Mar 06, 2025  
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 
School of Graduate Studies Calendar, 2016-2017 [-ARCHIVED CALENDAR-]

Cultural Studies and Critical Theory, M.A.


Candidates for the M.A. in Cultural Studies and Critical Theory will complete two half-year courses (CSCT 732 and 733) and 4 elective half courses (or their equivalent) over the fall and winter terms, with grades of at least B- in each, write a satisfactory major research project of 10,000 to 12,500 words (40 to 50 pages) over the course of the summer, and successfully present the project at a symposium.

The M.A. degree normally requires one full year to complete. The minimum admission requirement is a four-year undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline (or disciplines), and with an average of B+ in at least six full or twelve half courses beyond the introductory level. In recent years, successful candidates typically have had averages of at least 80% in their upper-level courses in their area(s) of specialization.