Oct 05, 2024
PHILOS 4V03 - Multidisciplinary Workshop in Applied Ethics and Policy 3 unit(s)
This course is a multidisciplinary, team-based workshop focused on identifying and resolving the ethical and policy challenges presented by new technologies that are promising but also potentially disruptive. Open to students from Health Sciences, Engineering, Business, Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences. Three hours; one term Prerequisite(s): 6 units of PHILOS 2D03, 2YY3, 2S03, 2G03, 2N03, or 2TT3; 3 units of PHILOS 3C03, 3CC3, or 3GH3; 3 units of PHILOS 3I03, 3L03, 3Q03, 3N03 or 3T03; and permission of the department. This course is restricted to students accepted into CAEP (Certificate for Applied Ethics and Policy).
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