School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2013-2014 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
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The Department of Economics offers programs leading to the degrees M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics and M.A. in Economic Policy.
Enquiries should be directed to the Graduate Administrative Assistant, Department of Economics,
905 525-9140, Ext. 24731
E-mail: Fax: 905 521-8232
Faculty/Fall 2013
Martin D. Dooley, B.A. (Indiana), M.S., Ph.D. (Wisconsin)
Jeremiah E. Hurley, B.A. (John Carroll), M.A., Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison)
Stephen R.G. Jones, B.A. (Cambridge), Ph.D. (California, Berkeley)
John E. Leach, B.A. (Alberta), M.A., Ph.D. (Queen’s)
Wayne A. Lewchuk, M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Cambridge)
Lonnie J. Magee, B.Math. (Waterloo), M.A., Ph.D. (Western)
Ken Norrie, B.A. (Saskatchewan), M.Phil., Ph.D. (Yale)
A. Abigail Payne, B.A. (Denison), J.D. (Cornell), Ph.D. (Princeton)
Jeff Racine, B.A., M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Western) / Senator William McMaster Chair in Econometrics, Social Sciences
William M. Scarth, B.A. (Queen’s), M.A. (Essex), Ph.D. (Toronto)/ Chair
Byron G. Spencer, B.A. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Rice)
Arthur Sweetman, B.Eng. (McGill), M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Michael R. Veall, B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Western), Ph.D. (M.I.T.)
Associate Professors
Paul Contoyannis, B.Sc., D.Phil. (University of York, England) / Graduate Student Advisor
Katherine Cuff, M.A. (York), B.A.H., Ph.D. (Queen’s)
Phil DeCicca, B.S. (Cornell), M.P.A. (Syracuse), M.A., Ph.D. (Michigan)
Svetlana A. Demidova, M.Sc. (Moscow State), M.A. (New Economic School, Russia), Ph.D. (Penn State)
Michel Grignon, M.Sc. (ENSAE, Paris, France), Ph.D. (Ph.D. Ecole des Hautes Etudies en Science Sociales, Paris, France)
Seungjin Han, B.A. (Korea), M.A. (McGill), Ph.D. (Toronto)
AlokJohri, B.A., M.A. (Delhi School of Economics), Ph.D. (Boston)
Marc-André Letendre, B.A.A. (HEC Montreal), M.A., Ph.D. (Queen’s)
Shintaro Yamaguchi, B.A., M.A. (Keio), Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison)
Assistant Professors
Laura Grignon JD/M.A. (University of Padua, Italy), M.Sc. (University of Leicester, Great Britain), Ph.D. (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Hannah Holmes, M.A. (McMaster)
Maxim Ivanov, M.S. (Russia), M.A. (New Economic School, Russia), Ph.D. (Penn State)
Peter J. McCabe, A.B. (Boston College), Ph.D. (Northwestern)
Bridget O’Shaughnessy, M.A. (York)
Cesar Sosa Padilla Araujo M.A. Ph.D. (Maryland at College Park)
Pau Salvador Pujolàs Fons M.A. Ph.D. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Associate Members
Dean C. Mountain (School of Business)
Greg L. Stoddart (Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Jean-Eric Tarride (Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Adjunt Members
Sule Alan, B.Sc. (Middle East Technical University), M.A. (York),Ph.D. (McMaster)
Neil Buckley, B.Arts Sc. (McMaster), M.A. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Tom Crossley, B.Sc. (Queen’s), M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Robert Dimand, B.A. (McGill), M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Yale)
Paul Grootendorst, B.A. (Victoria), M.A. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (McMaster)
John Haisken DeNew, B.A. (Carleton), M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Munich)
Emile Tompa, B.A. (York), M.B.A. (British Columbia), M.A. (Toronto),Ph.D. (McMaster)
Professors Emeriti
Syed Ahmad, M.A., L.L.B. (Aligarh), M.Sc., D.Sc. (London)
John B. Burbidge, B.A., Ph.D. (McGill)
Kenneth S. Chan, B.Sc. (Toronto), M.A., Ph.D. (Brown)
Frank T. Denton, M.A. (Toronto), F.R.S.C., F.S.S., LL.D.(Hon.)
Peter J. George, C.M., O.Ont., B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.U.(Hon.), D.Hon.C., D.Litt.(Hon.), LL.D. (Hon.)
Alan J. Harrison, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Essex)
James A. Johnson, M.A., Ph.D. (Minnesota)
Atif A. Kubursi, B.A. (American University, Beirut), M.S., Ph.D.(Purdue)
Stuart Mestelman, B.A. (Pittsburgh), M.S., Ph.D. (Purdue)
R. Andrew Muller, B.A. (McGill), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Ernest H. Oksanen, A.M. (Michigan), B.A., Ph.D. (Queen’s)
Yorgos Y. Papageorgiou, Dipl.Arch. (National Technical, Athens),M.C.P., Ph.D. (Ohio State), D.Sc. (Louvain)
A. Leslie Robb, B.A., M.A. (British Columbia), Ph.D. (Essex)
J. Douglas Welland, B.A. (McMaster), M.A., Ph.D. (Minnesota)
James R. Williams, M.A., Ph.D. (Minnesota)
Candidates for the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Economics and the M.A. in Economic Policy will normally satisfy the general regulations of the School of Graduate Studies with respect to admission and residence. Candidates with Honours, Master’s or Ph.D. degrees in Business or in mathematically oriented disciplines will be given special consideration and may be admitted as students in the graduate program. ProgramsMasterDoctoralCourse Offerings
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