School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2015-2016 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
Mathematics and Statistics
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The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers programs leading to the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics. Part-time doctoral studies in Mathematics are permissible.
Enquiries: 905 525-9140, Ext. 24582
Fax: 905 522-0935
Faculty / Fall 2015
Distinguished University Professor
N. Balakrishnan, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Madras), Ph.D. (I.I.T., Kanpur) / Director, Graduate Program in Statistics
S. Alama, B.S. (Columbia), M.S., Ph.D. (Courant, N.Y.U.)
H.U. Boden, B.S. (New Hampshire), Ph.D. (Brandeis) / Chair
B. Bolker, B.S. (Yale), Ph.D. (Cambridge)
L. Bronsard, B.A. (Montreal), M.S., Ph.D. (Courant, N.Y.U.)
W. Craig, A.B. (Berkeley), M.S., Ph.D. (Courant, N.Y.U.) / Senior Canada Research Chair
D. Earn, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Cambridge)
S. Feng, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Beijing Normal), Ph.D. (Carleton)
J-P. Gabardo, B.Sc. (Université de l’Etat à Mons), Ph.D. (Maryland)
M. Grasselli, B.Sc. (Sáo Paulo), Ph.D. (King’s College)
I. Hambleton, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Yale) / Britton Professor of Mathematics
B. Hart, B.Math. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (McGill)
D. Haskell, B.A. (Oxford), M.S., Ph.D. (Stanford)
F.M. Hoppe, B.Sc. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Weizmann Institute of Science),M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton)
T.R. Hurd, B.Sc. (Queen’s), D.Phil. (Oxford)
N. Kevlahan, B.Sc. (British Columbia), Ph.D. (Cambridge) / Acting Chair
M. Lovric, B.S. (Zagreb), M.S., Ph.D. (Ohio State) / Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
P.D. McNicholas, B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Trinity College Dublin)
A.J. Nicas, B.Sc. (McGill), M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton)
D.E. Pelinovsky, M.S. (Nizhny Novgorod State, Russia), Ph.D.(Monash, Australia)
B. Protas, M.Sc. (Warsaw Univ. Technology), Ph.D. (Warsaw Univ.Technology and Université de Paris VI [Pierre et Marie Curie])
E.T. Sawyer, B.Sc., Ph.D. (McGill) / McKay Professor of Mathematics
P. Speissegger, Diploma (Switzerland), Ph.D. (Illinois) / Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
M.A. Valeriote, B.Math. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (Berkeley)
R. Viveros-Aguilera, B.A. (Veracruzana, Mexico), M.A. (NationalPolitechnic Inst., Mexico), Ph.D. (Waterloo)
M.Y-K. Wang, A.B. (Princeton), Ph.D. (Stanford)
G.S.K. Wolkowicz, B.Sc., M.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (Alberta)
Associate Professors
A. Canty, B.Sc. (College Cork, Ireland), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)
A. Childs, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)
M. Harada, A.B. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Berkeley) / Canada Research Chair
T. Pirvu, B.Sc. (Craivo), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon)
Assistant Professors
D. Lozinski, B. Math. (Waterloo), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Northwestern)
Associate Members
Joseph Beyene (Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics), B.Sc. (Addis Ababa), Ph.D. (Toronto)
A. Deza (Computing & Software), M.Sc., (Ecole Nationale des Pontset Chaussées), Ph.D. (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
J. Dushoff (Biology), B.A. (Pennsylvania), Ph.D. (Princeton)
Timothy Field (Electrical and Computer Engineering), B.A. (Cambridge), D. Phil (Oxford)
J.S. HAMID (Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics), BSc (Addis Ababa), MSc, PhD (Uppsala)
J.I. ZUCKER (Computing and Software) BSc (Witwatersrand), PhD (Stanford), L.E.L.
Adjunct Members
S.E.AHMED, MSc, PhD (Guelph)
I.R.C. BUCKLEY, BSc & PhD (Imperial College, London)
P. SERMER, BSc, MSc, PhD (Toronto)
Professors Emeriti
M. Kolster, Dipl. (Hamburg), Dr.rer.nat. (Saarbrücken), Habil. (Münster) P.D.M. Macdonald, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Toronto), D.Phil. (Oxford) A. Rosa, M.S. (Kiev State), Ph.D. (Slovak Acad. Sciences)
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers an M.Sc. program in Statistics which is administered by a Graduate Committee with faculty from several university departments.
Enquiries should be addressed to the Director, Graduate Program in Statistics,
905 525-9140, Ext. 23420 (Dr Balakrishnan)
Ph.D. in Mathematical Statistics is offered (see “Mathematics” section of this Calendar for details).
Faculty / Fall 2015
Distinguished University Professor
N. Balakrishnan, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Madras), Ph.D. (I.I.T., Kanpur) / Director, Graduate Program in Statistics
J. Beyene, M.Sc. (Guelph), Ph.D. (Toronto) / Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
B. Bolker, B.S. (Yale), Ph.D. (Cambridge)
S. Feng, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Beijing Normal), Ph.D. (Carleton)
J. Fox, B.A. (City College of New York), M.A., Ph.D. (Michigan) / Sociology
F.M. Hoppe, B.Sc. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Weizmann Institute of Science),M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton)
L.J. Magee, B.Math. (Waterloo), M.A., Ph.D. (Western) / Economics
J.M. Maheu, B.A. (McMaster), M.A., Ph.D. (Queen’s) / Business
P.D. McNicholas, B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Trinity College Dublin)
J.S. Racine, B.A., M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Western) / Economics
H.S. Shannon, B.A. (Oxford), M.Sc. (Birmingham), Ph.D. (London)/ Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
L. Thabane, B.Sc. (Lesotho), M.Sc. (Sheffield), Ph.D. (Western) /Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
M.R. Veall, B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Western), Ph.D. (M.I.T.) / Economics
R. Viveros-Aguilera, B.A. (Veracruzana, Mexico), M.A. (NationalPolitechnic Inst., Mexico), Ph.D. (Waterloo)
K.M. Wong, B.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D., D.Sc. (London), D.I.C. (ImperialCollege), F.I.E.E.E., F.I.E.E., F.Inst.P., F.S.S., C.Eng., P.Eng./Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professors
N. Akhtar-Danesh, B.Sc. (Ferdowsi, Iran), M.Sc. (Shiraz, Iran), Ph.D.(Newcastle, U.K.) / Nursing
A. Canty, B.Sc. (College Cork, Ireland), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)
A. Childs, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)
S. McDonald, B.A. (Princeton), M.D., M.Sc. (Toronto), F.R.C.S.C. /Obstetrics & Gynecology; Radiology
Assistant Professors
L. Griffith, BS (Michigan), MS (Michigan), PhD (Toronto), Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
G. Pond, B.Sc. (Brock), M.Sc. (Simon Fraser), Ph.D. (Toronto) / Oncology
Associate Members
J. Hamid, B.Sc. (Addis Ababa), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Uppsala) / Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics and The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute, Toronto
Professors Emeriti
P.D.M. Macdonald, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Toronto), D.Phil. (Oxford), P.Stat.
J.F. MacGregor, B.Eng. (McMaster), M.S., Ph.D. (Wisconsin), P.Eng./ Chemical Engineering
S.G. Mohanty, B.A. (Utkal), M.A. (Punjab), Ph.D. (Alberta)
M. Min-Oo, B.Sc. (Rangoon), Dip. Math., Dr.rer.nat.Habil. (Bonn)
S.D. Walter, B.Sc. (London), Ph.D. (Edinburgh) / Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
ProgramsMasterDoctoralCourse Offerings
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