Undergraduate Calendar 2014-2015 (Fall/Winter) [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]
Midwifery Education Program
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Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery, Room 2210, ext. 26654 http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/midwifery/
Eileen Hutton
Eileen Hutton/B.N.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Sc.N., Ph.D. (Toronto)
Derek Lobb/B.Sc. (Western Ontario), M.Sc. (Guelph), Ph.D. (Toronto) Anne Malott/B.Sc.N. (Windsor), M.S.N (Case Western Reserve), R.M. Helen McDonald/M.H.Sc. (McMaster), R.M. Patricia McNiven/M.Sc., Ph.D. (Toronto), R.M. Bruce Wainman/B.Sc. (Laurentian), M.H.Sc. (McMaster), Ph.D. (York)
Elizabeth Murray-Davis/BA (Guelph), BHSc (McMaster), MA (Toronto), PhD (Sheffi eld) R.M. Bridget Lynch/B.A (Norwich), M.A. (York), R.M.
C. Fernie
Program Overview
Midwives are primary health care providers who provide care and advice to women during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period; conduct deliveries and provide care for newborn babies. Midwives have well-developed interpersonal skills and are competent in areas of health education, counselling and interprofessional collaboration. Midwives’ expertise in the care of normal pregnancy and childbirth arises from their understanding of childbearing as a social, cultural and biological process and from their ability to competently exercise clinical skills and decision-making. Midwifery is potentially one of the most important components of women’s health care in Ontario. Midwifery education provides the base for sound professional practice. The educational program is an integral part of the evolution of the profession of midwifery in Ontario and is a leader in midwifery education in Canada. The program helps create future leaders and teachers. It assures practice and teaching as a continuum so that learning environments become available across Ontario.
The Midwifery Education Program at McMaster University is a collaborative venture shared by McMaster, Ryerson and Laurentian Universities, and leads to a Bachelor of Health Sciences (B.H.Sc.) in Midwifery.
Admission Procedures and Requirements
Enrolment in the Midwifery Education Program is limited. Admission into the Midwifery Education Program is by selection (see Selection Procedure) and reserved for candidates who meet all requirements and who satisfy the academic regulations of the university. It is recommended that applicants have completed at least one year of university studies prior to application. The application deadline is February 1 each year. All certified transcripts from secondary and post secondary institutions previously attended must be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar by the application deadline. Applications received after February 1 will not be considered. Please note that required courses must be completed at the time of application (excluding current High School students). All documents submitted with the application become the property of the university.
All applicants must have completed the following course requirements in order to be considered for admission:
A full course credit in:
- Science (Biology or Chemistry - both strongly recommended)
- English
- a Social Science (Anthropology, Family Studies, Geography, History, Law, Psychology, Sociology)
75% in each course is required.
It is recognized that applicants apply to the program with varying educational backgrounds. Applicants can fulfill the courses required from the following educational backgrounds:
Applicants Directly from Ontario Secondary Schools
The following are the minimum Grade 12 U and M requirements under the Ontario Secondary School curriculum:
- English U;
- One of Biology U or Chemistry U (both are recommended);
- One Grade U or M course in Social Science (History, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Law);
- Completion of additional Grade 12 U or M courses to total six credits;
- Students must obtain a minimum grade of 75% in each of the three (3) required courses listed in points 1, 2, and 3 above AND a minimum overall average acceptable to the Faculty.
Prior/Current College Diploma Studies
Applicants with prior or current college diploma studies from accredited Canadian colleges must have successfully completed the following courses under the Ontario Secondary School cirriculum with a minimum grade of 75% in each course:
- English 12 U;
- One of Biology 12 U or Chemistry 12 U (both are recommended);
- One Grade 12 U or M course in Social Science (i.e. Geography, History, Law, Psychology, Sociology).
In addition, the applicant’s overall average from their most recent College coursework and the three required subjects, must be a minimum of 75%. (Refer to Midwifery Education Program website for further information.)
Prior/Current University Students
Applicants with prior or current university studies at the time of application must have Grade 12 U or M courses from high school or equivalent university courses in three required subjects noted above. Applicants must have 75% in each of the three required subjects. In addition, the applicant’s overall average from their most recent undergraduate coursework and the three required courses must be a minimum of 75%. (Refer to Midwifery Education program website for further information.)
Mature Students
Mature students must have completed the three required subjects as noted in the basic requirements, and have obtained a minimum grade of 75% in each course. Students who do not meet the basic academic requirements as listed below are advised to take Grade 12 U or M courses or introductory university level courses. The two years absence from formal studies clause may be waived for those who take Grade 12 or U or M course upgrading. The following University requirements for Mature Students also apply. A student must:
- have not attended secondary school or college on a full-time basis for at least two years;
- have never attended university;
Prior Midwifery Education or Experience
For applicants with prior Midwifery Education or Experience, Ryerson University, through the division of Continuing Education, offers the International Midwifery Pre-Registration Program. The purpose of this program is to provide internationally educated midwives with assessment and education which will prepare them to register as midwives in Ontario.
Aboriginal Applicants
Applicants who wish to be considered under the Aboriginal (Indian, Inuit or Metis, as recognized in the Constitution Act, 1982) application process will also be required to provide a letter of recommendation from their First Nation, Band Council, Tribal Council, Treaty, community or organizational affiliation.
Aboriginal applicants will also be required to apply to the Ontario Universities Application Centre (http://www.ouac.on.ca) and complete a Midwifery on-line application form by February 1 of the year in which they are applying. All appropriate transcripts from secondary and post secondary education must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by February 1.
Applicants must meet the same minimum academic criteria for admission as set out for the general pool of candidates.
Transfer Credit
Students with previous university education may be eligible for transfer credits for non-clinical courses in Levels I and II. Transfer credits will be determined on an individual basis.
Selection Procedure
The Midwifery Education Program has a limited number of placements and the admission process is very competitive. The admission requirements stated are minimum requirements. Preference will be given to applicants with the best qualifications. The actual standing required for admission in recent years has been an average in the mid to high 80s. The program has a two step selection procedure:
- Assessment of academic eligibility.
- Admission interview – 80 applicants will be invited to Hamilton for an interview. The interview process will consist of ten, ten-minute interviews. Candidates must attend on the date and at the time specified.
Applicants must be successful at stage one to be considered for stage two.
Offers of admission will be made following the interview process.
Offers based on interim grades will be conditional upon maintaining satisfactory performance on final grades.
Unsuccessful Applicants
Applications are not held over from one year to another. If an unsuccessful applicant wishes to reapply to the Midwifery Education Program, a new application, including transcripts and supplementary materials must be submitted.
Application for Deferred Registration
Deferred registrations are not normally granted in the Midwifery Education Program.
Application Deadline
Submission of completed application forms to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre and an on-line application to the program must be received by the University no later than February 1 of the year in which registration is expected. All certified transcripts from secondary and post secondary education previously attended must be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar and received by February 1. Applications received after February 1 will not be considered.
The Ontario Public Hospitals Act requires that all persons working in a hospital setting meet certain criteria regarding surveillance for infectious diseases. In order for the requirement of the legislation to be met, students are required to complete the immunization screening process by September 1st in the year of admission and each subsequent academic year. Failure to do so will result in suspension of clinical work. Information will be sent to successful applicants prior to registration.
Police Records Check
An offer of admission is contingent upon provision of a Police Records Check, at the applicant’s expense, by August 15th of the year of admission. All registered students are required to have a satisfactory Police Records Check completed by August 15th annually. Expenses for the Police Records Check are the responsibility of the student.
The Police Records Check includes a Vulnerable Sector Screening and check of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), National Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database for the following:
- All records of Criminal Code (Canada) convictions
- All pardoned sexual offences
- All record of convictions under the Narcotic Control Act
- All records of convictions under the Food and Drug Act
- Any undertakings to enter into a Surety to Keep the Peace
- Any Restraining Orders issued under the Criminal Code (Canada) or the Family Act
- All outstanding warrants and charges
Financial Information
In 2011-2012 the tuition fees for a student in Level I of the Midwifery Education Program were $6,474.14 for an eight month academic term. Supplementary fees are estimated at $425.00 per year.
Additional costs include books, supplies, and other learning resources estimated at $1,000.00 - $1,500.00.
Students must have access to a vehicle for all placement courses.
Students should expect to relocate for clinical placements.
Students should expect to cover their own travel and accommodation costs during the program. The program strongly suggests that students join both the College of Midwives Subscriber Status and the Association of Ontario Midwives as a student member.
Academic Regulations
Student Academic Responsibility
You are responsible for adhering to the statement on student academic responsibility found in the General Academic Regulations of this calendar.
Access to Courses
All undergraduate courses at McMaster have an enrolment capacity. The University is committed to making every effort to accommodate students in required courses so that their program of study is not extended. Unless otherwise specified, registration is on a first-come basis and in some cases priority is given to students from particular programs or Faculties. All students are encouraged to register as soon as MUGSI/SOLAR is available to them.
Student Communication Responsibility
It is the student’s responsibility to:
- maintain current contact information with the University, including address, phone numbers, and emergency contact information.
- use the university provided e-mail address or maintain a valid forwarding e-mail address.
- regularly check the official University communications channels. Official University communications are considered received if sent by postal mail, by fax, or by e-mail to the student’s designated primary e-mail account via their @mcmaster.ca alias.
- accept that forwarded e-mails may be lost and that e-mail is considered received if sent via the student’s @mcmaster.ca alias.
In addition to meeting the General Academic Regulations of the University, students enrolled in the Midwifery Education Program will be subject to the following program regulations.
The Midwifery Education Program reserves the right, at any point during the term, to remove a student from a clinical placement or laboratory setting if the student exhibits unsafe clinical practice or behaviour that places clients or others at risk and/or violates the Midwifery Act of Ontario. Such removal will result in the student receiving a grade of F and may result in dismissal from the program.
Continuation in the Program
All courses (clinical and non-clinical) with the subject abbreviation MIDWIF and HTH SCI (as outlined in the Curriculum Plan) are required for the degree. Students are reviewed at the end of each term. Students must achieve a Cumulative Average (CA) of at least 6.0 in all graded courses and achieve a Pass/Satisfactory performance in all clinical courses at each review to continue in Good Standing in the program.
Good Standing
A student is considered to be in Good Standing when all of the following criteria are met. The student must:
- achieve a Cumulative Average (CA) of at least 6.0 in all graded courses;
- achieve a minimum grade of C- in HTH SCI 1D06; and a minimum grade of B- in MIDWIF 1D03 and 2G06;
- achieve a minimum grade of C- in HTH SCI 1C06, 1J03, 2M03 and MIDWIF 1F03 (or HTH SCI 3C04), 2F03, with the exception that a grade of D is acceptable in one of those courses;
- achieve a Pass/Satisfactory performance in all clinical courses;
- receive a passing grade (minimum D-) in graded courses other than those stated in 2. and 3. above.
A student will be placed on probation if any of the following criteria is met. The student:
- obtains a CA less than 6.0 in graded courses;
- obtains a grade of less than C- in HTH SCI 1D06 or a grade of less than B- in MIDWIF 1D03 and 2G06;
- obtains a grade of less than C- in more than one of HTH SCI 1C06, 1J03, 2M03 and MIDWIF 1F03 (or HTH SCI 3C04), 2F03;
- receives an F or a Fail/Unsatisfactory in any clinical course;
- fails any one course.
If a student receives a CA of less than 6.0 (5.5 to 5.9), he/she may remain in the program, but will be placed on program probation for one reviewing period. A student may be on program probation only once. A student on probation at the completion of Level II, Fall term, must undertake remedial course work and remove the probationary status before proceeding to MIDWIF 2H15. If a student receives a CA of 3.5 - 5.4, he/she may transfer to another program for which he/she qualifies.
A student must obtain a minimum pass grade (D-) except in courses with a higher minimum grade requirement (see items 2. and 3. under Good Standing above) when a course is repeated and receive an overall CA of 6.0 at the completion of a probation period. Planned course work for any student on probation must be approved by the Academic Review Committee.
Required to Withdraw
A student will be required to withdraw from the program if any of the following criteria is met. The student:
- obtains a Cumulative Average (CA) of less than 6.0 at the end of a probation period;
- fails two courses in an academic year;
- fails any two clinical courses at any time throughout the program;
- fails the second attempt at a course or receives a grade in the second attempt below C- for any of HTH SCI 1C06, 1D06, 1J03, 2M03, MIDWIF 1F03 (or HTH SCI 3C04), 2F03 or below B- for MIDWIF 1D03 or 2G06 (or MIDWIF 2G03);
- fails to complete program requirements for graduation within the maximum allowable time (five years);
Deans’ Honour List, Graduation with Distinction, Provost’s Honour Roll
Students will be evaluated for standing on the Deans’ Honour List, Graduation with Distinction and the Provost’s Honour Roll only upon completion of the program. Students will be named to the Deans’ Honour List and will Graduate with Distinction if they receive no failing, provisional or unsatisfactory grades in any courses throughout the program and achieve a CA of 9.5, on graded courses taken throughout the program.
For the Provost’s Honour Roll, students will be assessed if they have a CA of 12.0 and have not received a failing, provisional or unsatisfactory grade in any course throughout the program.
Graduation Requirements
A student is eligible for graduation when all of the following criteria are met. The student must:
- complete all required courses, including electives, with a CA of at least 6.0 including a minimum grade of C- in HTH SCI 1D06 and a minimum grade of B- in MIDWIF 1D03 and 2G03 or 2G06;
- complete HTH SCI 1C06, 1J03, 2M03, MIDWIF 1F03 (or HTH SCI 3C04), 2F03 with a minimum grade of C- with the exception of a D in one of those courses;
- complete all clinical courses with a Pass/Satisfactory grade;
- complete all courses for the degree within five years.
The practice of midwifery is regulated by the College of Midwives under the Midwifery Act, 1991 and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.
The Midwifery Education Program monitors and documents students’ clinical experience in order that students meet minimum practice requirements to be eligible for registration to practice. Graduation from the Midwifery Education Program does not guarantee registration with the College of Midwives of Ontario. All applicants to the College must meet additional registration requirements. New graduates are required to work in an established practice for their first year of registration.
Regulatory requirements are subject to change from time to time.
ProgramsBachelor of Health Sciences
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