Dec 22, 2024
ENVIRSC 3W03 - Physical Hydrogeology 3 unit(s)
Mechanisms and processes of water movement in the subsurface including the saturated zone (groundwater) and the unsaturated zone (soil water). Two lectures, one lab (three hours); one term
Prerequisite(s): One of CIVENG 2J04 , EARTHSC 2B03 , 2G03, 2W03 , ENVIRSC 2B03 , 2G03, 2W03 ; and one of ISCI 1A24 A/B , MATH 1A03 , 1B03 , 1K03 , 1LS3 , 1M03 , 1N03, 1ZA3
Cross-list(s): EARTHSC 3W03
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