Tara Marshall/(Health and Aging) B.A. (Queens), M.A., Ph.D (Toronto)
Luca Berardi/(Sociology) B.A., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Alberta)
Sarah Clancy/(Health and Aging) B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Guelph), Ph.D. (McMaster) Meridith Griffin/(Health and Aging) B.Kin. (McMaster), M.A. (British Columbia), Ph.D. (Exeter) Tara Marshall/(Health and Aging) B.A. (Queens), M.A., Ph.D (Toronto)
Sarah Clancy/(Health and Aging) B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Guelph), Ph.D. (McMaster) Jessica Maxwell/(Health and Aging) B.A. (Queens), M.A., Ph.D (Toronto)
Students study various aspects of Social Psychology from a multidisciplinary perspective to gain an understanding of how individuals behave, how small groups and communities interact, and how societies form practices and priorities. Students will learn how to locate themselves in the complex fabrics of their cultures, their geographies and their power relationships. Students who are interested in many social science perspectives on how people develop over the lifespan and how they behave in different environments and circumstances should consider this program.
Students are responsible for ensuring that they have successfully completed any prerequisite courses and are strongly encouraged to consult with an academic advisor in planning their course of studies.