Mar 11, 2025
EARTHSC 4W03 - Hydrologic Modelling 3 unit(s)
Principles of numerical modelling and examination of selected hydrologic models including deterministic, conceptual and statistical models. One lecture (two hours), one lab (two hours); one term
Prerequisite(s): One of EARTHSC 2W03 , EARTHSC 3W03 , ENVIRSC 2W03 , ENVIRSC 3W03 . One of EARTHSC 3MB3 , ENVIRSC 3MB3 , STATS 2B03 , 3J04 is recommended.
Prerequisite(s)(EFFECTIVE 2017-2018): One of EARTHSC 2W03 , EARTHSC 3W03 , ENVIRSC 2W03 , ENVIRSC 3W03 ; and one of EARTHSC 3MB3 , ENVIRSC 3MB3 , STATS 2B03 , 3J04 Cross-list(s): ENVIRSC 4W03
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