Undergraduate Calendar 2020-2021 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
School of Interdisciplinary Science (SIS)
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Faculty as of January 15, 2020
Ana Campos
Ayesha Khan
Nikol Piskuric (Life Sciences)
Sarah L. Symons (Integrated Sciences)
Kevin R. Diamond (Medical Radiation Sciences)
Ana Campos/B.Sc., M.Sc. (Rio de Janeiro), Ph.D. (Brandeis)
Carolyn H. Eyles/B.Sc. (East Anglia), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Michael J. Farquharson/B.Sc. (Sussex), M.Sc. (Surrey), Ph.D. (University College, London)
Thomas J. Farrell/(Radiology) B.Sc., B.Ed. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Western Ontario), Ph.D. (McMaster)
John Hassell/B.Sc. (University of New York), Ph.D. (University of Connecticut)
Kimberley Dej/B.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins)
Kevin R. Diamond/B.Sc. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Chad T. Harvey/B.Sc. (Guelph), M.Sc. (Auburn), Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison)
Joseph E. Hayward/(Radiology) B.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Ayesha Khan/B.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Orest Z. Ostapiak/B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Sarah L. Symons/B.Sc., Ph.D. (Leicester)
Marcin Wierzbicki/B.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Western Ontario)
Robert Hunter/B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Katie Moisse/M.Sc. (Columbia), Ph.D. (Western Ontario)
Nikol Piskuric/B.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Janet Pritchard/B.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Verónica G. Rodriguez Moncalvo/Ph.D. (McMaster)
Ana Tomljenovic-Berube/B.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Roxanna Vlad/B.Sc. (Bucharest), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Andrew Colgoni/B.Sc. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Guelph), MLIS (Western Ontario)
Abeer Siddiqui/B.Sc., B.A. (McMaster), MLIS (British Columbia)
Integrated Science Program
Notes Applicable to all Honours Integrated Science Programs
- Beginning at Level II, Honours Integrated Science students may complete a concentration in one of the following areas:
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Chemical Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Geography and Environmental Sciences
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Medical & Biological Physics
- Physics
- Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
- In addition to the content covered within the ISCI courses, completion of a concentration normally requires a minimum of 24 units in the other subject.
- Specific program requirements for the above concentrations are available on the web site (https://science.mcmaster.ca/sis/undergraduate/isci/isci-home.html).
- ISCI students, completing a concentration, are eligible to obtain a maximum of one minor, provided that the subject area is not integral to the requirements of the concentration. ISCI students not completing a concentration may be eligible for up to two minors provided that, for each minor, at least 12 units (above Level I) are elective to the degree. All students should consult the Academic Program Advisor.
Life Sciences
Notes Applicable to all Honours Life Sciences Students
- Honours Life Sciences students may not be eligible to complete a Minor in Biochemistry, Biology, Environmental Sciences or Psychology unless at least 12 of the required 18 units (above Level I) for the Minor are considered elective to the degree. Students wishing further information should consult with the Office of the Associate Dean of Science (Academic).
- Honours Life Sciences, as a second degree, may not be possible if the student’s first undergraduate degree is in Biochemistry, Biology, Environmental Sciences, or Psychology, Neurosciences & Behaviour. Students wishing further information should consult with the Office of the Associate Dean of Science (Academic).
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
Laura Thomas
Lyn Paddon
Alana Trainor
Darrin Cournoyea
Tara Blaszynski
Carol Bernacci/Dipl. H.S., RDMS, CRGS
Tara Blaszynski/M.Sc. (Sheffield Hallam), M.R.T.(T), AC(T)
Sandra Charbonneau/B.Sc. (Waterloo), M.R.T. (R), (MR)
Darrin Cournoyea/B.Sc. (Guelph), Dipl. (MI), RDMS, RVT, CRGS, CRVS
Dawn Danko/B.Sc. (Toronto), Dipl. RTT, B.Sc. (Waterloo), M.Sc. (Ed) (Walden), M.R.T. (T)
Meaghan Jefferson/B.H.Sc. (London), DMS, VT, CRGS
Meredith Lou-Hing/B.Sc. (Toronto), Dipl. RTT, B.Sc. (McMaster), MRT (T)
Regy Mathew/Ph.D., M.Sc., Dipl. H.S., RDMS, CRGS
Dwight Mountford/B.M.R.Sc. (McMaster), MRT (R)
Leslie Murray/BApp.Sc. (Med Im), MApp.Sc. (Med Im), (Charles Sturt), MA (Bioethics) (Loyola) M.R.T. (R), RTR
Jackie Pacheco/Dipl. H.S., M.R.T. (R), RTR
Lyn Paddon/M.A. (Ed) (Central Michigan), Dipl., B.Sc. (East Anglia), A.C.(T), M.R.T.(T)
Caryn Schaefer/MRT (R), CBI
Lyndsay Simmons/MMR.Sc. (Charles Sturt), MRT (MR) (R)
Laura Thomas/MMedUltrasound, RDMS, CRGS
Alana Trainor/ M.R.T. (R), (MR), RTR, RTMRr
Medical Radiation Sciences
This program is offered jointly in partnership with Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology and McMaster University. Students pursue two qualifications simultaneously, and graduates receive the Ontario College Advanced Diploma in Medical Radiation Sciences from Mohawk College and the McMaster Bachelor of Medical Radiation Sciences degree.
Students enrolled in the Medical Radiation Sciences programs, in addition to meeting the General Academic Regulations of the University, shall be subject to the following program regulations. Since the academic regulations are continually reviewed, the University reserves the right to change the regulations.
Registration in the Medical Radiation Sciences program implies acceptance on the part of the student of the objectives of the program and the methods by which progress toward the achievement of those objectives is evaluated.
Regulations for License to Practice
A degree in medical radiation sciences does not in itself confer the right to practice in radiography, radiation therapy or sonography in Canada. Graduation from the Medical Radiation Sciences program does not guarantee registration with the regulatory bodies of the respective professions or employment within Canada. All graduates who wish to engage in clinical practice in ultrasonography, radiography or radiation therapy are subject to any qualifying examinations and other requirements by the certifying and/or regulatory bodies for each of these professions. Regulatory requirements are subject to change. Students intending to practice outside Ontario are urged to consult the licensing body of that province regarding registration. Licensing requirements vary somewhat among the provinces.
The current Ontario requirements for registration are:
- In order to work as a medical radiation technologist and/or diagnostic medical sonographer in Ontario, you must be registered with the College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO) Council. Detailed information regarding the registration requirements for the College may be found in the Regulations section.
- Applicants must complete an approved training program in medical radiation technology in one of the specialties listed at https://www.cmrto.org/what-we-do/registration/students-applicants/requirements-for-registration-for-all-applicants/. Applicants trained in Ontario must successfully complete the examination set by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT), for radiography and radiation therapy or Sonography Canada for ultrasonography. These are the examinations approved by the CMRTO.
Functional Demands
The Medical Radiation Science health professions are physically and emotionally demanding because they routinely involve interaction with patients. Since applicants will work in these professions, it is important that they become familiar with any functional demands before entering the program to ensure that they can perform at an acceptable standard for employment. A student’s choice of specialization is not guaranteed in the program; applicants must be prepared to enter any specialization. The functional demands associated with the health professions represented by the specializations are listed below. The list is not exhaustive, but is meant to provide an indication of the minimum demands. By registering in the program, applicants acknowledge that they are able to meet all of the demands.
All professionals must demonstrate:
- Empathy when interacting with patients of all ages
- Manual dexterity and eye-hand coordination to manipulate equipment controls
- Physical strength to position patients and manipulate heavy equipment through a wide range of motions
- Acute hearing to respond to low voices and ambient alarms and buzzers
- Critical thinking to be able to prioritize and respond to emergency situations
The Radiographer must possess:
- Acute vision to view images and distinguish fine features in contrast and detail
The Ultrasonographer must possess:
- Acute vision to view images and distinguish fine features in contrast and detail including nuances in colour Doppler ultrasound images
- Acute hearing to assess auditory Doppler ultrasound signals
- The ability to apply 3-D spatial relationships
The Radiation Therapist must possess:
- Acute vision to view equipment readouts at a distance in darkened rooms
- The ability to apply 3-D spatial relationships
Program Specific Academic Regulations
English Language Proficiency
While the minimum English language requirements may gain admission to the Medical Radiation Sciences I program, students will find a need for a high level of verbal proficiency. Students lacking these skills may be required to participate in additional ESL training. Lack of English proficiency may impact a student’s ability to complete performance requirements in skills and clinical courses and, therefore, jeopardize the ability to attain a passing grade in these required courses.
Qualifying for Level II Programs
Enrolment in each of the Level II program specializations is limited. All Medical Radiation Sciences I students who meet the admission requirements by the end of the previous Fall/Winter session will be guaranteed entry to a Level II program specialization. Level I students who, at the end of the review period, require the completion of additional academic work in order to meet the Level II admission requirements are not guaranteed admission to a Level II program specialization. Such students may be considered for admission after meeting the admission requirements, if space is available. Level I students whose Level I Fall/Winter Average (on at least 24 units) is less than 5.0 and/or whose Grade Point Average is less than 5.0 can no longer continue in the Medical Radiation Sciences program without approval from the Reviewing Committee.
Continuation in the Program
A student may not proceed to the next level until he/she has completed all required courses for the current level, and has attained a Grade Point Average of at least 5.0.
In Level I, students are reviewed at the end of Winter term. Beginning at Level II, students are reviewed at the end of each term to determine eligibility to continue.
To continue in the Medical Radiation Sciences program, a student must maintain a minimum Grade Point Average of 5.0 and successfully complete all Medical Radiation Sciences courses. Failure to do so may prevent progression to the next term and/or level.
A student whose Grade Point Average is at least 4.5 may, at the discretion of the Reviewing Committee, proceed in the program but will be placed on Program Probation for one reviewing period of two consecutive terms. A student may be placed on Program Probation only once during the program.
A student may not continue in the program if any of the following criteria is met. The student:
- Fails to obtain a Grade Point Average of at least 5.0 at the completion of the Program Probation;
- Obtains a Grade Point Average of less than 5.0 and has not been granted Program Probation;
- Fails any course that is required for completion of the level in which the student is registered;
- Fails the second attempt at any required course following re-entry to the program;
- Fails any skills or clinical course following re-entry to the program;
- Fails to complete the program requirements for graduation within the maximum allowable time (five years from the time of registration in Level II of the student’s current specialization).
A Level I student who may not continue in the program and whose Grade Point Average is between 3.5 and 4.4 may apply to transfer to a program for which he/she qualifies. A Level I student who may not continue in the program and whose Grade Point Average is between 3.0 and 3.4 may apply to transfer into Science on Academic Probation.
An upper level student who may not continue in the program may apply to transfer to a program for which he/she qualifies.
Deferred Examinations/Incomplete Course Work
See the heading Deferred Examinations under Examinations in the General Academic Regulations section of the Calendar for application procedures for Deferred Exams.
Students who have not completed all prerequisites for a clinical practicum will not be permitted to commence the clinical practicum. Such students will be reviewed by the Reviewing Committee to determine if the minimum prerequisite knowledge and skills have been attained to begin the clinical practicum. Failure to begin clinical practicum at the scheduled time could result in an extension of the time required to complete the program.
Students are required to be registered in a full load of courses as prescribed by Level and Term for their program.
Students in Medical Radiation Sciences I must complete at least 24 units during the Fall/Winter session. Transfer credit and credit earned during the Spring/Summer session may not be used to reduce this minimum load requirement.
Repeated Courses
Any failed course must be repeated if it is a required course for the program, or must be repeated or replaced if it is not explicitly required.
Level of Registration
Students must register for all outstanding work of one level before attempting work for a higher level. Courses must be taken in the sequence specified by the program requirements.
Skills and Clinical Courses
All professional skills and clinical courses are graded on a pass/fail basis. The performance activities associated with each course are detailed in the course outline and manual, and must be successfully achieved for attainment of a passing grade in the course.
Clinical Practicum 1 (CP1), completed during the Spring/Summer Term after Level II is a minimum of 11 weeks. Clinical Practicum 2 (CP2) and Clinical Practicum 3 (CP3) are a minimum of 14 weeks in length. Students who are not meeting the conditions of their Learning Contract will be required to withdraw from the course, prior to the final assessment. A student must meet all the domains of practice, achieve all of the required Skills Assessments and Competencies and attendance requirements by the end of CP1, CP2 and CP3, in order to receive a passing grade. When deemed necessary by the Clinical Coordinator, to accommodate students who need to make up for missed time, require remediation or need to complete assigned competencies up to two weeks may be added to CP1 (to a maximum of 13 weeks), CP2 or CP3 (to a maximum of 16 weeks). Students who do not successfully complete CP1, CP2, CP3 may seek permission to re-enter in a subsequent session. Eligibility to complete the placement course in a subsequent session will be determined by the Review Committee.
Attendance is mandatory in all professional skills laboratory courses and clinical practica. Students are required to attend each clinical practicum on a full-time basis (i.e. 37.5 hours/week as scheduled by the clinical agency). Excessive absenteeism may jeopardize a student’s ability to meet course performance requirements and result in a Fail grade for the course.
The Medical Radiation Sciences program monitors and documents students’ experience and performance in skills and clinical courses to provide evidence of the students’ ability to meet program requirements and to meet the minimum practice requirements to be eligible for registration to practice.
Student Conduct in the Program
The University reserves the right to cancel the academic privileges of a student at any time should the student’s scholastic record or conduct warrant so doing. The Medical Radiation Sciences program reserves the right to remove a student from a skills-based course, clinical placement or laboratory setting at any point during the term if the student exhibits unsafe clinical practice or behaviour that places the patient or others at risk or is deemed a serious breach of professional behaviour. Such removal may result in the student receiving a grade of F in the course and may result in dismissal from the program.
Internal Re-entry to the Program
A student who becomes ineligible to continue in the program may apply for re-entry. Applications for Re-entry may be obtained through the School of Interdisciplinary Science. Request for re-entry may be made up to a maximum of two calendar years following the year in which the student becomes ineligible to continue. Re-entry is neither automatic nor guaranteed.
A student is eligible for graduation when all of the following criteria are met. The student must:
- Complete all required courses, including electives, with a Grade Point Average of at least 4.5;
- Complete all skills and clinical courses with a Pass grade;
- Complete all required courses in Levels II - IV within five years of registration in Level II.
Leave of Absence from the Program
Students wishing to suspend their studies from the program must apply for a Leave of Absence (LOA). Approval is not guaranteed.
Students should note that the program requirements, including all required courses in Levels II - IV, must be completed within five years of first registration in Level II, and that the leave may jeopardize the student’s ability to meet this requirement.
Application for a leave of absence must be made in writing normally within two months prior to the intended start of the leave. Forms are available through the School of Interdisciplinary Science.
Any student who returns from a leave of absence into a clinical practicum term will be required to complete an additional non-credit course (for which a fee is involved) to ensure the student’s professional knowledge and skills meet the minimum requirements for entrance to that clinical practicum. This course must be completed in the term immediately preceding the clinical practicum.
Re-entry is not guaranteed for students who suspend their studies from the program without an approved Leave of Absence. Such students must contact the Director of the School of Interdisciplinary Science to determine eligibility and appropriate procedures for re-entry. Students re-admitted to the program must adhere to the rules, regulations and program requirements of the Undergraduate Calendar in the year of re-entry into the program. Former Medical Radiation Sciences students who obtain permission for re-entry to a Specialization will not be guaranteed protected status in the allotment process, regardless of their previous placement history.
- The overall program comprises ten terms within four calendar years. Three full terms are spent in clinical placement.
- Students apply for their Level II program selections during Winter Term of Level I. At the end of Level I, eligible Medical Radiation Sciences students are streamed into one of three specializations: Radiography, Radiation Therapy, and Ultrasonography. Each have limited enrolment. Selection of students into Level II specializations is on the basis of academic achievement (for Level I students, the Fall/Winter Average, on at least 24 units of study). Depending on a student’s relative academic ranking in the list of those applying to enter a specialization, he/she may or may not be placed in the specialization of his/her choosing.
- Transfer within Medical Radiation Sciences: Any Medical Radiation Sciences student currently registered in one program specialization who wishes to transfer into another specialization must submit the transfer request in writing to the program by the end of April. As admission into Level II programs is a competitive process normally based on the Level I Fall/Winter Average, such transfer requests will be considered only after all eligible Level I students have been allocated into their specializations, and only if there is space remaining. Transfers are made into Level II only, and would result in an increase in the length of time required for the student to complete the program. Transfers may not be made into Level II from any other program. Transfers are neither automatic nor guaranteed.
- Placements will be with agencies that have contracted in advance with Mohawk College to provide specific experiences and resources during the normal clinical semester schedule; therefore, placements are not available at any other agencies or during other times. The College, in accordance with established policy, will determine allocation of students to these clinical facilities. The final assignment of learning settings is constrained by the availability of site resources. Students may be required to attend clinical practica in a setting that is not of their choosing. The College cannot accommodate any student requests for special consideration. Students must prepare financially and personally to relocate and/or commute to their assigned clinical placements. Students are responsible for arranging their own travel to and from assigned placements and are responsible for covering any costs incurred.
- All students will be required to attend full-time clinical practica at a minimum of two different clinical agencies that may be located across Ontario.
- Basic Cardiac Life Support Training: All Level II students are required to have obtained a current certificate in Basic Cardiac Life Support - HCP (Health Care Provider) and First Aid Training prior to commencing Term 2 of Level II. Current certificates are also required for Clinical Practica 2 and 3 in Level IV.
- All students will be required to act as simulated patients for their peers in skills course labs and during skills practice sessions.
- Immunization and Health Screening: The Ontario Public Hospitals Act requires that all persons working or on educational placement in a hospital setting meets criteria regarding surveillance for infectious diseases. All Level II students will be required to provide evidence of compliance with completion of mandatory immunization requirements as well as completing pre-clinical disease screening. Updated screening may be required for Level IV clinical practica.
- Mask fit testing and a satisfactory Police Records Check are required prior to the commencement of each clinical placement.
- All costs associated with pre-clinical requirements are the responsibility of the student.
- All students are required to submit pre-clinical requirements by dates specified by the program. Failure to meet required deadlines may result in delay or loss of the clinical placement.
- Levels II through IV run consecutively from September of Level II to completion of the program at the end of April in Level IV. The pattern of semesters of clinical practicum and academic courses is shown in the chart below.
ProgramsBachelor of Science (Honours)Bachelor of ScienceBachelor of Medical Radiation Sciences
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