Feb 13, 2025
Undergraduate Calendar 2019-2020 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability
Addressing sustainability in our society poses interdisciplinary challenges that require interdisciplinary solutions. Sustainability is frequently taught in silos within individual Faculties, and most often within individual and isolated courses. The goal of the Minor is to alter this pedagogy and teach sustainability both within and across Faculties. The Minor provides a path for students to study diverse aspects of sustainability from different disciplines and integrate them into a cohesive whole. The primary responsibility for governance of the Minor is held by the Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability Committee comprised of an interdisciplinary group of faculty and administrators from the Faculties of Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, Social Sciences, and the Arts & Science Program. The Arts & Science Program hosts the Minor by managing administrative obligations such as the submission of curricular revisions. Responsibility for advising students rests with the student’s home Faculty.
More information on the Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability can be found on the Course Substitution template web page or by contacting asp@mcmaster.ca.
Course List
- ANTHROP 2AN3 - The Anthropology of Food and Nutrition
- ANTHROP 2C03 - Archaeology of Environmental Crisis and Response
- ANTHROP 3C03 - Health and Environment: Anthropological Approaches
- ANTHROP 3Y03 - Indigenous Community Health and Well-Being
- ANTHROP 4CP3 - Cultural Politics of Food and Eating
- ARTSSCI 3GJ3 - Global Justice Inquiry
- ARTSSCI 4CA3 - Legal Inquiry
- ARTSSCI 4EP3 - Environmental Policy Inquiry
- ART 2ER3 - Environmentally Responsible Art
- CMST 4P03 - Social Activism and the Media
- CMTYENGA 2A03 - Foundations of Community Engagement
- COMMERCE 1B03 - Business Environment & Organization
- COMMERCE 1E03 - Business Environment and Organization
- COMMERCE 4BL3 - Occupational Health and Safety Management
- COMMERCE 4BM3 - Strategic Human Resource Planning
- COMMERCE 4MG3 - Strategic Philanthropy and Leadership
- COMMERCE 4SG3 - Sustainability: Corporations and Society
- EARTHSC 2GG3 - Natural Disasters
- ECON 2J03 - Environmental Economics
- ECON 3W03 - Natural Resources
- ENGINEER 4A03 - Sustainability and Ethics in Engineering
- ENGINEER 4ID3 - Addressing Social Problems Through Business, Engineering and the Social Sciences
- ENGLISH 2Z03 - Nature, Literature, Culture: Introduction to the Environmental Humanities
- ENGLISH 4E03 - Literature, Culture and the Anthropocene
- ENGNMGT 5EL3 - Leading Innovation
- ENGPHYS 3D03 - Principles of Nuclear Engineering
- ENGPHYS 3ES3 - Introduction to Energy Systems
- ENGPHYS 4X03 - Introduction to Photovoltaics
- ENGSOCTY 2X03 - Inquiry in an Engineering Context I
- ENGSOCTY 3Z03 - Preventive Engineering: Environmental Perspectives
- ENVIRSC 1C03 - Climate, Water And Environment
- ENVIRSC 2WW3 - Water and the Environment
- ENVIRSC 4EA3 - Environmental Assessment
- GEOG 1HA3 - Society, Culture and Environment
- GEOG 1HB3 - Population, Cities and Development
- GEOG 2EI3 - Environmental Issues
- GEOG 2UI3 - Cities in a Changing World
- GEOG 3EC3 - Environmental Catastrophes
- GEOG 3EE3 - Energy and Society
- GEOG 3ER3 - Sustainability and the Economy
- GEOG 3UP3 - Planning our Cities
- GEOG 4EA3 - Environmental Assessment
- GEOG 4HH3 - Environment and Health
- GLOBALZN 1A03 - Global Citizenship
- HLTHAGE 4M03 - Environment and Health
- HISTORY 3CH3 - Catastrophic History: Natural & Technological Disasters
- HISTORY 3UA3 - The History of the Future
- HISTORY 4K03 - Environment and Environmentalism in Modern North America
- HTHSCI 3AH3 - Indigenous Health
- HTHSCI 4LD3 - Global Health Governance, Law and Politics
- HTHSCI 4PA3 - Global Health Innovation
- HTHSCI 4ZZ3 - Global Health Advocacy
- INDIGST 2D03 - Traditional Indigenous Ecological Knowledge
- LIFESCI 2X03 - Environmental Change and Human Health
- LIFESCI 4F03 - Emerging Paradigms in Environmental Change and Health
- MATLS 4I03 - Sustainable Manufacturing Processes
- MECHENG 4O04 - Sustainable Energy Systems
- PEACEST 1A03 - Introduction to Peace Studies
- PEACEST 3D03 - Globalization and Peace
- PEACEST 4G03 - Peace Through Health: Praxis
- PEACEST 4L03 - Peace, Environment and Health
- PEACEST 4FC3 - Experiential Learning, Theory and Practice
- PEACEST 4J03 - International Law, Peace and Ecology
- PHILOS 2N03 - Business Ethics
- PHILOS 3L03 - Environmental Philosophy
- POLSCI 3GC3 - Global Climate Change
- SEP 4A03
- SEP 4EL3 - Leading Innovation
- SEP 4X03 - Livable Cities, the Built and Natural Environment
- SOCSCI 4ID3 - Addressing Social Problems Through Business, Engineering and the Social Sciences
- SUSTAIN 1S03 - Introduction to Sustainability
- SUSTAIN 2S03 - Evaluating Problems & Sustainable Solutions
- SUSTAIN 3S03 - Implementing Sustainable Change
- SUSTAIN 4S06 A/B - Leadership in Sustainability
24 units total (no more than 6 units from Level 1 courses) 21 units
from - Course List (selected from two or more Faculties as outlined in the Undergraduate Course Calendar). Any cross-listed course between two or more Faculties and those of interdisciplinary programs will be counted as a course outside of the student’s home Faculty. Sustain courses do not count towards units outside a student’s home Faculty
Please see the Course Listings section for a detailed description of the above courses. Student requests for course substitution can be completed using the request template and sent to Minor Committee Co-Chair Kate Whalen at whalenk@mcmaster.ca. The Request for Course Substitution template can be found online. - Students should note that not all courses listed are available each year. As well, it is the student’s responsibility to check carefully for prerequisites, co-requisites and enrolment restrictions.
- Students are strongly encouraged to seek guidance from their academic advisor to ensure they are meeting all enrolment requirements, including Faculty-specific requirements for double counting courses required for a student’s major.
- All courses have enrolment capacities. The Faculty cannot guarantee enrolment in courses for minors, even when prerequisites have been met.
- ENVIRSC and EARTHSC courses are administered by the Faculty of Science.
- GEOG courses are counted as Social Sciences courses.