Dec 17, 2024
LIFESCI 2BP3 - Biophysics of the Cell and Living Organisms 3 unit(s)
Some of the most exciting breakthroughs in science are made at the interface between disciplines. The course will discuss the way that biophysics techniques are used to study the structure, dynamics and function of molecules in living cells and organisms. Topics may include: solubility of macromolecules, ligand-receptor binding, protein folding, filament assembly, Brownian motion and diffusion, bioelectromagnetism, membrane-permeability, electrophoresis. Experimental methods discussed may include: fluorescence, optical tweezers, atomic force microscopy.
Lectures (three hours); one term
Prerequisite(s): One of PHYSICS 1A03 , 1C03 , 1D03 ; and one of MATH 1A03 , 1LS3 , 1X03 , 1ZA3 ; or ISCI 1A24 A/B
Cross-list(s): BIOPHYS 2A03
This course is administered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
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