Oct 18, 2024  
Undergraduate Calendar 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Calendar 2024-2025

Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) Integrated Rehabilitation and Humanities Program

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Institute of Applied Health Sciences, Room 403. Ext. 22502


B.H. Vrkljan, B.A. (Hons.), M.Cl.Sc., Ph.D., O.T. Reg. (Ont.)


E. Dzaman, Dip.

Program Overview
The Bachelor of Health Science (B.H.Sc.) (Honours) Integrated Rehabilitation and Humanities (IRH) undergraduate degree at McMaster University is the first of its kind in Canada and globally. This unique program combines critical and foundational elements of the creative arts for which the Humanities is known with the clinical and evidence-based approaches of Rehabilitation Science. Recent evidence highlights the benefits of including arts-based approaches in the training of health professionals, which can improve their communication, reflexivity, and observation skills. Professionals who understand the complex nature of health and well-being are better positioned to address the needs of individuals and their communities.

Courses from the Faculty of Humanities address a range of topics focused on foundational knowledge necessary for understanding health. Examples include the history of medicine and healthcare, linguistics, philosophy, ethics, and other areas related to peace and cultural studies. In coursework focused on Rehabilitation Science, students will explore key underpinnings of rehabilitation practice and research, including evidence-based rehabilitation, communication, and observation skills, as well as clinical reasoning. Across all IRH courses is a strong focus on the social determinants of health. Issues specific to equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenous reconciliation will be explored in the context of past and current conceptualizations of health, function, and disability, as reflected in local (provincial/national) and global approaches to quality of life and well-being. Students in the B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH program will have experiential learning components alongside options for contributing to clinical and applied research, as well as opportunities for community engagement, including fieldwork placements.

In this degree, just over half of the content will be offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) through the School of Rehabilitation Science and other FHS programs, just over one-third by the Faculty of Humanities, and the remaining one-sixth from other university courses.

B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH Program Objectives

The B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH program aims to integrate principles and courses from the Faculties of Humanities and Health Sciences (School of Rehabilitation Science) to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Teach students what it means to be human at its most fundamental level, as reflected in the various aspects of humanities, including history, philosophy, literature, and the creative arts.
  2. Introduce students to the multiple interfaces between the humanities, health, and rehabilitation that can help them engage and transform their communities.
  3. Engage students in experiential learning and critical reflection that advances their understanding of the complex nature of health and well-being to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to address such complexity by combining humanities and rehabilitation perspectives.
  4. Prepare students for future excellence through critical thinking and collaborative problem-solving in the classroom and beyond. To accomplish the above objectives, the program will emphasize interprofessional interactions, knowledge-informed decision making, community engagement, experiential learning, and exposure to research.


Admission Policy

Enrolment in this program is limited. Admission is by selection, and possession of the published minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Selection is based on academic achievement but requires, as a minimum, completion of any Level 1 program with a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 6.0, Grade 12 Biology or BIOLOGY 1P03, and submission of a supplemental application to the School of Rehabilitation Science.


  1. The program has limited enrolment.
  2. Selection will be based on academic achievement in Level 1, alongside video-recorded and written response(s) to questions where students outline their motivation and interest in pursuing the proposed program. Applicants will also provide a 1-page resume with a list of up to three (3) references to corroborate experiences listed.
  3. Before choosing courses, students should be familiar with prerequisites to determine course selection in the subsequent year(s).

Academic Regulations

Student Academic Responsibility

Students are responsible for adhering to the statement on student academic responsibility found in the General Academic Regulations of this calendar.

Access to Courses

All undergraduate courses at McMaster have an enrolment capacity. The University is committed to making every effort to accommodate students in required courses so that their program of study is not extended. Unless otherwise specified, registration is on a first-come basis and in some cases, priority is given to students from particular programs or Faculties. Students will be informed of their enrolment periods and are encouraged to enroll as soon as online enrolment is available to them in the Student Centre in MOSAIC.


This information is directed to B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH students who are interested in completing a minor in another subject area. A minor is not available in the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Integrated Rehabilitation and Humanities Program.

A Minor is an option available to a student enrolled in a four- or five-level program. A Minor consists of a minimum of 24 units in the Minor subject. No more than six of these units can be at Level I, unless otherwise stated in the specific requirements of the Minor. A student is responsible for registering for courses to be applied towards a Minor using elective units only. In the case of cross-listed courses, students must ensure that they register in the appropriate subject for the Minor designation. Those who have the necessary requirements may apply for recognition of that Minor when they graduate. If recognition for a Minor is granted, this recognition will be recorded on the student’s transcript. Minors cannot be revoked once approved. Students may return for a second degree in the subject in which they have obtained a Minor, but only at the Honours level. For further information please refer to Minors in the General Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

Continuation in the Program

You must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 6.0 to continue in the program. If your GPA is 5.5 to 5.9, you may remain in the program, but will be placed on program probation for one reviewing period. You may be on program probation only once.

If your GPA is 3.5 to 5.4, you must transfer to another program for which you qualify, or you may enroll in the Bachelor of Heath Science Program as a transition student for one reviewing period. During that period, with permission, you can take B.H.Sc. IRH required courses (for which all course prerequisites have been met). Students in this situation must attend a mandatory preregistration academic advising session in the Faculty of Humanities Academic Advising. At the end of the probation period, you may apply for readmission to the B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH Program; a minimum GPA of 6.0 is required.

If your GPA is 3.0 to 3.4, you will be placed on academic probation. You may continue in the program for one reviewing period as a transition student. During that period, with permission, you can take B.H.Sc. IRH required courses (for which all course prerequisites have been met). Students in this situation must attend a mandatory preregistration academic advising session in the Faculty of Humanities Academic Advising. The purpose of this period is to prepare yourself for a program outside the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Program. You may be on academic probation only once.

If your GPA is less than 3.0 you may not continue at the University.

A student previously on Academic Probation who fails to achieve good standing (minimum GPA of 3.5) at a subsequent review, cannot continue at the university unless granted reinstatement. Please refer to the General Academic Regulations  section in the undergraduate calendar.

Concurrent Certificates

Concurrent certificates are an option available to any student in an undergraduate degree program and may be completed as part of a student’s elective credit. Some concurrent certificates will require a student be admitted to this option, while others may involve completion of the course requirements and declaring the certificate at the time of graduation. Students should refer to the course requirements and details available in the Certificate and Diploma Programs section of the Calendar. One concurrent certificate program is currently administered by the School of Rehabilitation Science: Concurrent Certificate in Rehabilitation Science.

Letter of Permission

Students enrolled in the B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH Program may apply to take courses at another university on a Letter of Permission via MOSAIC. Students must achieve a grade of at least C- to receive credit.

Students are responsible for forwarding the transcript from the other university directly to the Program Director (IAHS 403). If a grade of C- or better is attained, the transcript designation reads T indicating transfer credit, or NC indicating not complete if less than a C- grade is attained.

Courses taken at another university cannot be used to satisfy the university’s minimum residence requirements, will not be included in the calculation of the Cumulative or Fall/Winter Averages, and therefore cannot be used to raise standing. Students may take up to six units of courses towards a Minor on a Letter of Permission. 

Students must be in good standing to be eligible to take courses on a Letter of Permission.

Level of Registration

A student with six or more units incomplete at any level may proceed to the next level of the program only with the permission of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH Program Office.

Deferred Examinations and Deferred Term Work

Students who have been granted more than one deferred examination or term-work privilege may be required by their Faculty/Program office to reduce their course load during the term in which the deferred examinations are being written. The decision on a reduced load will be made and communicated with the decision on the application for deferred examinations.

Reinstatement to the B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH Program

A student who may Not Continue at the University may apply for reinstatement. Students seeking reinstatement should complete the Reinstatement Request Form available at the Office of the Registrar (Gilmour Hall, Room 108). The completed form and the $100 fee must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by July 15 for September entry and November 30 for January entry.

The form should explain the reasons for the student’s inadequate performance, corroborated by two letters of support, and should also include relevant documentary evidence such as, for example, a physician’s letter documenting an illness that may have impacted upon the student’s prior academic performance. Reinstatement cases will be carefully screened, and the evidence considered will include the student’s academic performance before and following admission to McMaster, as well as the nature of the reasons cited in the letter, the letters of support, and the accompanying documentation. Reinstatement is not guaranteed.

If students are reinstated to the University, their GPA will be re-set to 0.0 on zero units, although students may, at the discretion of the faculty, retain credit for prior work. Following reinstatement, students will be on academic probation and must complete a minimum of 60 units of work after reinstatement to be eligible for graduation with Distinction or other recognition based on the GPA. If at any review after reinstatement the student’s GPA falls below 3.5, the student will be required to withdraw from the University for a period of at least 12 months.

Registration and Course Changes

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the program of work undertaken meets the requirements for the degree. It is highly recommended that you review your advisement report in MOSAIC each time you drop or add courses and seek academic counselling from the Faculty of Humanities Program Office if you have any questions. Dates for final registration and course changes appear in the Sessional Dates section of this Calendar and are enforced.

Academic Counselling

Academic counselling is available throughout the year from the Faculty of Humanities Advising Office. It is recommended that students make an appointment with an advisor from the program office if they have any questions.


A GPA of 5.0 or greater is required for graduation. Students who successfully completed 90 units, including the first three levels of the B.H.Sc IRH program may request permission from the B.H.Sc. (Honours) IRH Program Office to transfer to graduate with a non-honours three-year B.H.Sc (exit) degree. Please refer to the General Academic Regulations section in this Calendar for additional information related to graduation.


    Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)

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