Mar 03, 2025  
Undergraduate Calendar 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Calendar 2024-2025

Honours Health and Society Specialization in Mental Health and Addiction (B.A.)


Enrolment in this program is limited and possession of the published minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Selection is based on academic achievement but requires, as a minimum, completion of any Level I program with a minimum Grade Point Average of 5.0 including a grade of at least C in HLTHAGE 1AA3  or 1ZZ3  and a grade of at least C in HLTHAGE 1CC3 . HLTHAGE 1BB3  must be completed by the end of 60 units, however students are strongly encouraged to complete this requirement in Level I. For continuation in the program, see General Academic Regulations .


  1. See Admission to Level II Programs  in the Faculty of Social Sciences Academic Regulations in this section of the Calendar.
  2. Students may take a maximum of 9-12 units from HLTHAGE 4AB3 , 4B03 4BB3 4BC3 , 4C03 4CH3 4D03 , 4F03 , 4G03 , 4I03 , 4J03 , 4N03 , 4O03 , 4Q03 , 4R03 , 4S03 , 4T03 , 4U03 , 4Z06 A/B .
  3. HLTHAGE 1BB3 - Introduction to Aging and Society  must be completed by the end of 60 units, however students are strongly encouraged to complete this requirement in Level I. One of HLTHAGE 1AA3  or 1ZZ3  and 1BB3  are prerequisites for HLTHAGE 2BB3  which is a required course in Level II of the program.
  4. Courses other than those listed below in the Course List may be substituted with the prior permission of the Chair. Students wishing to apply for substitutions must contact the Administrator of the Department of Health, Aging and Society. Given the extensive curriculum revisions that have been made, students are strongly encouraged to review course antirequisites in the Course Listings section of the Calendar.


120 units total (Levels I to IV), of which 48 units may be Level I

30 units


  • Level I program completed prior to admission to the program (See Admission above.)

12 units


3-6 units

As outlined below:

0-3 units

30-36 units

  • Electives, of which no more than 15 units may be from Health, Aging and Society (the maximum Health, Aging and Society courses to be taken is 66).