Dec 21, 2024
LIFESCI 3R03 - Life Sciences Field Inquiry 3 unit(s)
Provides an opportunity for students to conduct interdisciplinary studies on the natural environment, usually requiring a period of overnight stay at a field camp. Destinations and topics vary annually. Details may be found on the Life Sciences Program web-site at: http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/lifesciences/ or by contacting the Academic Program Advisor in the School of Interdisciplinary Science office. Two weeks (field and lab work); one term
Prerequisite(s): One of BIOLOGY 2F03 , LIFESCI 2H03 or ISCI 2A18 A/B ; and registration in Level II or above of a program in the Faculty of Science; and permission of the Course Coordinator. Priority will be given to students registered in a Life Sciences program.
Co-requisite(s): Credit or registration in LIFESCI 3RF0 LIFE SCI 3R03 may be repeated, if on a different topic. Some topics may require a fee to cover cost of travel and accommodation at the field camp.
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