Mar 13, 2025
Undergraduate Calendar 2023-2024 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
Minor in Environmental Sciences
- A Minor in Environmental Sciences is not permitted for students registered in any program in the School of Earth, Environment & Society.
- ISCI 1A24 A/B is a substitution for EARTHSC 1G03 , ENVIRSC 1C03 .
- ISCI 2A18 A/B may be used as a substitution for 3 units of Level II Earth Sciences toward the Minor in Environmental Sciences.
- In order to declare a Minor in Environmental Sciences, at least 12 units (above Level I) must be elective to degree.
24 units total 21 units
from - Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Environment & Society and Geography courses, including at least six units from Levels III or IV and no more than 3 units from Level I (See Note 4 above.)