Mar 02, 2025  
Undergraduate Calendar 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Calendar 2021-2022 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Senate Policy Statements

The University has defined its expectations of students in both the academic and non-academic life of the University community and has developed procedures to ensure that all members of the community receive equitable treatment. Policies that govern academic and student life at McMaster can be found on the University Secretariat’s Policies, Procedures and Guidelines webpage at the following address:  

As policies are reviewed and revised on a regular basis, students are advised to check the Policies, Procedures and Guidelines webpage for the most up-to-date information (on the website select “students” in the Categories search field).  Following are some of the policies most relevant to undergraduate students, available at the website above:

  • Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities
  • Academic Accommodation for Religious, Indigenous and Spiritual Observances (RISO)
  • Academic Integrity Policy
  • Alcohol Policy
  • Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • Discrimination and Harassment Policy
  • First Year Experience (Orientation and Transition) for Undergraduate Students, Policy
  • Research Integrity Policy
  • Residence Admissions Policies and Priorities
  • Sexual Violence Policy
  • Storm Emergency Policy
  • Student Appeal Procedures
  • Student Groups (Recognition, Risk Assessment and Event Planning), Policy on
  • Tobacco & Smoke Free University Policy
  • Undergraduate Course Management Policy
  • Undergraduate Examination Policy
  • University Aid and Awards Policy

Academic Integrity

The Academic Integrity Policy explains the expectations the University has of its scholars. Some departments and instructors have also developed more specific rules and regulations designed to maintain scholarly integrity. It is the responsibility of each instructor to make students aware of these expectations.

The main purpose of a university is to encourage and facilitate the pursuit of knowledge and scholarship. The attainment of this purpose requires the individual integrity of all members of the University community, including all graduate and undergraduate students.

The University states unequivocally that it demands scholarly integrity from all its members. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the University; furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to those students who pursue their studies honestly.

Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. In an academic setting, this may include any number of forms such as:

  • copying or the use of unauthorized aids in tests, examinations and laboratory reports,
  • plagiarism, i.e., the submission of work that is not one’s own or for which previous credit has been obtained, unless the previously submitted work was presented as such to the instructor of the second course and was deemed acceptable for credit by the instructor of that course,
  • aiding and abetting another student’s dishonesty,
  • giving false information for the purposes of gaining admission or credit,
  • giving false information for the purposes of obtaining deferred examinations or extension of deadlines, and
  • forging or falsifying McMaster University documents.

For a complete definition and examples, please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy, Appendix 3. Students are encouraged to view: for further information on academic integrity and how to avoid academic dishonesty. Allegations of academic dishonesty will be handled according to the procedures described in the Academic Integrity Policy. Penalties may be imposed on students who have been found guilty of academic dishonesty. Examples of penalties include a mark of zero on an assignment, zero for the course with a transcript notation, and suspension or expulsion from the University, etc.

Research Integrity

The Research Integrity Policy explains the expectations the University has of its institutional personnel to maintain research integrity.

One of the main purposes of a university is to encourage and facilitate the pursuit of research (e.g., an undertaking intended to extend knowledge through a disciplined inquiry or systematic investigation). The University states unequivocally that it demands research integrity from all of its members. Research misconduct, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive to the values of the University; furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to those who conduct their research with integrity.
This Policy applies to all faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduate students taking part in research, directly or indirectly, and other research support staff (for complete definition of Institutional Personnel please see page 43 of the Research Integrity Policy).

All institutional personnel who are involved in research have a responsibility to report what they, in good faith, believe to be research misconduct. The Office of Academic Integrity is the appropriate office to receive concerns and questions regarding an allegation of research misconduct. Responsible allegations, or information related to responsible allegations, should be sent directly to the Office of Academic Integrity in writing.

For the complete definitions and examples, please refer to the Research Integrity Policy: