School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2021-2022 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
Materials Science and Engineering
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Candidates may be accepted for graduate work leading to the M.A.Sc. degree in Materials Science and Engineering, or for the Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering on a regular or part-time basis.
Enquiries: 905 525-9140 Ext. 26626
Faculty / Fall 2021
Distinguished University Professors
G.R. Purdy, M.Sc. (Alberta), Ph.D. (McMaster), D.H.C. (Grenoble), F.C.I.M., F.A.S.M., F.T.M.S., F.R.S.C., P.Eng. / Emeritus
D.S. Wilkinson, M.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Cambridge), F.C.I.M., F.A.Cer.S., F.R.S.C. P.Eng
G. Botton, B.Eng., Ph.D. (École Polytechnique)
J. Kish, B.Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster), P.Eng
A. Kitai, B.Eng. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Cornell), P.Eng. / Joint appointment with Engineering Physics
D.V. Malakhov, B.Sc. (Moscow), Ph.D. (Novosibirsk)
J. McDermid, B.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Eng., Ph.D. (McGill), P.Eng
M. Niewczas, M.Sci., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Krakow), P.Eng
G. Xu, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Pittsburgh), D.E.S. (Columbia)
I. Zhitomirsky, M.Sc. (Kalinin), Ph.D. (Moscow), P.Eng
H. Zurob, B.Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster), P.Eng
Associate Professors
N. Bassim, B.S., (University of South Florida), M.Sc, Ph.D, (University of Florida)
N. Dogan, B.Sc. (Yildiz Technical), Ph.D. (Swinburne University of Technology), P.Eng
K. Grandfield, B.Eng., M.A.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Uppsala)
M. Lagos, B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Campinas)
A. Phillion, B.Eng., (McMaster), MASc, Ph.D. (UBC), P.Eng
O. Rubel, M. Eng., Ph.D (Zaporozhye State Technical University), P.Eng
L. Tafaghodi Khajavi, B.Sc. (Sharif), M.A.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto), P.Eng
Assistant Professor
K. Sask, B.Sc. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (McMaster)
H. Yu, BASc, MASc (University of Toronto), Ph.D. (University of Cambridge)
Associate Members
A. P. Hitchcock/(Chemistry) B.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (British Columbia), F.C.I.C.
M. Jain/(Mechanical Engineering) B.E.(IIS), M.A.Sc. (Windsor), Ph.D. (Washington)
I.K. Puri/(Mechanical Engineering) B.Sc. (Delhi), M.S., PhD. (California-San Diego)
Emeritus Professors
D. Embury: FRSC, FTMS, Doc Hon.Causa (NTNU Norway)
G. Irons: P.Eng, FCIM, FCAE, Honorary Member ISIJ
J. J. Hoyt: B.Sc. (Cornell), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Berkeley)
G. Johari: FRSC, Doc Hon. Causa (Lyon), Sc.D (h.c.Dublin)
A. Petric: P.Eng
The general requirements of the School of Graduate Studies must be met by all candidates. Additional Departmental requirements are described. All of the graduate degree programs in this Department involve course work, comprehensive examinations and research leading to a thesis. All graduate students must attend seminars arranged by the Department, including the external seminar program, as well as the student seminar series organized as part of MATLS 701 and MATLS 702 .
Research in Materials Science and Engineering
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering provides opportunities for research in a broad range of fundamental and applied topics including materials processing and recycling, nanotechnology and nanoscale materials science, electronic materials, and structural materials. Detailed descriptions of research activities can be found in the web pages for each faculty member and are briefly listed below: structure-property relationships in electronic, optical, bio and nanoscale materials, electron microscopy, focussed ion beam microscopy and atom probe tomography techniques (N. Bassim); microstructure and interfaces in nanoscale functional materials, electronic structure and spectroscopy of complex oxides and alloys, electron microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy and atom probe tomography techniques (G. Botton); modelling and experimental techniques to help the steel industry optimize their production (N. Dogan); biomaterials development for orthopaedics, dentistry and tissue engineering, multi-scale characterization of biominerals and biomaterials, in situ electron microscopy, electron and atom probe tomography (K. Grandfield); corrosion and environmental degradation of materials (J. Kish); computational thermodynamics, measurement, analysis and modelling of texture, thermo-mechanical treatment of aluminum alloys, experimental and numerical simulation of solidification processes (D. Malakhov); physical metallurgy of advanced high strength steel, selective oxidation, reactive wetting, continuous galvanized coatings (J. McDermid); crystallographic and kinetic aspects of phase transformations and electron microscopy in materials, magnetic and electrical properties of materials and nanomaterials, molecular dynamic and finite element modelling of the molecular structure of metals (M. Niewczas); mathematical modelling of materials and processes, 3D materials science, solidification and casting of engineering metals (A. Phillion); crystallographic and kinetic aspects of phase transformations (G. Purdy);computational modelling of optoelectronic, quantum, and energy materials (O. Rubel); biomaterials, surface modification, protein and cell interactions, blood contacting medical devices, polymers (K. Sask); microanalysis and mechanical property measurements applied to studies of mechanisms of strengthening, creep and fracture in metals and ceramics (D. Wilkinson); organic electronics, polymer fuel cells, nanostructures (G. Xu); electrodeposition of ceramics, metals, polymers and composites, nanostructured materials, nanofibres, photonic crystals, quantum dots, ferroelectric and magnetic materials, biomaterials, fuel cells (I. Zhitomirsky); microstructure evolution and its effect on mechanical properties of metals (H. Zurob).
Facilities for Research
Additional research facilities available to the Department include a main shop employing several full-time instrument-makers, a student shop, a plasma melting facility, consumable and non-consumable electrode arc-melting furnaces, X-ray diffraction facilities, a supply of liquid helium, X-ray fluorescence and neutron activation analysis equipment, optical emission spectrometer, dielectric and mechanical relaxation, a wet-chemical analysis laboratory, levitation melting apparatus, laboratory rolling mill, computer-controlled mechanical testing machines, creep test facilities for metals and ceramics, hot isostatic press, vacuum hot press, interference microscope, hot-stage microscope, high frequency ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation system for ceramic specimens, and ion accelerator, 50 kg vacuum and a 100 kg air induction melting and casting facility, physical property measurement system for measurements of magnetic and electrical properties of materials.
ProgramsMasterDoctoralCourse Offerings
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