Mar 02, 2025
HTH RS M 772 / Introduction to Research Methods for Randomized Controlled Trials (Online) 3 unit(s)
Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in GDCE or special permission from GDCE Director. HTH RS M 771 and HTH RS M 774 .
Antirequisite(s): HTH RS M 730
HRM-772 is a mandatory GDCE course in the online GDCE program. The course aims to help students better understand RTC methodology and is especially essential for aspiring clinical trial researchers. The goal is to introduce participants to the main elements of study design, execution and analysis with emphasis on the formulation of appropriate research questions and clinical trial design. The course is conducted online and utilizes interactive learning modules, required readings, discussion boards, tutorials and hand-in assignments (weekly and end of course final project).
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