Mar 12, 2025
CMST 2K03 - Political Economy of the Media 3 unit(s)
A comparative examination of changing patterns of ownership and control of the mass media in light of globalization, technological change, government policy, market restructuring and corporate consolidation.
Three hours; one term
Prerequisite(s): One of CMST 1A03 , MEDIAART 1A03 (or MMEDIA 1A03), POLSCI 1AA3 , POLSCI 1AB3 , SOCIOL 1C03 , or SOCIOL 1Z03 , and registration in Level II or above; or registration in Level II or above of the Justice, Political Philosophy and Law program
Cross-list(s): POLSCI 2K03
Antirequisite(s): POLSCI 2EM3
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