Admissions will provide an acknowledgment of receipt of application plus further instructions/details about tracking the application.

1. Categories of Admission

A. Current Ontario High School Students

The 101 application should be used if ALL of the following requirements apply:

  • You are taking courses during the day at an Ontario secondary school (this includes students returning for second semester and graduated students returning to upgrade one or more courses)
  • You have not, at any point, been out of secondary school for more than seven consecutive months
  • You will have received or expect to receive your Ontario Secondary School diploma (OSSD) with six 4U/M courses at the end of the current year
  • You have not attended a postsecondary institution (college/university/career college)
  • You are applying to the first year of an undergraduate degree program or diploma program at an Ontario university
  • You are under 21 years of age.

Use the Undergraduate 101 on-line application at Please consult with your secondary school guidance office regarding this application process.

B. All Other Canadian High School Students

For applicants currently attending secondary school outside of Ontario or have recently completed a secondary school diploma in any Canadian province or territory

C. High School Students with International Qualifications

Applicants currently attending or have recently completed a secondary school program outside of Canada

D. University/College Transfer/Continuing Students

If currently registered in or have completed an undergraduate degree program at another university and wish to attend McMaster OR

If currently registered in or have attended or completed a college diploma program and wish to attend McMaster

E. Nursing Consortium Programs

Applying to McMaster’s Nursing (B.Sc.N). programs at the Mohawk College or Conestoga College sites

  • Current Ontario high school applicants - use the OUAC 101 on-line application at
  • All other applicant groups use the OUAC 105 on-line application at

F. Previous McMaster Degree Students (Returning Students)

  1. Readmission: If you are a former McMaster student with a record of course enrolment, who was in good standing and who voluntarily withdrew from an undergraduate program more than five years ago (providing you have not attended another university nor received a college diploma since last registered at McMaster). If you are a former Nursing or Physician Assistant student, you must apply for readmission regardless of the amount of time that has elapsed. Apply on-line at:
  2. McMaster Second Degree: If you are a McMaster graduate or potential graduate at the end of your current academic term and wish to pursue a second undergraduate degree (providing you have not attended another university nor received a college diploma since last registered at McMaster).
  3. Reinstatement: If you are a former McMaster student who was required to withdraw from studies at McMaster.
  4. Continuing Student: If you are a McMaster graduate from an undergraduate program and wish to become a Continuing Student.

G. Visiting Students (Letter of Permission - For Credit at Another University)

If you are currently enrolled at another university and wish to attend McMaster to take courses on a Letter of Permission for credit at that university

  • Use the OUAC 105 on-line application at

H. Part-Time Degree Studies at McMaster Only

If you wish to begin undergraduate studies on a part-time basis (enrolled in less than 18 units of study)

I. Post-Degree Studies

If you wish to register as a post-degree student (taking graduate courses but not proceeding to an advanced degree)

  • Contact the Graduate Studies Office, Gilmour Hall, Room 212, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L8 for information on how to apply to the appropriate academic department(s).

J. Medical Program

See the heading Admission Policy for the Medical Program  in the Faculty of Health Sciences section of this Calendar.

2. Documents

A. Required Documents

A complete application includes: an application form, relevant transcripts and all other documentation stipulated in the Admission Requirements  and specific Faculty sections of this Calendar, in letters from the appropriate Faculty and/or in letters from Office of the Registrar, Admissions.

Transcripts of marks and/or certificates from all secondary and post-secondary institutions attended must be provided. When requested to provide an official transcript, an official signed and sealed transcript record of all academic achievement must be issued and sent by an academic institution directly to McMaster University, Office of the Registrar, Admissions.

If currently attending secondary school, contact a guidance counselor to request your current Grade Report showing all Grade 12 courses. If you previously attended secondary school in another province, you may need to request a transcript containing your secondary school marks from the Ministry or Department of Education in that province if it is not normally provided by your high school..

Where documentation from a school outside of Canada is in a language other than English, transcripts in the original language as well as notarized English translations are required.

For specific document submission requirements and processes/procedures, please review:

If McMaster concludes based on reasonable grounds that the applicant has falsified any information presented to the University as part of his or her application, without limiting any other rights of McMaster available at law, McMaster reserves the right to revoke the offer and, subject to applicable law and University Policy, to terminate a student’s enrolment.

Without limiting McMaster’s General Statement on Collection of Personal Information and Protection of Privacy, please take note that McMaster University collects and retains personal information of applicants for admissions to McMaster University under the authority of The McMaster University Act, 1976. This information may be used for the administration of admissions and registration and, subject to McMaster University policies (as may be amended or revoked from time to time), McMaster may disclose any evidence of misrepresentation, fraud or falsification of admissions documentation to other educational institutions, to government agencies, to law-enforcement agencies and to other relevant third parties. The information you provide on any application for admissions will be protected and used in compliance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSO 1990) and will be disclosed only in accordance with this Act. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the University Registrar, University Hall, Room 209, Student Records, Gilmour Hall, Room 108, or the University Secretary, Gilmour Hall, Room 210, McMaster University.

B. Retention of Documents

All documentation submitted in support of an application for admission becomes the property of the University and will not be returned.

Documentation for those not accepted or for those who fail to enroll following acceptance, will be destroyed at the end of the admissions cycle. If an applicant reapplies, they must resubmit any required documentation.

3. Application and Documentation Deadlines

McMaster University reserves the right, at its sole discretion, not to accept, process or adjudicate applications or amendments to applications to any program at any time. Meeting minimum application requirements does not guarantee admission to any program at McMaster University. Application fees are non-refundable and you are advised to review admission requirements carefully before applying, to determine your academic eligibility for admission consideration. Please see the Admission Requirements  section of this calendar for general information. University transfer applicants should review Programs (by Degree) and Minors requirements section before applying.  

McMaster University has a number of highly competitive by-selection programs requiring a mandatory supplementary application/assessment, and these programs have early application and supplementary submission deadlines, as specified in the chart below. Failure to apply on time or to submit the required supplementary application/assessment by the specified dates will automatically disqualify applicants for consideration to these specified programs. Submission of an application and/or amendments should be made well in advance of the deadlines listed below.

Fall and Winter Terms

The dates and deadlines listed below are for applications submitted for the 2022-2023 academic year. Please refer to for the date and deadline information for new applications.




Arts & Science

 January 13

 February 1

Details at:

Actuarial & Financial Mathematics (Above Level 1) Regular and Co-op Programs

April 1

April 30

For information see:

Automation Engineering Technology I Co-op (B.Tech.),

Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology I Co-op (B.Tech.), Biotechnology I Co-op (B.Tech.)

January 13

End of January

Online Kira© Assessment

Details at:

Bachelor of Technology Degree Completion (Above Level 1)

March 1 (May intake)

July 1 (September intake)

November 1 (January intake)

Must be completed by the application deadline.

Details at:

Biomedical Discovery & Commercialization (Level 3 entry; Health Sciences
(Above Level 2))

February 1

February 1
Supplementary application deadline - details at

Computer Science I (Regular and Co-op) January 13

January 28, 12:00 noon ET

Online Kira© Assessment

Details at:

Computer Science (Above Level 1) (Regular and Coop) April 1 Mid - April
Online Kira© Assessment
Details at:

Engineering 1 (Regular and

January 13

January 28, 12:00 noon ET

Online Kira© Assessment

Details at:

Engineering (Above Level 1) (Regular and Co-op)

Engineering &
Management (Above Level 1) (Regular and Coop)

Engineering & Society
(Above Level 1) (Regular and Co-op)

April 1 Mid - April
Online Kira© Assessment
Details at:

Health Sciences I (Honours)

January 13

Early February

Details at:

Health Sciences (Honours)  (Above Level 1)

 April 1

Early May

Details at:

Honours Biology and Pharmacology Co-op (Above Level 1)

February 1

February 1
Mandatory Letter of Intent specifying reasons for applying and applicant suitability for the program. Email by February 1.

Honours Integrated Science I

 January 13

 February 1
Details at:

Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences 1 (Regular and Co-op)

January 13

January 28, 12:00 noon ET

Online Kira© Assessment

Details at:


Integrated Business & Humanities

January 13

February 1

Online Kira© Assessment

Justice, Political Philosophy & Law

April 1

April 1

For more information see:

Midwifery (including submission of all transcripts)

 February 1


Physician Assistant (including submission of all official transcripts)
Note: This program is not open to International Applicants. This program is open to Canadian citizens and present
Permanent Residents of Canada only.

 February 1

End of February

Social Work

 February 1

 February 1

Nursing I: Secondary School Applicants

January 13

Mandatory Supplementary application information is available on the CASPerTMwebsite.

Nursing 1 (university transfer applicants from programs other than Nursing and applicants from college pre-health programs (including submission of all official transcripts)

 February 1

 Mandatory Supplementary application information is available on the CASPerTMwebsite.

Nursing: Transfer from another Nursing program to the McMaster site.


Students from other university Nursing programs should contact the McMaster Nursing program office at 905‑525‑9140, ext. 22232, for information about transfer options and application procedures. McMaster will not typically accept transfer applications from students already in a Nursing program elsewhere.

Nursing Basic-Accelerated Stream (above level 1) (including submission of all official transcripts)

February 1

Mandatory Supplementary application information is available on the CASPerTMwebsite.

Nursing Post-Diploma RPN Stream (Mohawk) (Conestoga) February 1 Mandatory Supplementary application information is available on the CASPerTMwebsite.

Application Deadlines for All Other McMaster Programs for Fall and Winter Terms

*February 1 - Applications received on or before February 1 with all supporting official documentation received no later than February 15 from applicants with no postsecondary experience will be reviewed for admission pending space availability in the program. All applications received after February 1 will be considered only if there is space available in the program.

April 1 - The final date to apply for admission and submit all required documentation for admission consideration is April 1. This final deadline applies to all international and domestic applicants.


Ontario High School Applicants (Recommended) January 13 April 1
Early Deadline* (see above) February 1 February 15
Final Deadline Domestic Applicants April 1 April 1
Final Deadline International Applicants April 1 April 1

B.Tech. Degree Completion Program Only -

January Entry
May Entry

September Entry


November 1
March 1
July 1


November 15
March 15
July 15

Spring/Summer Term

May Entry (Term 1 or 3) April 1 April 1
Supporting Documentation for May Entry April 1 April 1
June Entry (Term 2) May 15 May 15
Supporting Documentation for June Entry May 15 May 15

Former McMaster Students: Re-admission / Re-instatement Deadlines for Fall and Winter Terms

Re-instatement Deadline June 30 June 30
Re-admission Deadline July 15 July 15
Nursing Deadline February 1 February 1
Physician Assistant February 1 N/A

Academic Advising for Admitted Students

Applicants offered admission to a program at McMaster, will be asked to confirm acceptance of the offer. Admission offers will include information regarding acceptance procedures, a response deadline and registration procedures. Admission acceptance deadlines specified in the Offer of Admission letter are strictly enforced. Accepting the offer of admission well before the specified deadline date is recommended.

If admitted to Level 1, the Faculty Office may arrange a meeting with an Academic Advisor. Although summer advising and registration sessions are not compulsory, it is recommended to participate.

If offered admission above Level 1, academic advising with the Office of the Associate Dean of the Faculty offering the program, or the Office of the Director of the program may be arranged.

4. Review of Admission and Re-Admission Decisions

No appeal procedure shall be available for decisions on admission or re-admission to the University. Such decisions may be reviewed within the following framework:

  1. An applicant to the University believes the admission or re-admission decision, or, in the case of a transfer student the decision to grant credits, is incorrect, or based on incorrect or incomplete information, may, within one week of receiving the decision, request a review of that decision by writing to the Senior Associate Registrar, Undergraduate Admissions, stating why they think the decision should be reviewed.
  2. The Senior Associate Registrar, Undergraduate Admissions, shall determine whether the information on which the decision was based was incomplete or incorrect and, if so, shall refer the request for review to the appropriate Faculty Committee. That Committee shall make a final decision and report it to the Senior Associate Registrar, Undergraduate Admissions, who shall then convey the decision in writing to the student.

Enquiries: Application Procedures

For information about applying to McMaster, visit:, or direct your enquiries to our online chat: