Feb 15, 2025  
Undergraduate Calendar 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Calendar 2022-2023 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

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BIOLOGY 1A03 - Cellular and Molecular Biology

3 unit(s)

Structure, molecular composition and function in sub-cellular and cellular systems.
Three hours (lectures, web modules), one lab (three hours, alternating weeks), one tutorial (one hour, alternating weeks); one term
Prerequisite(s): One of Grade 12 Biology U, BIOLOGY 1P03  or registration in an Engineering program
Co-requisite(s): WHMIS 1A00 , and BIOSAFE 1BS0  (or HTHSCI 1BS0) if not already completed. Both requirements must be completed prior to the first lab.
Not open to students with credit or registration in HTHSCI 1I06 A/B  or ISCI 1A24 A/B .
Students are strongly encouraged to take BIOLOGY 1A03 and BIOLOGY 1M03  in the different terms.

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