Mar 03, 2025  
Undergraduate Calendar 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Calendar 2024-2025
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ENGPHYS 3NM4 - Numerical Methods for Engineering

4 unit(s)

Applied numerical methods for engineering including solution of systems of algebraic equations; numerical integration and differentiation; finite difference and finite element methods; ODE solutions; Optimization; Partial differential equations; Monte Carlo simulation.
Three lectures, one lab (three hours); first term
Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level II or above of an Engineering program
Antirequisite(s): ENGPHYS 2CE4, CHEMENG 2E04 , CIVENG 2E03 , COMPENG 3SK3 , MECHENG 3F04 , COMPSCI 4X03 , MECHTRON 3X03 , SFWRENG 4X03 

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