Feb 13, 2025
Undergraduate Calendar 2023-2024 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
A. Programs for Students who Enter Business I in September 2021 or Later
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Program Notes
- For entry into the Honours Commerce Program, a Business 1, student:
- Must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 5.0
- Must have passed a minimum of 24 units of course work for Business I
- Must have attempted all required courses of the Business I program
- Cannot have failed more than one required course or have more than six units of failure
- May repeat failed courses in order to qualify for Level II. Please refer to the McMaster Repeat Policy.
- Students seeking a Minor in Mathematics and Statistics must take MATH 1A03 and should refer to the Faculty of Science section of this Calendar for the requirements for a Minor in Mathematics and Statistics . Students neither seeking this Minor nor planning on a transfer to the Faculty of Science, are advised to take MATH 1MM3.
- Transfer students may be admitted from other universities or from other Faculties within McMaster University. Academic requirements for admission of transfer students will be more demanding than those for Business I students.
- Courses that are cross-listed with Commerce courses are considered Commerce electives for the purposes of fulfilling program requirements. This is the case regardless of the course code the student has enrolled under.
- Non-Commerce students may enrol in specific upper-year Commerce courses if they have been accepted into a Specialized Minor offered by the Faculty of Business or can demonstrate that they are pursuing an Interdisciplinary Minor for which the specific Commerce courses are included.
Level I: 30 Units
Students admitted to Business I must complete 30 units as follows: 6 units
- Non-Commerce electives to total 30 units
Honours Commerce
Requirements for continuation in the Honours B.Com. Program are specified in the General Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. Students who are currently registered in this program should refer to their advisement reports in Mosaic Student Centre or contact the Student Experience - Academic Office (DSB-A102) to discuss their program requirements. 6 units
- Electives from non-Commerce courses
1 course
- COMMERCE 3GR0 - DeGroote Student Experience and Development III
12 units
- Electives from Commerce courses
6 units
- Electives from non-Commerce courses
6 units
- Electives from non-Commerce courses
Honours Commerce with Internship
Enrolment in this program is limited. Applications for admission into the Honours B.Com. with Internship will be accepted at the end of the Spring/Summer term and prior to the start of the Fall term (specific deadline dates will vary each year and will be communicated in the Undergraduate Faculty of Business Bulletin, OSCARplus and on DeGroote’s website). Only full-time Honours B.Com. students in good standing with a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 7.0 at the time of application, who have completed at least 54 units (and who will have at least 18 units of course work left to complete following their internship) and have passed COMMERCE 2IN0 - Career Development Course , will be eligible to apply for the Honours B.Com. with Internship degree program. Selection into the program is competitive and will be based on academic achievement, statement of interest, work and volunteer experience and interview. Program Notes
- To remain in the Honours B.Com. with Internship program, students must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average of 7.0, and remain in good academic standing.
- Only students completing an approved 16-month internship will enroll in COMMERCE 4IC0 .
- Students should refer to the table below to plan their enrolment for their work term.
30 units
Completed prior to admission in the program 30 units
Completed prior to admission in the program 1 course
- COMMERCE 3GR0 - DeGroote Student Experience and Development III
12 units
- Electives from Commerce courses
6 units
- Electives from non-Commerce courses
Commerce Internship Work Term (12-16 months)
Work term 6 units
- Electives from non-Commerce courses
Commerce (B.Com.)
Requirements for continuation in the B.Com. Program are specified in the General Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. Students who are currently registered in this program should refer to their advisement reports or contact the Student Experience - Academic Office (DSB-A102) to discuss their program requirements. 1 course
- COMMERCE 3GR0 - DeGroote Student Experience and Development III
6 units
from - Electives from Commerce courses
12 units
from - Electives from non-Commerce courses
9 units
- Electives from non-Commerce courses
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