Undergraduate Calendar 2022-2023 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
Department of Anthropology
Faculty as of January 15, 2022
Tina Moffat
Ellen Badone/(Religious Studies) B.A., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (California-Berkeley)
Megan Brickley/B.A. (Birmingham), M.Sc. (University College London), Ph.D. (Birmingham)/ Canada Research Chair in Bioarchaeology of Human Disease
Tristan Carter/ B.A. (Nottingham), Ph.D. (University College, London)
Aubrey Cannon/B.A. (Simon Fraser), Ph.D. (Cambridge)
John J. Colarusso/(Linguistics and Languages) B.A. (Cornell), M.A. (Northwestern), Ph.D. (Harvard)
Hendrik Poinar/(Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences) B.Sc., M.Sc. (California), Ph.D. (Munich)
Petra Rethmann/B.A. (Vienna), M.A. (Munich), Ph.D. (McGill)
Cal Biruk/B.A. (Bryn Mawr College), Ph.D. (Pennsylvania)
Karen McGarry/B.A., M.A. (Trent), Ph.D. (York)
Dawn Martin-Hill/B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Tina Moffat/B.Sc. (Toronto), M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Shanti Morell-Hart/B.A. (UTSA), M.A., Ph.D. (California-Berkeley)
Tracy Prowse/B.Sc., M.A. (Alberta), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Andrew Roddick/B.A. (British Columbia), M.A., Ph.D. (California-Berkeley)
Kee Howe Yong/M.Phil., Ph.D. (CUNY)
Basit Iqbal/B.A. (Alberta), M.A. (Toronto), M.A., Ph.D. (California-Berkeley)
Yana Stainova/B.A. (Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley), M.A., Ph.D. (Brown)
Ellen Amster/(Religious Studies, Family Medicine) B.A. (Chicago), M.A., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania)
Celia Rothenberg/(Religious Studies) B.A. (Wellesley, Massachusetts), M.A. (Oxford), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Henry Schwarcz/B.A. (Chicago), M.Sc., Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology)
Alfredo Coppa/B.Sc. (Rome)
Ana Duggan/B.Sc. (Newfoundland), M.Sc. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Leipzig)
Scott Martin/B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Durham, UK), Ph.D. (Cambridge, UK)
Lauren Wallace/B.A. (Guelph), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Anthropology Subfields
(Applicable to all Anthropology programs)
Anthropology includes the three major subfields of Sociocultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, and Archaeology. It should be noted that each subfield has its own sequence of courses and prerequisites.
- Students are strongly encouraged to consult the Anthropology web site to determine sessional course offerings, as not all Level II, III, and IV courses are offered each year: http://anthropology.mcmaster.ca/programs
Sociocultural Anthropology
- ANTHROP 2DA3 - Traditional Indigenous Ecological Knowledge
- ANTHROP 2EE3 - Sport and/as Religion
- ANTHROP 2F03 - Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology: Listening Across Difference
- ANTHROP 2G03 - Readings in Indo-European Myth
- ANTHROP 2HE3 - Heritage, Economy, and Ethics
- ANTHROP 2HI3 - Medical Anthropology
- ANTHROP 2MA3 - Art and Activism
- ANTHROP 2R03 - Religion, Magic and Witchcraft
- ANTHROP 3AR3 - Culture and Religion
- ANTHROP 3ET3 - Anthropology of Ethics
- ANTHROP 3F03 - Anthropology and the ‘Other’
- ANTHROP 3G03 - Comparative Mythology
- ANTHROP 3GH3 - Interdisciplinary Global Health Field Course: Maternal and Infant Health in Morocco
- ANTHROP 3HH3 - Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights
- ANTHROP 3LL3 - Of Beauty and Violence
- ANTHROP 3P03 - Doing Ethnography: Research Methods
- ANTHROP 3PA3 - Haudenosaunee Health, Diet and Traditional Botany
- ANTHROP 3PH3 - Dissent, Power and History
- ANTHROP 3SS3 - Sacred Journeys
- ANTHROP 3ST3 - Science and Technology Studies in/of Africa
- ANTHROP 3TR3 - The Anthropology of Tourism
- ANTHROP 3Y03 - Indigenous Community Health and Wellbeing
- ANTHROP 4AA3 - Materiality, Matter and Social Lives
- ANTHROP 4B03 - Current Problems in Sociocultural Anthropology I
- ANTHROP 4BB3 - Current Problems in Sociocultural Anthropology II
- ANTHROP 4CP3 - Cultural Politics of Food and Eating
- ANTHROP 4D03 - Practicing Anthropology: Ethics, Theory, Engagement
- ANTHROP 4DD3 - Anthropology of Zombies and the Undead
- ANTHROP 4LL3 - Critical Global Health
- ANTHROP 4MM3 - Borders, Migration, Refuge
- ANTHROP 4SG3 - The Secret of the Gift
Other Courses
Courses not distinguished by subfield include the required course ANTHROP 3PD3 plus the independent study courses ANTHROP 3IS3 , ANTHROP 4G03 , ANTHROP 4GG3 and topic course ANTHROP 3W03 . In planning a program, it is important for students to take note of the prerequisites of certain upper-level courses.
ProgramsBachelor of Arts (Honours)Bachelor of ArtsMinor(s):