Mar 11, 2025  
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Software Engineering and Virtual Systems Design, M. Eng.


Each student’s background will be assessed and his/her program of study designed to ensure appropriate depth and breadth in Software Engineering and Virtual Systems Design.

Students must successfully complete the equivalent of six half graduate courses. These include at least three core courses in Software Engineering with the remaining courses to be chosen from annual lists published by the department, of which at most two are 600-level courses approved by the department. Students must also submit and defend a report on an approved project, which must demonstrate ability to carry out independent study and reach a satisfactory conclusion in an area of Software Engineering and Virtual Systems Design.

Advanced Credit Option

Students in the Software Engineering (Game Design) program at McMaster University may apply for an Advanced Credit Option after their third year of undergraduate study. The Advanced Credit Option is open to graduates who have maintained a minimum average of B in each year of the B. Eng. program in Software Engineering (Game Design) at McMaster University and allows them to take two specified 600-level courses during their fourth undergraduate year.