School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2017-2018 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
Health Management
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The Master of Health Management program is delivered through a partnership between McMaster’s DeGroote School of Business and School of Rehabilitation Science (Faculty of Health Sciences) and is offered through distance education on-line, on a part-time basis, and designed specifically for health professionals who are currently employed in a clinical and/or management capacity in any health care sector in Canada or internationally.
Many health professionals seek advanced knowledge and skills in health management as their careers progress. The complexity of the contemporary health care environment and the new demands made upon clinicians has made it necessary for practitioners seeking to move into management to acquire additional knowledge and skills that have evolved since they graduated from their professional programs.
The Master of Health Management (MHM) provides regulated health professionals with a combination of core management skills (accounting, finance, marketing, human resource management etc.) and a broad understanding of the Canadian health care policy development and service delivery environments (health system design, health policy analysis, and evidence based decision-making).
The program curriculum includes graduate course work and critical analysis and synthesis of management research to ensure the development of knowledge and skills for management of health care programs and organizations. By bringing together graduate courses from business and health care, the Master’s program prepares graduates to work effectively in health management positions in the future. Students will gain the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to excel as a middle or senior manager within both the public and private spheres of Canada’s health care sector.
The core competencies identified below represent the minimum knowledge and skill expectations students will attain in order to complete the MHM program. These competencies are gained through coursework, self‐study, group interaction and other experiential learning activities throughout the program.
- Lifelong Learning (Understand, demonstrate and promote the necessity for continuous learning among professionals.)
- Communication Skills (Understand and demonstrate effective communication styles and techniques and use of related technologies.)
- Conceptual Skills (Identify, synthesize and analyze information in a coherent and methodical way to advance problem solving and the creation of new information.)
- Awareness of the Political and Health Care Environments (Awareness and appreciation of the complexities and interrelationship between the political and health care environments.)
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (Demonstrate an understanding of how organizations function and human resources plays a key role within organizations.)
- Financial Management (Demonstrate an understanding of financial data and related management techniques which support good financial management practices.)
- Research Awareness (Awareness and demonstrated understanding of the creation and use of research.)
- Leadership (Awareness and demonstration of skills which motivate others to excel within an ethical and supportive environment.)
Two short residency periods (2-3 days each) will be required of students during their time in the program.
Master of Health Management
McMaster University
403 Institute of Applied Health Sciences
1400 Main St. West
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 1C7
Phone: 905-525-9140 Ext: 27831
Fax: 905-524-0069
Faculty/Fall 2017
Vishwanath Baba, B.Eng. (Madras), M.B.A. (Western Illinois), Ph.D. (British Columbia)/DeGroote School of Business
Susan Baptiste, Dip. OT (England), M.H.Sc. (McMaster)/Rehabilitation Science
Trevor Chamberlain, B.Sc. (Berkeley), M.B.A. (McGill), Ph.D. (Toronto)/DeGroote School of Business
Catherine Connelly, B.Comm. (Hons) (McMaster), M.Sc. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Queen’s)/DeGroote School of Business
Lori Letts, B.Sc. OT (Western), M.A. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (York)/Rehabilitation Science
Ali Montazemi, H.N.D. (Teeside Polytechnic, U.K.), M.Sc. (Southampton), Ph.D. (Waterloo)/DeGroote School of Business
Patricia Solomon, Dip. PT (Manitoba), M.H.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Waterloo)/Rehabilitation Science
Associate Professors
Nick Bontis, B.A. (Western), Ph.D. (Western)/DeGroote School of Business
Maureen Hupfer, B.Comm. (Alberta), M.A. (Alberta), Ph.D. (Alberta)/DeGroote School of Business
Bonny Fung-Ming Jung, B.Sc. OT (Toronto), M.Ed. (Brock), Ph.D. (Western)/Rehabilitation Science
Christopher Longo, B.A. (York), M.Sc. (Western), Ph.D. (Toronto)/DeGroote School of Business
Teal McAteer, B.Comm. (Queen’s), M.I.R. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Toronto)/DeGroote School of Business
Sue McCracken, B.Comm. (Hons) (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Waterloo)/DeGroote School of Business
Gillian Mulvale, B.A. (Waterloo), M.A. (Western), Ph.D. (McMaster)/DeGroote School of Business
Glen Randall, B.A. (Hons) (McMaster), M.A. (McMaster), M.B.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Toronto)/DeGroote School of Business
Aaron Schat, B.A. (Redeemer), M.A. (Guelph), Ph.D. (Guelph)/DeGroote School of Business
Debra Stewart, B.Sc. OT (Toronto), M.Sc. (McMaster)/Rehabilitation Science
Patricia Wakefield, B.Sc. (Alberta), M.Sc. (Cornell), M.P.A. (New York), D.B.A. (Boston)/DeGroote School of Business
Clinical Professors
Lynne Geddes, B.Sc. PT (Western), M.R.E. (Toronto)/Rehabilitation Science
Assistant Professors
Terence Flynn, B.A. (Carleton), M.S. (Syracuse), Ph.D. (Syracuse)/Communication and New Media
Abdolmanaf Zargoush, B.Sc. (Shahid Chamran University), (M.Sc. (Sharif University of Technology), M.B.A., Ph.D. (ESSEC Business School), Ph.D. (McGill)/DeGroote School of Business
Assistant Clinical Professors
Sydney Brooks, B.Sc. PT (Toronto), M.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Waterloo)/Rehabilitation Science
Cathy Hecimovich, B.H.Sc. PT (McMaster), M.Ed. (Brock)/Rehabilitation Science
Kathryn Wise, B.A. (Waterloo), B.H.Sc. PT (McMaster), M.H.Sc. (Toronto)/Rehabilitation Science
Associate Clinical Professors
Mary Clark, B.Sc. OT (Toronto), M.Sc. (Athabasca)/Rehabilitation Science
Peter Dilworth, Dip. PT (Dublin), M.H.Sc. (McMaster), M.Sc. (McMaster)/Rehabilitation Science
Patricia Miller, Dip. PT (Dalhousie), B.Sc. PT (Toronto), M.H.Sc. (McMaster), M.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (McMaster)/Rehabilitation Science
Professors Emeriti
Norman P. Archer, B.Sc. (Alberta), M.S. (New York), Ph.D. (McMaster)/DeGroote School of Business
ProgramsMasterCourse Offerings
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