Mar 11, 2025  
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Biomedical Engineering

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The McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering (MSBE) offers programs leading to the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. The mandate of the school is to conduct interdisciplinary research and educational programs of internationally recognized excellence within a unique collaborative environment that leverages our existing expertise in medical sciences and engineering and that links current and emerging areas of molecular, medical and engineering research. The School is an equal partnership between the Faculties of Engineering and Health Sciences and also involves the Faculty of Science.

Students will be accepted into the program from both engineering/physical science and life/health sciences backgrounds. Students from engineering/physical science backgrounds require 4 year degree or equivalent with a minimum B+ average in their final 2 years of study (B.Sc., B.Eng., B.A.Sc.). Students from life/health sciences backgrounds require 4 year degree or equivalent with a minimum B+ average in their final 2 years of study (B.Sc., B.H.Sc., D.D.S., M.D.).

Enquiries: 905 525-9140 Ext. 20477

Faculty/Fall 2016

Distinguished University Professors

John L. Brash, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Glasgow), P.Eng.,D.Hon.Caus. (ParisNord), F.B.S.E., F.R.S.C./Chemical Engineering


Gary M. Bone, B.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster), P.Eng./Mechanical Engineering
Gianluigi Botton, B.Eng., Ph.D. (ÉcolePolytechnique de Montreal)/Materials Science and Engineering
Michael A. Brook, B.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (McGill)/Chemistry
Anthony K.C. Chan, M.B.B.S. (Hong Kong), F.R.C.P.(C)/Pediatrics
John Connolly, A.B. (Holy Cross), M.A. (Saskatchewan), Ph.D. Psychology (London)/Linguistics
M. Jamal Deen, B.Sc. (Guyana), M.S., Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve), F.R.S.C., F.C.A.E., F.I.E.E.E., F.A.P.S. F.E.C.S.,F.A.A.A.S / Canada Research Chair in Information Technology/ Electrical & Computer Engineering
Christoph Fusch, M.D. (Germany),Ph.D. (Switzerland), Certified Neonatologist (Germany), Pediatric Intensivist (Germany), Laboratory Medicine in Pediatrics (Germany), FRCPC/Pediatrics
Kathryn M. Murphy, B.A. (Hons.) (Western), M.A., Ph.D. (Dalhousie)/Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour
Herb Schellhorn, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Guelph), Ph.D (North Carolina)/Biology
Heather Sheardown, B.Eng. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Toronto), P.Eng./Chemical Engineering
Jeffrey I. Weitz, M.D. (Ottawa), F.R.C.P.(C), F.A.C.P./Medicine
Judith West-Mays, H.B.Sc. (Wilfrid Laurier), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Waterloo)/Pathology and Molecular Medicine

Associate Professors

Christopher Anand, B. Math (Waterloo), M.Sc., Ph.D. (McGill)/Computing and Software
Ian C. Bruce, B.Eng., Ph.D. (Melbourne). P.Eng/Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hubert de Bruin, B.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster), P.Eng./Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cecile Fradin, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris), Ph.D. (Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)/Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
Ammar Gilani, F.Sc. (Sahiwal), M.B.B.S. (Punjab)/Medicine
Gary Hasey, M.D. (Alberta), F.R.C.P.(C.), M.Sc. (Toronto)/Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Joseph E. Hayward, B. Eng., M. Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Aleksandar Jeremic, Dipl.Ing. (Belgrade), M.S., Ph.D. (Illinois)/Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kim Jones, B.A.Sc. (Waterloo), M.Sc. (Guelph), Ph.D. (Toronto)/Chemical Engineering
Markad V. Kamath, B.Eng. (Mysore), M.S., Ph.D. (I.I.T., Madras), Ph.D. (McMaster), P.Eng./Medicine
Yingfu Li, B.Sc. (Anhui), M.Sc. (Beijing Agriculture), Ph.D. (Simon Fraser)/Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
Michael D. Noseworthy, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Guelph), P.Eng./Electrical and Computer Engineering /Acting Director
Ponnambalam Selvaganapathy, B.S. (Madurai Kamaraj), M.S., Ph.D. (Michigan)/Mechanical Engineering
Shahin Sirouspour, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Sharif), Ph.D. (UBC), P.Eng/Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gregory R. Wohl, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Calgary), P.Eng./Mechanical Engineering

Assistant Professors

Peter Bevan, B.Sc. (McGill), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)/Radiology
Nicholas Bock, B.Sc. (Western), Ph.D. (Toronto)/Medical Physics
Wael El-Dakhakhni, B.Sc. (Ain Shams), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Drexel),P. Eng./Civil Engineering
Qiyin Fang, B.S. (Nankai), M.S., Ph.D. (East Carolina)/Engineering Physics
Troy Farncombe / B.Sc.,(Calgary), M.Sc., Ph.D. (British Columbia)/Radiology
Deda C. Gillespie, B.Sc. (Yale), Ph.D. (California-San Francisco)/Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour
Kathryn Grandfield, B.Sc., M.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Uppsala University)/Material Science
Todd Hoare, B.Sc. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (McMaster)/Chemical Engineering
Hao Peng, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Wuhan), Ph.D. (Western)/Medical Physics
Cheryl Quenneville, B.A.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Western)/Mechanical Engineering
Leyla Soleymani, B.Eng. (McGill), M.Sc. (Southern California), Ph.D. (Toronto)/Engineering Physics

Associate Clinical Professors

Dinesh Kumbhare, B.Sc., M.D. (Dalhousie), M.Sc. (McMaster), FRCPC/Rehabilitation Medicine
Noam Soreni, B.A., M.D. (Jerusalem)/Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Mohammed Ali Warsi, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.D. (Toronto), Ph.D. (McMaster)/Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences

Adjunct Members

Yong Du, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Nankai), M.Sc. (East Carolina), Ph.D. (North Carolina)/Biomedical Engineering
Mark Haacke, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)/Wayne State University
Lyndon Jones, B.Sc. (Wales), Ph.D. (Ashton), FCOptom, DipCLP, DipOrth, FAAO (DipCL), FIACLE/Western Ontario
Edward Kendall, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Dalhousie), Ph.D. (Guelph)/Radiology
Greg Wells, B.P.E. (Calgary), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto)/Kinesiology and Physical Education

Research in Biomedical Engineering

Research in the School of Biomedical Engineering and its M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. programs has four main themes:

Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Research is ongoing in cardiovascular materials, ocular materials, biosensors, antibacterial materials, and bone-interfacing materials. Work in tissue engineering involves physiologic responses to biomaterials including inflammation, immunologic responses, coagulation, fibrosis, cell differentiation and infection. The use of encapsulation to isolate implanted cells from the host’s immune system is also under investigation.

Biomedical Imaging

Biomedical imaging research covers imaging of organs, tissues, cells and molecules in biological systems. Tissue and organ imaging research includes CT, SPECT, MRI, PET, and optical imaging of animals, tissues and cells. Facilities for animal imaging include SPECT/CT and PET for small animal imaging, and a small-bore MRI that can be used for clinical studies. Facilities for imaging of cells include: microscopes for confocal, spectral and time resolved imaging as well as fluorescence fluctuation analysis and high content screening.

Biomedical Technology

This field groups together a number of activities encompassing medical instrumentation (including software aspects), medical devices (hearing, orthopedics), biosensors, biophotonics, BIOMEMS, and medical robotics (including telerobotics).


Bioprocessing relates to the science and technology associated with the large scale production of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, food and other bioproducts. Activities include genetic engineering, reactor design, and downstream processing operations such as separation and purification.

World class facilities are available in the conduct of this research. These include the facilities of the following Centres and Institutes at McMaster: Antimicrobial Research Centre, Institute for Molecular Medicine and Health, Institute for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Centre for Minimal Access Surgery, Brain-Body Institute, Henderson Research Centre, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, Centre for Electrophotonic Materials & Devices, McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute, McMaster Institute for Applied Radiation Sciences, McMaster Institute for Polymer Production Technology, The McMaster Biophotonics Facility, McMaster Biointerfaces Institute.


    MasterDoctoralCourse Offerings

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