Feb 12, 2025
PHYSICS 3N04 - Physical Optics 4 unit(s)
Geometrical optics, electromagnetic waves, interference of light, Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction, polarized light, Fresnel equations, optical properties of materials, introduction to optical systems and precision optics experiments, selected topics in modern optics.
Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab (three hours each, three per Term); one term
Prerequisite(s): One of ISCI 2A18 A/B , MATH 2X03 , 2ZZ3 ; and one of MATH 2C03 , 2Z03 ; and one of PHYSICS 2B03 or ENGPHYS 2A04
Cross-list(s): ENGPHYS 3E04
Anti-requisite(s): ENGPHYS 3E03, PHYSICS 3N03
This course is administered by the Department of Engineering Physics.
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