Enrolment in this program is limited. Selection is based on academic achievement but requires, as a minimum, completion of any Level I program with a Cumulative Average of at least 5.0 including an average of at least 5.0 in LABR ST 1A03 and LABR ST 1C03 (See Note 2 below). For continuation in the program, see the section on Minimum Requirements for Entering and Continuing in a Program Beyond Level I, here.
Application for admission must be made by April 1. See Admission to Level II Programs in Academic Regulations in this section of the Calendar.
Students who have completed only 3 units of Level 1 Labour Studies may be considered for admission if space is available and are encouraged to apply.
Students may not transfer to another Labour Studies program except by the normal application process.
Students who complete a six unit Research Methods/Statistics course will reduce their elective component by three units.